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Register a PostgreSQL database with ArcGIS Server

ArcGIS 10.9.1 (Linux)  | |  Help archive

To publish ArcGIS Server web services that access the data in your PostgreSQL database (whether or not the database contains a geodatabase), your ArcGIS Server site must connect to the database. To configure that connection, you need to do the following:

Grant privileges

The PostgreSQL login or group role you use to connect to the database must be granted privileges in the database to access the data to be published as follows:

  • The role must be able to connect to the database. By default, this is granted to the public group. If the database administrator revokes this privilege from the public group, he or she must grant the connect privilege to specific login roles or groups.
  • The role must be granted USAGE privileges on all schemas that contain data or other resources to be published. If you're using a geodatabase, the role must be granted USAGE on the sde schema. The database administrator grants schema privileges.
  • The role must be granted at least SELECT privileges on data to be published. If the data is in a geodatabase, the data owner must grant the required privileges on the datasets. If the data is in a database, the data owner can grant privileges from ArcGIS, or the database administrator can use database tools to grant the required privileges.
  • If you'll be publishing editable feature services, the role must be granted the privileges required to perform the editing actions role members need—INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE—on the data to be edited. If the data is in a geodatabase, the data owner must grant the required privileges on the datasets. If the data is in a database, the data owner can grant privileges from ArcGIS, or the database administrator can use database tools to grant the required privileges.
  • If you'll be registering the geodatabase as a managed database on a stand-alone or federated ArcGIS Server site, connect with a login role that has privileges sufficient to create data in the geodatabase. The login role must own a schema in the database that matches the login role name. The database administrator must create the schema.

See Privileges for geodatabases in PostgreSQL or Privileges for using ArcGIS with a PostgreSQL database for more information on privileges for different types of database users.

Connect to PostgreSQL

You'll need the following information to connect to a PostgreSQL database:

  • The type of database management system to which you are connecting (in this case, PostgreSQL)
  • The name of the server on which PostgreSQL is installed
  • The authentication type set to database authentication
  • A valid database login and password, which must be saved with the connection
  • The name of the database

For more information, see Database connections in ArcGIS Pro.

Register with ArcGIS Server

You can register the database from ArcGIS Server Manager, the Manage registered data stores pane in ArcGIS Pro. If the ArcGIS Server site is federated with an ArcGIS Enterprise portal, you can register the database by adding a user-managed data store item in the portal.

See the following for an explanation of registration options and how to register the database: