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Prepare deployment resources using the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS PREP command

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services PREP command automates several essential prerequisite tasks for an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment on Amazon Web Services (AWS). After preparing a JSON file specifying your parameters, run the PREP command to do the following:

  • Create a network stack and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket for your deployment if a bucket does not already exist. The S3 bucket is managed by Cloud Builder.
  • Create a Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for your deployment.
  • Upload all necessary authorization files and SSL certificates to the S3 bucket.
  • Import your SSL certificate to AWS Certificate Manager.

You only need to run the PREP command again in the following circumstances:

  • You want to create another deployment in a different region or on a separate network.
  • You have more than one AWS account and you want to create deployments for different accounts.
  • You need to update the SSL certificate for your deployment.
  • Your ArcGIS licenses expired, and you need to upload new license files.

The PREP command returns information to a text file on your local drive.

  1. Download the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services setup from My Esri and place it on your local drive.
  2. Double-click the Setup.exe file to start the installation. Follow instructions on each screen to complete the installation.

    The ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility and its supporting files and samples are installed to the location you specify during installation.

  3. Move your SSL certificate (.pfx) and license files (.prvc or .ecp for ArcGIS Server, and .json for Portal for ArcGIS) to the machine where you just extracted the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility.
  4. If you want to modify and use the sample .json files provided with the utility, make copies of the files in the Configuration\PrepSamples folder. Be sure to place the copies in a subfolder under the Configuration folder.
  5. Before executing the PREP command with the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility, modify one of the sample preparation files or create your own .json preparation file.

    To create a VPC and S3 bucket and upload your SSL certificate and ArcGIS license files in one step, modify your copy of the allprep.json sample file, or create your own .json preparation file that includes the parameters shown in the following example. Open the file in a text editor, set the parameters to the information specific to your account and deployment, and save your changes. For a description of each parameter, see ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS parameters

    In this example, the utility connects to the AWS account using the account's access key and secret access key. License files and an SSL certificate will be copied from the specified local folders and placed in the S3 deployment bucket that is managed by ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS. A VPC will also be created in availability zones ap-northeast-1b and ap-northeast-1a.

    Note that it is possible that all your ArcGIS Server licenses are in the same file.

    	"AWSCredentials": {
    	 "AWSSecretKey": "ABCDLZDYIzZuXHlWHOPhMqrTmABCD",
    		"AWSRegion": "ap-northeast-1"
    	"NetworkStack": {
    		"StackName": "EnterpriseVPC",
    		"AZs": "ap-northeast-1b,ap-northeast-1a",
    	"ArcGISEnterpriseFiles": {
    	 "PortalLicense": "C:\\ArcGISLicenses\\Your_Portal_License.json",
    		"ServerLicense": "C:\\ArcGISLicenses\\Your_GIS_Server_License.prvc",
    		"GeoAnalyticsLicense": "C:\\ArcGISLicenses\\Your_GeoAnalytics_Server_License.prvc", 
      "NotebookServerLicense": "C:\\ArcGISLicenses\\Your_Notebook_Server_License.prvc",
      "MissionServerLicense": "C:\\ArcGISLicenses\\Your_Mission_Server_License.prvc", 		
      "ImageServerLicense": "C:\\ArcGISLicenses\\Your_Image_Server_License.prvc",
    		"RasterAnalyticsLicense": "C:\\ArcGISLicenses\\Your_Image_Server_License.prvc",
    		"ImageHostingLicense": "C:\\ArcGISLicenses\\Your_Image_Server_License.prvc",
    		"GeoEventLicense": "C:\\ArcGISLicenses\\Your_GeoEvent_Server_License.prvc",
    		"SSLCertificateFile": "C:\\MyCerts\\wildcard_yourdomain_com.pfx",
    		"SSLCertPassword": "changeit"

  6. Open Command Prompt and change directories (cd) to the folder where you installed the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility and files. Run the utility with the PREP command: cloudbuilder.exe PREP -j <prepfilename.json>

    For example, to use a file named myallprep.json that you placed in a new prep file subfolder of the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS Configuration folder, type the following:

    cloudbuilder.exe PREP -j Configuration\MyPrepFiles\myallprep.json

  7. Locate the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder CLI for AWS utility's output file (in the format PREP_<date><time>.json) in the CloudBuilder\AWS\CLI\Output folder on your local drive. This file contains information you need when you create the deployment.

    The output from running the example file in step 5 would include an ID and two subnet IDs for a new VPC, the S3 bucket name, and the unique Amazon Resource Name (ARN) created for your SSL certificate.

    "NetworkStack": {
          "VPCId": "vpc-z9fb11ba",
          "subnet1": "subnet-z319acee",
          "subnet2": "subnet-f4fc658f"
       "DeploymentDetails": {
          "PortalLicense": "resources/licenses/<version>/portal/Your_Portal_License.json",
    	    	"ServerLicense": "resources/licenses/<version>/server/Your_GIS_Server_License.prvc",
    	    	"GeoAnalyticsLicense": "resources/licenses/<version>/geoanalytics/Your_GeoAnalytics_Server_License.prvc",
          "NotebookServerLicense": "resources/licenses/<version>/notebookserver/Your_Notebook_Server_License.prvc",	
          "MissionServerLicense": "resources/licenses/<version>/missionserver/Your_Mission_Server_License.prvc",	
          "ImageServerLicense": "resources/licenses/<version>/image/Your_Image_Server_License.prvc",
    	    	"RasterAnalyticsLicense": "resources/licenses/<version>//rasteranalytics/Your_Image_Server_License.prvc",
    	    	"ImageHostingLicense": "resources/licenses/<version>//imagehosting/Your_Image_Server_License.prvc",
    	    	"GeoEventLicense": "resources/licenses/<version>/geoevent/Your_GeoEvent_Server_License.prvc",
    	     "SSLCertificateFile": "resources/sslcerts/wildcard_yourdomain_com.pfx",
          "SSLCertificateARN": "arn:aws:acm:ap-northeast-1:123456789123:certificate/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
          "DeploymentBucket": "esri-aws-1234567890"

    Note that the contents of the output file will vary depending on what information you provided in the configuration file.

You're now ready to create a deployment using the command line interface.