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Upgrade an ArcGIS Mission Server site on AWS

This ArcGIS 11.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

How you upgrade depends on how and when you created the ArcGIS Mission Server site on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Before you upgrade

No matter which upgrade method you use, review the following information before you upgrade your deployment:

  • You must obtain a new license file to upgrade to 11.0.
  • Make a backup of the ArcGIS Mission Server site before upgrading.
  • You must upgrade the ArcGIS Enterprise portal with which ArcGIS Mission Server is federated before upgrading the ArcGIS Mission Server site.

Upgrade using manual upgrade procedures

The manual upgrade procedure for an ArcGIS Mission Server site on AWS is similar to upgrading one on-premises. Therefore, follow instructions in the ArcGIS Mission Server installation guide to upgrade the site. Read the instructions specific to the operating system on your EC2 instances:

Upgrade using Chef scripts

If you created the ArcGIS Mission Server site using a 10.8 or 10.8.1 Esri Amazon Web Services CloudFormation template, you can upgrade using Chef scripts.

Upgrade steps are different for deployments on Microsoft Windows and Ubuntu. Follow the instructions applicable to the operating system of your deployment.

Upgrade a site on Windows

Follow the steps in the next two sections to use Chef to upgrade an ArcGIS Mission Server site and its ArcGIS Web Adaptor on Windows Amazon EC2 instances.

Upgrade ArcGIS Mission Server

First, upgrade ArcGIS Mission Server on the EC2 instance in the site.

  1. Make a remote desktop connection to the EC2 instance in the ArcGIS Mission Server site.
  2. Download and install Chef or Cinc client 16.16.13. If you have an older version of Chef installed, update it to version 16.16.13.
  3. Download the 11.0 versions of the following installation files from your account in My Esri and upload them to the C:\Software\Archives folder on the EC2 instance.

    • ArcGIS_Mission_Server_Windows_110_182935.exe
    • ArcGIS_Web_Adaptor_for_Microsoft_IIS_110_182888.exe

  4. Obtain an ArcGIS Mission Server 11.0 authorization file and place it in a local folder on the EC2 instance or a file share that you can access from the EC2 instance.
  5. Download the ArcGIS Cookbook version 4.0.0 ( to the EC2 instance, unzip the file, and place the contents of the unzipped file in the C:\chef folder.
  6. Delete the following folders:

    • C:\chef\nodes
    • C:\Users\Administrator\.chef\local-mode-cache

  7. The mission-server.json file you will use to upgrade is included in the cookbook you downloaded and extracted in step 5. It is located in C:\chef\templates\arcgis-mission\11.0\windows\.
  8. Change directories to the chef subfolder to which you extracted the cookbook, open the mission-server.json file in a text editor, and modify the following parameters:

    • Set the password for the Windows account used to run the ArcGIS Mission Server service.
      "arcgis" : {
          "run_as_password": "<password>",
    • Specify the location where you placed the ArcGIS Mission Server authorization file.
      "arcgis" : {
          "mission-server": {
              "authorization_file": "<drive>\\<folder>",
    • Set the user name and password for the ArcGIS Mission Server site administrator.
      "arcgis" : {
          "mission-server": {
      	       "admin_username": "<username>",
              "admin_password": "<password>",
    • Set the root server directory location. The default location is C:\arcgismissionserver\directories, but you may have used a different drive or path.
      "arcgis" : {
          "mission-server": {
          "directories_root": "<drive>\\<folder>",
    • Set the connection string for the location of the ArcGIS Mission Server configuration directory. This was set when you created the ArcGIS Mission Server site. To find the string, sign in to the ArcGIS Mission Server administrator directory for the ArcGIS Mission Server site as the site administrator and go to system > configStore.
      "arcgis" : {
          "mission-server": {
          "config_store_connection_string": "<drive>\\<folder>",
    • Set the web socket context URL. This was set when you created the ArcGIS Mission Server site. To copy the URL, sign in to the ArcGIS Mission Server administrator directory for the ArcGIS Mission Server site as the site administrator and go to system > properties > REST. It is in the format wss://<fully qualified machine name>/<ArcGIS Mission Server web adaptor name>.
      "arcgis" : {
          "mission-server": {
          "system_properties": {
              "WebSocketContextURL": "<URL>"
    • Add a hostname node and leave it blank.
      "arcgis" : {
          "mission-server": {
          "hostname": ""

  9. Save and close the mission-server.json file.
  10. Open a command line window as an administrator, change the directory to C:\chef, and run the following command: chef-client -z -j c:\chef\templates\arcgis-mission\11.0\windows\mission-server.json.

Now upgrade ArcGIS Web Adaptor.

Upgrade ArcGIS Web Adaptor

Use the mission-server-webadaptor.json file, which is also included with the cookbook you downloaded in step 5 in the previous section, to upgrade ArcGIS Web Adaptor.

  1. Open the mission-server-webadaptor.json file in a text editor and modify the following parameters:

    • Set the password for the Windows account used to run the ArcGIS Mission Server service.
      "arcgis" : {
          "run_as_password": "<password>",
    • Set the user name and password for the ArcGIS Mission Server site administrator.
      "arcgis" : {
          "mission-server": {
      	       "admin_username": "<username>",
              "admin_password": "<password>",
    • Set the location of the PKSC12 keystore file (.pfx) with SSL certificate for IIS.
      "arcgis" : {
          "iis": {
          "keystore_file": "<drive>\\<folder>\\<file name>.pfx",
    • Set the password for keystore file with SSL certificate for IIS.
      "arcgis" : {
          "iis": {
          "keystore_password": "<password>"

  2. Open a command line window as an administrator, change directory to C:\chef, and run the following command: chef-client -z -j c:\chef\templates\arcgis-mission\11.0\windows\mission-server-webadaptor.json.

