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ArcGIS Server 10.9 system requirements

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The system and hardware requirements to run ArcGIS Server are listed below. A diagnostics tool runs during the setup to help you determine if your machine meets the system requirements.

It's recommended that you review the deprecation notice to determine if your hardware and software components are still compatible with the current ArcGIS version.

ArcGIS Notebook Server has additional requirements. See ArcGIS Notebook Server system requirements.

Linux operating system requirements

The following 64-bit operating systems satisfy the minimum operating system requirements. Support is not provided for 32-bit operating systems; the setup only proceeds if the operating system is 64 bit.

ArcGIS Server is only supported on Linux x86_64, on CPUs that adhere to the x86_64 architecture (64 bit), with supported Linux releases.

Machines with an underscore (_) in the name are not supported. The setup does not proceed if an underscore is detected in the machine name.

The software should not be installed on an OS (binary) that has been modified. Esri does not provide support for products installed on a developer's release of an operating system.

You cannot install the software as a root user. If you attempt to do this, the installation will not proceed and a software diagnostics tool will display an error message indicating that you cannot install as root.

Supported operating systemLatest update or service pack tested

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8

Update 3

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7

Update 9

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15

Service Pack 2

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12

Service Pack 5

Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS


Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS


Prior and future updates or service packs for these operating system versions are supported unless otherwise stated. The operating system version and updates must also be supported by the operating system provider.


Esri Technical Support is available for CentOS, Scientific Linux, and Oracle Linux versions that provide full binary compatibility with an equivalent supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server version. As a prerequisite for logging a software defect, Esri Technical Support will attempt to reproduce the issue on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server. For Oracle Linux, support is predicated on the use of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server compatible kernel.

Supported operating systemLatest update or service pack tested

CentOS Linux 8

Update 3

CentOS Linux 7

Update 9

Scientific Linux 7

Update 9

Oracle Linux 8

Update 3

Oracle Linux 7

Update 9


To install the software, run the ArcGIS Software Authorization Wizard, or run the Check for Updates tool using the operating system graphical user interface (GUI); the X Window System package group is required.


When running a localized setup of ArcGIS Server on Linux, follow your operating system instructions to ensure you have the corresponding language fonts installed.

The following package groups are required.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server

  • gettext

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

  • gettext-runtime

Ubuntu Server LTS

  • gettext-base

Hardware requirements

The minimum RAM requirement for ArcGIS GIS Server, ArcGIS GeoEvent Server, or ArcGIS Image Server is 8 GB per machine.

For a production environment, hardware requirements are not listed because the user and business needs of the software may vary. These requirements must be considered in determining hardware needs to meet performance and scalability expectations.

ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server requires a minimum of 16 GB of RAM per machine.

When configuring ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server, ensure that the drive hosting the \tmp directory has sufficient temporary space available, or modify the GeoAnalytics Server temporary file location after installation. When determining a sufficient value, consider the input data size, the type of GeoAnalytics task, and the number of nodes in your site.

See Best practices for GeoAnalytics Server sites for more information on deploying ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server.

ArcGIS Server requires a minimum of 10 GB of available disk space to successfully install on the target system. Approximately 1.5 GB of the required disk space is used during the installation of this product. This temporary disk use will be removed at the end of the installation.


You cannot install ArcGIS Server on a shared network directory (NFS mounted folder). The directory must be local on the target system.

Temp space requirements

By default, resources are extracted to the system /tmp directory. This directory must have read, write, and execute permissions enabled. If the required space is not available in the /tmp directory, the setup program will attempt to extract resources to the user's HOME directory. If the required space is not available in the user's HOME directory, the setup program will report an error indicating this problem. Optionally, you can specify an alternate temp location by setting the IATEMPDIR environment variable.

The /tmp directory is also used when publishing. When uploading service definition (SD) files through ArcGIS Server Manager, files equal to the size of the SD file are created in the /tmp directory. Files are not permanently stored, but deleted every hour. Ensure that the /tmp directory has sufficient space for individual SD files to be published in this manner.

