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Manage users in Manager

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The Security module in ArcGIS Server Manager contains a Users page. If you have a stand-alone ArcGIS Server site, you can use this page to view and manage the users allowed to administer and access your site's resources.

The features available on this page vary depending on where your users are managed. If users are in the ArcGIS Server built-in store, you can add, modify, and delete users in Manager. If you have configured web-tier authentication, you can only view the list of users and search for users. You cannot add new users, delete users, or modify a user's information in Manager.

If your server site is federated with an ArcGIS Enterprise portal, the users list in ArcGIS Server Manager will be grayed out. Log in to the portal as an administrator to manage users.

Learn more about the security models available in ArcGIS Server

View users

To view the users in your identity store, follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to Manager as the primary site administrator or a user with administrative access.
  2. Click Security > Users.

Manager only displays the first 1,000 users in your identity store. However, Manager offers a Search tool that you can use to locate and view the properties of a user. This is especially convenient when your identity store contains a large number of users. To find a user using the Search tool, see the next section in this topic.


On the Users page, only users belonging to the same domain as the ArcGIS Server site are displayed. To view users belonging to other domains, you will need to use the Search tool.

Add users

You can add a new user to the built-in store in Manager by following the steps below.


If you have configured web-tier authentication, use your external identity store's user management tool to add a new user.

  1. Log in to Manager as the primary site administrator or a user with administrative access.
  2. Click Security > Users.
  3. Click New user. This displays a dialog box to add a new user. On this dialog box, provide the following information:
    • Username: This is a required parameter and must be set to a unique value that easily identifies the user. The user name is case sensitive.
    • Password: This is a required parameter and must be typed twice for confirmation. Use a strong password that is at least eight characters and contains at least one numeric and one nonalphanumeric character (!, #, %, and so on). The password is case sensitive.
    • Email: The email address of the user.
    • Full name: The user's full name.
    • Description: A brief description for the user.
  4. To make this user a member of one or more roles, click the Add Role button Add Role next to the role name in the Available roles list. You need to have at least one role previously defined to do this. If there are currently no roles defined, you can edit the user later to add roles to it. To add a role to the identity store, see Manage roles in Manager.
  5. Once you have defined the user as desired, click Create to add the user to the identity store.

Search for a user

To search for a user in Manager, follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to Manager as the primary site administrator or a user with administrative access.
  2. Click Security > Users.
  3. Enter the username or full name of the user you want to locate on the Find User dialog box.

    If users are managed in an organization-specific identity provider, such as LDAP or Active Directory, you can also type the first few characters of the user name or use the asterisk (*) character to replace one or more characters in the user name. For example, to locate a user named John Smith, you can use the search string Jo*th, *Smith or John*.


    The search string [user name] only locates users belonging to the same domain as the ArcGIS Server site. To locate a specific user in a different domain, use the search string [domain]\[user name]. To list of all the users in a different domain, use the search string [domain]\.

  4. Click the Search button Search to view the results of your query.

Modify a user

You can modify a user's properties and role membership in Manager.


If a user account was used to register ArcGIS Web Adaptor with your site, and you later change the account's password or demote the user to a role that does not have administrative privileges, you need to reconfigure the Web Adaptor. Even though HTTP communication is not disrupted between the Web Adaptor and the site after modifying the account, the Web Adaptor cannot update its internal list of machines until you reconfigure. For full instructions, see Configure the Web Adaptor after installation.

  1. Log in to Manager as the primary site administrator or a user with administrative access.
  2. Click Security > Users.
  3. Locate the user you want to modify and click the edit button Edit corresponding to that user. This opens a dialog box that allows you to edit the user's password, email address, full name, and description.

    You cannot modify the user's user name.

  4. To change the user's role membership, click the Add Role button Add Role to add roles from the Available roles list. Click the Delete buttonDelete next to a role to remove it from the Member of list.
  5. Click Save to apply your changes or Cancel to abandon the changes and return to the Users page.

Delete a user

You can delete a user in Manager by following the steps below.


If you have configured web-tier authentication, use your external identity store's user management tool to delete users.

  1. Log in to Manager as the primary site administrator or a user with administrative access.
  2. Click Security > Users.
  3. Click the Delete button Delete corresponding to that user.
  4. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog box to delete the user from the identity store.