Upgrade a site on Ubuntu

Follow these steps in the next two sections to use Chef to upgrade an ArcGIS Mission Server site and its ArcGIS Web Adaptor on Ubuntu Amazon EC2 instances.

Upgrade ArcGIS Mission Server

First, upgrade ArcGIS Mission Server on the EC2 instance in the site.

  1. As the ubuntu user, SSH to the EC2 instance in the ArcGIS Mission Server site.
  2. Use one of the following commands to download and install Chef or Cinc client 16.16.13. If you have an older version of Chef installed, update it to version 16.16.13.
    • Chef client: sudo curl -L | sudo bash -s -- -v 16.16.13
    • Cinc client: sudo curl -L | sudo bash -s -- -v 16.16.13
  3. Download the 11.0 versions of the following installation files from your account in My Esri and upload them to the /opt/software/archives directory on the EC2 instance.

    • ArcGIS_Mission_Server_Linux_110_183045.tar.gz
    • ArcGIS_Web_Adaptor_Java_Linux_110_182987.tar.gz

  4. Obtain an ArcGIS Mission Server 11.0 authorization file and place it in a local folder on the EC2 instance or a file share that you can access from the EC2 instance.
  5. Download the ArcGIS Cookbook version 4.0.0 (arcgis-4.0.0-cookbooks.tar.gz) to the EC2 instance, untar and unzip the file, and place the files contents in the /opt/chef directory.
  6. The mission-server.json file you will use to upgrade is included in the cookbook you downloaded and extracted in the previous step.
  7. Change directories to /opt/chef/templates/arcgis-mission/11.0/linux, open the mission-server.json file in a text editor, and modify the following parameters:

    • Set the installation directory to /home.
      "arcgis" : {
          "mission_server": {
              "install_dir": "/home"
    • Specify the location where you placed the ArcGIS Mission Server authorization file.
      "arcgis" : {
          "mission_server": {
              "authorization_file": "/<folder>/<subfolder>",
    • Set the user name and password for the ArcGIS Mission Server site administrator.
      "arcgis" : {
          "mission_server": {
      	       "admin_username": "<username>",
              "admin_password": "<password>",
    • Set the root server directory location to /gisdata/arcgismissionserver.
      "arcgis" : {
          "mission_server": {
          "directories_root": "/gisdata/arcgismissionserver",
    • Set the connection string for the location of the ArcGIS Mission Server configuration directory to /gisdata/arcgismissionserver/config-store.
      "arcgis" : {
          "mission_server": {
          "config_store_connection_string": "/gisdata/arcgismissionserver/config-store",
    • Set the log directory to /home/arcgis/mission/usr/logs/.
      "arcgis" : {
          "mission_server": {
          "log_dir": "/home/arcgis/mission/usr/logs/",
    • Set the web socket context URL. This was set when you created the ArcGIS Mission Server site. To copy the URL, sign in to the ArcGIS Mission Server administrator directory for the ArcGIS Mission Server site as the site administrator and go to system > properties > REST. It is in the format wss://<fully qualified machine name>/<ArcGIS Mission Server web adaptor name>.
      "arcgis" : {
          "mission_server": {
          "system_properties": {
              "WebSocketContextURL": "<URL>"
    • Add a hostname node and leave it blank.
      "arcgis" : {
          "mission_server": {
          "hostname": ""

  8. Save and close the mission-server.json file.
  9. As the ubuntu user, run the following command: sudo chef-client -z -j /opt/chef/templates/arcgis-mission/11.0/linux/mission-server.json.

Now upgrade ArcGIS Web Adaptor.

Upgrade ArcGIS Web Adaptor

Use the mission-server-webadaptor.json file, which is also included with the cookbook you downloaded in step 5 in the previous section, to upgrade ArcGIS Web Adaptor.

  1. Open the mission-server-webadaptor.json file in a text editor and modify the following parameters:

    • Set the location of the PKSC12 keystore file (.pfx) with SSL certificate for Apache Tomcat.
      "arcgis" : {
          "tomcat": {
          "keystore_file": "/<folder>/<subfolder>/<file name>.pfx",
    • Set the password for keystore file with SSL certificate for Tomcat.
      "arcgis" : {
          "tomcat": {
          "keystore_password": "<password>"
    • Set the user name and password for the ArcGIS Mission Server site administrator:
      "arcgis" : {
          "mission_server": {
      	       "admin_username": "<username>",
              "admin_password": "<password>",

  2. Save and close the mission-server-webadaptor.json file.
  3. As the ubuntu user, change the directory to /opt/chef, and run the following command: chef-client -z -j /opt/chef/templates/arcgis-mission/11.0/linux/mission-server-webadaptor.json.

Upgrade using a CloudFormation template

If you used a 10.9 or 10.9.1 deployment CloudFormation template provided by Esri to create an ArcGIS Mission Server site, you can use the corresponding 11.0 upgrade template to upgrade it.

The following table lists corresponding deployment and upgrade templates and provides links to instructions for using the upgrade templates.

10.9 or 10.9.1 deployment template11.0 upgrade templateInstructions to use upgrade template



Upgrade a single machine ArcGIS Mission Server site using CloudFormation



Upgrade a multiple machine ArcGIS Mission Server site using CloudFormation