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Configure ArcGIS Web Adaptor

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

After you install ArcGIS Web Adaptor, you must configure it to work with your ArcGIS Enterprise portal. You'll do this from a configuration web page or from a command line utility that was installed with ArcGIS Web Adaptor. As a security measure, you can only access the configuration page from the machine hosting ArcGIS Web Adaptor.

When you open the configuration page, the current status of ArcGIS Web Adaptor is displayed. This indicates whether ArcGIS Web Adaptor has been previously configured. To view the platform type and version number of ArcGIS Web Adaptor, click About on the configuration page.

If you've already configured a Web Adaptor with your ArcGIS Enterprise portal and want to update your portal to use a different Web Adaptor, you first must unregister the current Web Adaptor. You can only do this through the Portal Directory; the unregister functionality is not available from the configuration page or the portal website. For full instructions, see Unregistering the ArcGIS Web Adaptor with Portal for ArcGIS.


Although you can modify a portal's Web Adaptor by registering a new one, be aware that doing so may also impact user content within the portal (for example, map notes or other items).

For full instructions on how to configure ArcGIS Web Adaptor, follow the steps below.


The use of the default HTTPS port 443 is appropriate for the vast majority of users. In some rare cases, an ArcGIS Web Adaptor instance cannot use port 443 on its web server for organization-specific reasons. If this applies to your organization, see Use nondefault ports for the portal's ArcGIS Web Adaptor, which details additional steps to configure a workaround.

Configure ArcGIS Web Adaptor from the configuration web page

To configure ArcGIS Web Adaptor from the configuration web page that was installed with the software, complete the following steps:


Adding a DNS alias or reverse proxy after an ArcGIS Server site has been federated with your portal is not supported. If you need to change the hostname in your organization URL, please contact Esri Professional Services or another trusted consulting partner for guidance.

  1. If you haven't done so already, enable HTTPS on your web server.
  2. Open the configuration page in a web browser using an HTTPS URL such as If a DNS alias will be used with the portal, the Web Adaptor should be configured over the DNS alias instead, using a URL such as https://<>/<webadaptorname>/webadaptor.

    If you have a forward proxy running on the web server where you've installed ArcGIS Web Adaptor, disable it while registering the Web Adaptor. Otherwise, you will be unable to access the Web Adaptor configuration page.

  3. Choose Portal for ArcGIS and click Next.
  4. Enter the name of the machine hosting Portal for ArcGIS. Include the fully qualified domain name, for example,
  5. Supply a user name and password for an account that has administrative privileges to Portal for ArcGIS. Typically, you'll use the initial administrator account user name and password you defined when you set up your portal. If you demoted or deleted the initial administrator account, you must specify an account with administrative access to the portal website.
  6. Click Configure.

ArcGIS Web Adaptor is configured for use with the machine hosting Portal for ArcGIS. Now, you'll access your portal through ArcGIS Web Adaptor URL, instead of port 7443. The URL is in the following format:

If you configured your portal to use HTTPS for all communication, you should update the installed portal website and help shortcut URLs to use https instead of http; otherwise, you'll see failures in your browser when attempting to access the original shortcut URLs.

If you'll be configuring Portal for ArcGIS with your organization's reverse proxy server, you must provide some information to your portal about the proxy server. For full instructions, see Configuring a reverse proxy server with your portal.

Configure ArcGIS Web Adaptor from the command line

You can configure ArcGIS Web Adaptor using the command line utility (ConfigureWebAdaptor.bat) in <ArcGIS Web Adaptor installation directory>\WebAdaptor\<current version>\java\tools.

The available parameters are as follows:

ConfigureWebAdaptor.bat -m <Mode> -w <WebAdaptorURL> -g <MachineName|URL> -u <Username> -p <Password> -r <ReindexPortal>

  • <Mode>—The component with which the ArcGIS Web Adaptor will be configured. By default, this parameter is set to server, meaning that ArcGIS Web Adaptor will be configured for use with the GIS Server, Image Server, or GeoAnalytics Server. Since you're configuring ArcGIS Web Adaptor for use with Portal for ArcGIS, specify this parameter as portal.

  • <WebAdaptorURL>—The URL of ArcGIS Web Adaptor that you want to configure from the command line. This is the same URL that would be used if you were accessing the configuration page in a web browser. You're required to specify the HTTPS URL of ArcGIS Web Adaptor, for example, If a DNS Alias will be used with the portal, the Web Adaptor should be configured over the DNS Alias instead, using a URL such as https://<>/<webadaptorname>/webadaptor.

  • <MachineName|URL>—The name of the machine hosting Portal for ArcGIS. Include the fully qualified domain name of the machine, for example, You can also use the URL of the machine hosting Portal for ArcGIS in place of the machine name.

  • <Username>—The user name of an account that has administrative privileges to Portal for ArcGIS. This account may be the initial administrator account entered when you first set up your portal, or an account that has been assigned administrative privileges.

  • <Password>—The password of the account that has administrative privileges to Portal for ArcGIS.

  • <ReindexPortal>—Indicates whether to reindex the default content within the portal when registering the Web Adaptor. This option is useful if you intend to configure your deployment with a reverse proxy or load balancer. Web Adaptor registration takes less time without indexing. Once the webContextURL is configured, the built-in content will reference the webContextURL.

Example: ConfigureWebAdaptor.bat -m portal -w -g -u initialadmin -p secret -r true

After executing the command, ArcGIS Web Adaptor is configured for use with the machine hosting Portal for ArcGIS. Now, you'll access your portal through ArcGIS Web Adaptor URL, instead of port 7443. The URL is in the following format:

If you'll be configuring Portal for ArcGIS with your organization's proxy server, you must provide some information to your portal about the proxy server. For full instructions, see Configuring a proxy server with your portal.