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ArcGIS Server 10.6.x system requirements

This ArcGIS 10.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The system and hardware requirements to run ArcGIS Server are listed below. For information about earlier versions, see Esri Support.

It's recommended that you review the deprecation notice to determine if your hardware and software components are still compatible with version 10.6.1.

Operating system requirements

The following 64-bit operating systems satisfy the minimum operating system requirements. Support is not provided for 32-bit operating systems; the setup will only proceed if the operating system is 64-bit.

Machines with an underscore (_) in their names are not supported. Several widely used Internet host name specifications have designated the underscore character as nonstandard. Although Windows allows you to use the underscore in a machine name, it can still cause problems when you interact with other servers and platforms. For this reason, ArcGIS Server will not install on servers that have an underscore in the host name.

ArcGIS Server is not supported on domain controllers. Installing ArcGIS Server on a domain controller may adversely affect functionality.


ArcGIS Server requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 (update 5 or later) Redistributables (x86 and x64). If Visual C++ 2017 Redistributables (update 5 or later) are not already installed, running setup.exe will install them before setup.msi is launched. Setup.msi will not install if the Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 (update 5 or later) Redistributables (x86 and x64) are not already installed.

Supported operating systems Latest update or service pack tested

Windows Server 2019 Standard and Datacenter

Nov 2018 Release

Windows Server 2016 Standard and Datacenter

Version 1607 with May 8, 2018 update

Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard and Datacenter

May 8, 2018 update

Windows Server 2012 Standard and Datacenter

May 8, 2018 update

Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise, and Datacenter

SP1 with May 8, 2018 update

Prior and future updates or service packs on these operating systems are supported unless otherwise stated. The operating system version and updates must also be supported by the operating system provider.


Windows 10, 8.1, and 7 are supported for basic testing and application development use only. They are not recommended for deployment in a production environment.

January 2018 security updates from Microsoft have caused geoprocessing services to crash when ArcGIS Server is running on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. Esri released a patch for each release of ArcGIS Server 10.2.1 through 10.6 to resolve this bug. While these operating systems are still supported, any instances of ArcGIS Server running on them should have the patch installed. All patches for this bug are available from Esri Technical Support.

Supported operating systems Latest update or service pack tested

Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise

Version 1803 with May 8, 2018 update

Windows 8.1 Pro and Enterprise

May 8, 2018

Windows 7 Ultimate, Professional, Enterprise, and Home Premium

SP1 with May 8, 2018 update

Operating system requirements and limitations


Hardware requirements

The minimum RAM requirement for GIS Server, ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, ArcGIS Image Server, or Esri Business Analyst for Server: 8 GB per unique license role.

For a production environment, minimum hardware requirements are not listed because the user and business needs of the software may vary. These requirements must be considered in determining hardware needs to meet performance and scalability expectations.

ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server: 16 GB

When configuring ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server, ensure that the drive hosting the When configuring ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server, ensure that the drive hosting the user profile has sufficient temporary space available. When determining a sufficient value, consider the input data size, the type of GeoAnalytics task, and the number of nodes in your site.

Example scenario:

Input data size: 100 GB of CSV point features

ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server nodes: 5

Task: Join Features (self-join, simple Cartesian product of evenly distributed features)

Recommended space on disk: (100 x 100 GB) / 5 = 2 TB/node

Increment space accordingly to accommodate concurrent GeoAnalytics jobs.

ArcGIS Server requires a minimum of 10 GB of available disk space.

Firewall settings

ArcGIS Server communicates on ports 1098, 4000–4004, 6006, 6080, 6099, and 6443. You'll need to open these ports on your firewall before installing the software. For more information, see Ports used by ArcGIS Server.

Domain name service (DNS) and fully qualified domain name (FQDN) recommendations

If you'll be federating your site with Portal for ArcGIS, it's recommended you configure your organization's domain name service (DNS) to include fully qualified domain name (FQDN) entries for each site you intend to federate with the portal. Portal for ArcGIS will request the FQDN of each site when you federate.

SSL certificates

ArcGIS Server comes preconfigured with a self-signed certificate, which allows the server to be initially tested and to help you quickly verify that your installation was successful. You must request a certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA) and configure the server to use it. This could be a domain certificate issued by your organization or a CA-signed certificate.

Like ArcGIS Server, Portal for ArcGIS also comes with a preconfigured self-signed certificate. If you'll be federating an ArcGIS Server site with Portal for ArcGIS, you should request a certificate from a trusted CA and configure the portal to use it.

For more information, see Best practices for configuring a secure environment.

Microsoft .NET Framework requirement for .NET Extension Support feature

The .NET Extension Support feature requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or higher. If Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is not found, the .NET Extension Support feature will not be available for installation.

If your operating system includes Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5, make sure it's enabled using Windows Features. If your operating system does not include Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5, you can download it from the installation media and enable it using Windows Features.

Geoprocessing requirements

Python 2.7.14, Numerical Python 1.9.3, and Matplotlib 1.5.2 are required to support certain core geoprocessing tools. If these are not detected, the setup will install them automatically (recommended).

Page file size requirements

Ensure that a sufficient page file size is configured for the ArcGIS Server machine. You should consult with your IT administrator or follow best practices from Microsoft.

When using ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server, the Windows page file can use up to 3X available physical RAM when working on memory intensive tasks. To avoid system failures and depleted disk space, move the page file to a volume with at least 3X physical RAM available space.

Supported web browsers

ArcGIS Server Manager requires one of the following web browsers to be installed:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Edge

ArcGIS Enterprise on cloud platforms

You can deploy ArcGIS Enterprise on many cloud platforms. Any cloud platform that provides virtual machines that meet the basic system requirements for operating system and system specifications is supported for use with ArcGIS Enterprise.

In addition to basic support, Esri provides deployment tooling and prebuilt virtual machine images on two popular cloud platforms: Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. When deploying on these two cloud platforms, it's recommended that you use the specialized tooling and images to simplify deployment and technical support.

Esri does not provide technical support for provisioning and configuring cloud infrastructure beyond what ArcGIS Enterprise deployment tooling creates and manages as part of its normal operations. For cloud platforms where Esri does not provide specialized deployment tooling, support is limited to troubleshooting software-specific issues.

ArcGIS Enterprise also supports different cloud native functionality such as storage and databases on several cloud platforms. Examples include Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and Microsoft Azure SQL Database. See the documentation for each ArcGIS component for information on the native cloud functionality that's supported.

Supported virtualization environments

All components of ArcGIS Enterprise are fully supported on virtual environments as long as they run on supported platforms. When running third-party applications with ArcGIS Enterprise, such as relational databases, the application must also be supported in a virtual environment. Check the third-party vendor for its virtualization support.

The following virtualization environments are known to perform well with ArcGIS Enterprise:

  • VMware vSphere 5.5, 6.0, and 6.5
  • Microsoft Hyper-V

For additional information, see Virtualization and ArcGIS Server.

Supported databases

See the following topics for information on databases supported with ArcGIS Server:

ArcGIS Server Workgroup edition, which includes an installation of SQL Server Express, is supported on Windows operating systems only.