Default file permissions

For security reasons, all permission types (read, write, and execute) for group and all users are turned off by default.

File handles and processes limits

ArcGIS Server is a data-intensive server product, and many of its data formats consist of hundreds of thousands of files. In heavily used systems, thousands or tens of thousands of files may be in use at any given time. If there are insufficient file handles and processes, requests may start failing randomly, leading to system downtime. The actual number of file handles and processes needed varies based on the data and the number of instances (threads/processes) running. Setting a file handle limit of 65,535 and a process limit of 25,059 will allow you to ensure that the system remains running.

There are soft and hard limits for file handles and processes on Linux. To determine the hard limits, use the ulimit -Hn -Hu (or limit -h descriptors if you're using csh) command. To determine the soft limits, use the ulimit -Sn -Su (or limit descriptors if you're using csh) command.

To increase the soft and hard limits, you'll need to edit the /etc/security/limits.conf file with superuser access. For example, you can add four lines in the file as follows and change the values for the limits:

<ArcGIS Server installation user> soft nofile <file limit>
<ArcGIS Server installation user> hard nofile <file limit>
<ArcGIS Server installation user> soft nproc <process limit>
<ArcGIS Server installation user> hard nproc <process limit>

After making this change, you'll need to log out and log back in with the particular user for the new values to take effect. To verify that the limits have been modified appropriately, use the ulimit -Hn -Hu and ulimit -Sn -Su commands as described above.

If you use SystemD to bootstrap starting and stopping the ArcGIS Server service, verify that DefaultLimitNOFILE and DefaultLimitNPROC limits in the /etc/systemd/system.conf file are set to 65536 and 25059, respectively.

Firewall settings

ArcGIS Server communicates on specific ports. You need to open these ports on your firewall before installing the software. For more information on the ports ArcGIS Server requires for communication, see Ports used by ArcGIS Server.

DNS hostname entry

ArcGIS Server must be installed on a machine that has a domain name system (DNS) hostname entry. This may require the system administrators for the site to add an entry to a name server in their network and that this name server be listed in the /etc/resolv.conf configuration file on the system.

If you'll be federating your site with an ArcGIS Enterprise portal, it's recommended that you configure your organization's DNS to include fully qualified domain name (FQDN) entries for each site you intend to federate with the portal. Portal for ArcGIS will request the FQDN of each site when you federate.

SELinux support

The Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) module is supported on machines running ArcGIS Server. Because the default policy of SELinux may prevent ArcGIS Server from reaching internal components such as the configuration store, administrators may need to modify the SELinux policy. To do so, temporarily set the SELinux policy mode to permissive. This will record the violations of policy, such as actions taken by ArcGIS Server to access internal directories, but will allow them to occur. Administrators can note these violations by ArcGIS Server and modify the SELinux policy configuration to allow them before resetting the policy mode to enforced.

SSL certificates

ArcGIS Server comes configured with a self-signed certificate, which allows you to do initial testing of the ArcGIS Server site and helps you quickly verify that your installation was successful. You must request a certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA) and configure the ArcGIS Server site to use it. This could be a domain certificate issued by your organization or a CA-signed certificate.

Like ArcGIS Server, Portal for ArcGIS also comes with a configured self-signed certificate. If you'll be federating an ArcGIS Server site with an ArcGIS Enterprise portal, you should request a certificate from a trusted CA and configure the portal to use it. For more information, see Security best practices.

Supported web browsers

ArcGIS Server Manager requires one of the following web browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge

Supported virtualization environments and cloud platforms

Virtualization and cloud environment support is the same for all components of a base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment. See ArcGIS Enterprise on cloud platforms and Supported virtualization environments in the ArcGIS Enterprise system requirements for details.

Supported databases

See the requirements for each database that can be registered with ArcGIS Server sites:

Software version requirements

If the ArcGIS Server site acts as the hosting server for an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, the ArcGIS Server software version must be the same as the other base ArcGIS Enterprise components.