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Use an Informix database with ArcGIS Server

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

To publish data from an IBM Informix database to an ArcGIS Server site, do the following:

Install Informix client software

The Informix Client SDK or IConnect software must be installed on all ArcGIS client machines that will connect to the database. If you do not have the privileges to install software on the machines where ArcGIS Server and ArcMap are running, you'll need to have your IT department install these for you.

If you have multiple servers in your ArcGIS Server site, install the 64-bit Informix client on each machine. You must install a 32-bit Informix client on all ArcMap machines that will connect to the Informix database. You can obtain Informix client software from My Esri or IBM.

If ArcGIS Server and ArcMap are installed on the same machine, you must install both the 32-bit and 64-bit clients.

Be sure to set the same data source name for the Informix client on the ArcGIS Server machines and all ArcMap machines that will publish data from the Informix database.

See Connect to Informix from ArcGIS for more information on setting up Informix client software.

Set variables

There are several variables that the ArcGIS Server administrator must set in the ArcGIS Server script when connecting to an Informix database from ArcGIS Server (Linux). They include the following:

  • PATH

See Configure a connection to a database in ArcGIS Server for more information.

Grant privileges

The login used to connect to the database must have specific privileges granted to it. For logins that will only publish read-only services, grant the privileges for a data viewer as described in Privileges for geodatabases in Informix or Privileges for using ArcGIS with an Informix database. For logins that will publish editable feature services, grant the privileges for a data editor.

If your connection to Informix uses operating system authentication, be sure to grant the appropriate privileges to the ArcGIS Server account.

If the data is in a geodatabase, the data owner must grant the required privileges to the data. If the data is in a database, the data owner can grant privileges from ArcGIS, or the database administrator can use database tools to grant the required privileges.

Create a map and service definition file

Create a map in ArcMap that contains the Informix data you want to publish as an ArcGIS Server web service. Connect to the database using a login that has the privileges to access the data.

Create a service definition file. Be sure to check the No available connection check box, but do not check the Include data in service definition when publishing check box.

Publish the service definition file

Create a publisher connection to your ArcGIS Server site and publish the service definition file.