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Remove ArcGIS GeoEvent Server machines before upgrading the site

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Multiple machine ArcGIS GeoEvent Server sites are no longer supported with ArcGIS Enterprise on Microsoft Azure. Before you can upgrade ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, you must remove all but one machine from the site.

The workflow for removing machines depends on whether the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server is version 2 (V2) or version 1(V1). Follow the instructions appropriate for your deployment version type.

Remove machines from a V2 multimachine ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site

Before you upgrade a V2 ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site that contains multiple machines, follow these steps to remove all but one machine from the site.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure and access the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site that needs to be upgraded.
  2. Locate the multimachine ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site in the deployments list.
  3. To complete the remaining steps, you need the name of the machine that you will keep in the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site and the name of the application gateway.


    To see the names of all resources in your site, you can click the Delete button Delete. Be careful if you do this. Record the name of the machine you want to keep and the name of the application gateway associated with the site and click Cancel. If you do not click Cancel, you may delete your site.

    Before you begin, identify the machine you're going to keep. If the site does not have a separate, dedicated file server machine, you must keep the machine that contains the file server. It is usually the first machine that was added to the deployment (machine0). You can confirm the VM role for the machine in the Microsoft Azure portal. If the machine fills both roles, the VM role will be FileShare,Server.

  4. Click the Connect using Remote Desktop button Connect using Remote Desktop for the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site.

    You are connected to the jumpbox in your site.

  5. Make a Remote Desktop connection from the jumpbox to the machine you want to keep in the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site.
  6. On the machine you want to keep, complete the following steps to unregister all the machines in your site except the machine you're connected to.
    1. Open a web browser and connect to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory for the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site and sign in as the site administrator.

      For example, open https://localhost:6443/arcgis/admin.

    2. Go to machines > <your machine name> to access the machines associated with the site.

      The URL will be similar to https://localhost:6443/arcgis/admin/machines/<machine_name>. The machine name is the name of the machine you're connected to.

    3. Click Unregister to remove all but one machine from the site.
  7. In the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory, complete the following steps to export the self-signed certificate and set it as the default SSL certificate for the machine.
    1. Go to machines > <your machine name> > sslcertificates > selfsignedcertificate to access the self-signed certificate associated with the site.

      The URL will be similar to https://localhost:6443/arcgis/admin/machines/<machine_name>/sslcertificates/selfsignedcertificate.

    2. Click the export link to download the public key .cer file for the certificate.
    3. Go back to machines > <name of machine you're logged into> (https://localhost:6443/arcgis/admin/machines/<machine_name>) and click the edit link.
    4. Update the Web server SSL Certificate setting so it defaults to the self-signed certificate alias, selfsignedcertifcate.
    5. Click Save Edits.

      The ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site restarts.

  8. On the machine you want to keep, open another web browser window and connect to your account in the Microsoft Azure portal.
  9. Locate the application gateway resource associated with your site, click the Backend Pools tab, and open Backendpool for your site.

    If you have a stand-alone ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site, the pool name is the name of the machine plus the suffix -StandAloneServerBackendPool. If the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site is federated with an ArcGIS Enterprise portal, the pool name is the name of the machine with the suffix -FederatedServerBackendPool.

  10. Remove all the machines from the pool except the one you're currently connected to.
  11. Click the HTTP setting tab.

    The HTTP setting tab has three values. If your site is federated, the setting names are the name of the machine with suffixes -FederatedServerHttpsSetting, -FederatedGeoEventServerHttpsSetting, and -FederatedWSGeoEventServerHttpsSetting. If it's a stand-alone site, the setting names are the machine name with the suffixes -StandAloneServerHttpsSetting, -StandAloneGeoEventServerHttpsSetting, and -StandAloneWSGeoEventServerHttpsSetting.

  12. Update the certificate for each HTTP setting value for the remaining machine.
    1. Click the first HTTP setting.
    2. Copy the name of the existing certificate for the setting and paste the name into a temporary location such as a text editor.
    3. Under the Certificate subheading for the setting, delete the existing certificate.
    4. Click Add Certificate and upload the certificate file (.cer) you exported from the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory in step 6b.
    5. Name the uploaded certificate the same name as the certificate you deleted. This is the name that you copied to a temporary location in step 11b.
    6. Click the next HTTP setting in the list and repeat substeps b through e above until you have updated the certificate for all three settings.

    To confirm that the site is functioning, click the Backend health tab under Monitoring and ensure that each resource in the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site shows a status of healthy.

  13. Return to ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure to delete virtual machines, associated managed disks (<machine name>-OsDisk), and Network Interface (<machine name>-nic) for the machines you want to remove from the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site.
    1. Click the Delete button Delete for the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site in the list of deployments.
    2. Uncheck all the boxes except for the machines, disks, and network interfaces for the machines you want to delete from the site.

      For example, to keep hwmachine0 and delete machines hwmachine1 and hwmachine2, ensure that the only boxes checked are the following:

      • hwmachine1
      • hwmachine1-OsDisk
      • hwmachine1-nic
      • hwmachine2
      • hwmachine2-OsDisk
      • hwmachine2-nic


      Do not delete the resource group, virtual network, IP addresses, application gateway, or jumpbox.

    3. Click Next to review the list of resources to be deleted.

      If resources appear in the list that should not be deleted, click Back and uncheck the resources that should not be deleted. If the correct resources are listed, click Finish to delete them.

Your site now contains only one machine.

Proceed with upgrading the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site.

Remove machines from a V1 multimachine ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site

Before you upgrade a V1 ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site that contains multiple machines, follow these steps to remove all but one machine from the site.

  1. Open a web browser and connect to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory for the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site and sign in as the site administrator.

    For example, open https://<External fully qualified domain name>/arcgis/admin.

  2. Go to machines > <your machine name> to access the machines associated with the site.

    The URL will be similar to https://<External fully qualified domain name>/arcgis/admin/machines/<machine_name>.

  3. Click Unregister to remove all but one machine from the site.


    If the site does not have a separate, dedicated file server machine, do not delete the machine that contains the file server. It is usually the first machine that was added to the deployment (machine0). You can confirm the VM role for the machine in the Microsoft Azure portal. If the machine fills both roles, the VM role will be FileShare,Server.

  4. Open another web browser window and connect to your account in the Microsoft Azure portal.
  5. Locate the load balancer resource associated with your site and click the Backend pools tab and open Backendpool for your site.
  6. Remove all the machines from the pool except the one you want to keep in the upgraded site.
  7. Return to ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure to delete virtual machines, associated managed disks (<machine name>-OsDisk), and Network Interface (<machine name>-nic) for the machines you want to remove from the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site.
    1. Click the Delete button Delete for the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site in the list of deployments.
    2. Uncheck all the boxes except for the machines, disks, and network interfaces for the machines you want to delete from the site.

      For example, to keep hwmachine0 and delete machines hwmachine1 and hwmachine2, ensure that the only boxes checked are the following:

      • hwmachine1
      • hwmachine1-OsDisk
      • hwmachine1-nic
      • hwmachine2
      • hwmachine2-OsDisk
      • hwmachine2-nic


      Do not delete the resource group, virtual network, IP addresses, or load balancer.

    3. Click Next to review the list of resources to be deleted.

      If resources appear in the list that should not be deleted, click Back and uncheck the resources that should not be deleted. If the correct resources are listed, click Finish to delete them.

Your site now contains only one machine.

Proceed with upgrading the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site.