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Add a search bar

Add a search bar anywhere on your site using the search or banner cards so that people can use keywords and phrases to explore your site's content. You can also turn on Global Navigation to add a search bar to the top of your site next to your user profile and notifications.

What shows up in search results?

Content linked to your site will show up in your site's search results. For example, if you created an open data site to share data with your community, a community member can enter a search query for parks on your site's search bar and any item related to local community resources (such as web maps of playgrounds, schools, and pools) will appear as search results.


People, like staff members and team members, who have access to items that have been shared internally with a team or the organization, such as staff and team members, can also access private items in search results. They must sign in with their account to view content.

Use the search card

Use this card when you want to add a search bar anywhere on your site.

  1. Drag a search card onto an existing row.
  2. Hover over the card and click the settings button to switch to edit mode.
  3. Choose a size for Search Bar Width.
  4. Provide placeholder text in the Search Placeholder Text field. For example, you could use Search by Keyword or Find Data.

Use the banner card

If you'd like a search bar to appear in a specific section of your site, such as a section related to data, you can follow these steps to add a search bar.

  1. Drag a banner card onto an existing row.
  2. Hover over the card and click the settings button to switch to edit mode.
  3. Enter text for Headline and Subheadline.
  4. From the Search menu, click Show Searchbar to add a search bar to the banner. Optionally add placeholder text to appear in the search bars.
  5. From the Options menu, enter a value for Minimum Height to set the height of your banner. The value must be greater than zero.
  6. From the Background Image menu, optionally choose to upload an image file or provide an image URL. Both options support JPG, JPEG, and PNG.
    • To upload an image file, choose Upload Image and drag the file onto the box in the Site Editor, or click Browse for Image to locate and add your file. The maximum file size is 3 MB.
    • Or, provide an image URL by pasting a supported image link in the URL field.
  7. If using an image file, you can customize it by clicking the crop button and dragging a handle to resize the crop frame. The crop frame can be repositioned by dragging on the dotted line. You can also adjust zoom below the image using the slider, and reposition the image by clicking within the crop frame.
  8. For both image uploads and image URLs, you can optionally select a point for Image Focal Point to ensure an area of focus on your image regardless of how it appears on different screen sizes.