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Advanced site mode configuration

This ArcGIS 11.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

By default, switching to read-only mode will copy site configuration files to a local repository on each machine in the site. Your services will also be restarted. To change this default behavior, you will need to edit properties in the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory after changing the site mode to read-only mode.


To configure the default behavior when switching to read-only mode, your site must be editable.

The local repository contains the configuration store and input directory from your site. Once your services have restarted after changing site modes, the services will refer to the local repository. In the event of a failure connecting to the configuration store, whether because of network connectivity issues or loss of the network share, your site will be able to read from the local repository. The site will then operate in a degraded capacity that will allow access to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory.


The jobs and output directories for a multiple-machine site remain in their shared location when the site is in read-only mode. They are not copied to each local machine.

If your ArcGIS Server site uses a single machine whose configuration store is kept on the local machine, it is recommended that you turn off local copying of the site configuration files.

Configure behavior when switching to read-only mode

Change the local repository location

The default location for the local repository is <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\local. Ensure that this location or any other you choose for the local repository has sufficient space for your site's configuration store and input directory.

  1. Open the Administrator Directory and sign in as a member with administrative privileges.
  2. Click System > Configstore.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Change the location in Local Repository Path.
  5. Click Save Edits to apply your changes.

Change whether configuration files are copied to the local repository

  1. Open the Administrator Directory and sign in as a member with administrative privileges.
  2. Click System > Properties.
  3. Click Update.
  4. Add the following property: {"readOnlyModeCopyConfigLocal": false}. You can change the property to true to return to the default behavior of copying configuration files to the local repository.
  5. Click Update.

Change service restart behavior

Your services are restarted when changing site modes in order to refer to the local repository when in read-only mode and to the global configuration store when in editable mode.

  1. Open the Administrator Directory and sign in as a member with administrative privileges.
  2. Click System > Properties.
  3. Click Update.
  4. Add the following property: {"readOnlyModeRestartServices": false}. You can change the property to true to return to the default behavior of restarting your services when switching between site modes.
  5. Click Update.