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ArcGIS Web Adaptor 10.8.x system requirements

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The system and hardware requirements to run ArcGIS Web Adaptor are listed below. For information about earlier versions, see Esri Support.

Review the deprecation notice to determine if your hardware and software are still compatible with version 10.8.1.

Application and web servers and operating system requirements

The following application and web servers are supported on the operating systems listed below:

  • Apache Tomcat 7.0.92, 8.5.35, and 9.0.19
  • GlassFish 4.1.1
  • IBM WebSphere and 9
  • JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7
  • Oracle WebLogic 12c R1 and R2

Updates on these application or web servers are supported unless otherwise stated.

Supported operating systemLatest update or service pack tested

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8 (supported with 10.8.1 only)

Update 1

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7

Update 8

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6

Update 10

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (supported with 10.8.1 only)

Service Pack 1

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12

Service Pack 5

Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (supported with 10.8.1 only)


Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS


Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS


Prior and future updates or service packs on these operating system versions are supported unless otherwise stated. The operating system and updates must also be supported by the application or web server provider.


If you want to install the software using the operating system graphical user interface (GUI), the X Window System package group is required.


Esri Technical Support is available for CentOS, Scientific Linux, and Oracle Linux versions that provide full binary compatibility with an equivalent supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server version. As a prerequisite for logging a software defect, Esri Support will attempt to reproduce the issue on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server. For Oracle Linux, support is predicated on the use of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server compatible kernel.

Supported operating systemLatest update or service pack tested

CentOS Linux 8


CentOS Linux 7


CentOS Linux 6


Scientific Linux 7


Scientific Linux 6


Oracle Linux 8

Update 1

Oracle Linux 7

Update 8

Oracle Linux 6

Update 10


When running a localized setup of ArcGIS Web Adaptor on Linux, follow your operating system instructions to ensure you have the corresponding language fonts installed.

Temp space requirements

By default, resources are extracted to the system /tmp directory. If the required space is not available in the /tmp directory, the setup program will attempt to extract resources to the user's HOME directory. If the required space is not available in the user's HOME directory, the setup program will report an error indicating this problem. Optionally, you can specify an alternate temp location by setting the IATEMPDIR environment variable. The /tmp directory must also have execute permissions set for it.

Java support

ArcGIS Web Adaptor 10.8 supports Java 8, Java 11, and Java 12.


ArcGIS Web Adaptor 10.4.x supports Java 7 and 8. ArcGIS Web Adaptor 10.5.x and 10.6.x support only Java 8. ArcGIS Web Adaptor 10.7.x supports Java 8, Java 11, and Java 12.

Supported web browsers

The Web Adaptor Configuration wizard supports the following web browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11*
  • Microsoft Edge (new) and Edge Legacy (This is the last release in which Edge Legacy is supported.)

*Use of Internet Explorer 11 is deprecated at this release. Esri highly encourages you to move to one of the other browsers listed above. While Internet Explorer 11 is still supported with the current release, use of Internet Explorer 11 is generally discouraged, and support will be discontinued at a future release. Additional notice will be provided prior to the removal of support.

Supported virtualization environments and cloud platforms

Virtualization and cloud environment support is the same for all components of a base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment. See ArcGIS Enterprise on cloud platforms and Supported virtualization environments in ArcGIS Enterprise system requirements for details.