ArcGIS Arcade expressions allow you to create placeholders for dynamic properties in job templates and the steps and paths in your workflow diagrams. For example, the Run GP Service step can be configured to use the jobLocation($job) Arcade expression as an input parameter that's replaced with the job's location when the step is run.
You can also use the Arcade Date and Text functions to convert the output of an Arcade expression to a string and optionally change its format. For example, the Text(Date(jobEndDate($job)), 'dddd, MMMM D, Y') Arcade expression converts the job's end date from 1589414631 (epoch) to Thursday, May 14, 2020.
The following is a list of ArcGIS Workflow Manager components that support ArcGIS Arcade expressions:
- Job templates
- Paths
- Step templates
The following table contains examples of ArcGIS Arcade expressions that can be used in Workflow Manager:
Arcade expression | Description | Example input | Example output |
$currentPortal | A variable that is set to the current active portal when used with Arcade expressions that requires a portal instance to be defined. | GetUser($currentPortal)['email'] | |
$currentUser | Returns the full name of the current user. | $currentUser | John Doe |
$job | Returns the job ID for the current job. | $job | RRpFaSk1QK2IIHZTJX4flQ |
$parentJob | Returns the parent job ID for the current job. Note:$parentJob can be used in place of $job in your expressions to obtain parent job properties. | $parentJob | ZZfPSka12KQHHITZXJf4qL |
geoJsonToEsriJson('<feature_collection>', '<geometry_type>') | Returns the first feature from the feature collection that corresponds with the specified geometry type. | geoJsonToEsriJson(jobExtendedProperty($job, 'assets', 'geojson'), 'Point') | {\"x\":1.1354588060913904e7,\"y\":55660.45186542052} |
GetUser($currentPortal)['username'] | Returns the current user's user name. | GetUser($currentPortal)['username'] | jdoe |
GetUser($currentPortal)['email'] | Returns the current user's email address. | GetUser($currentPortal)['email'] | |
GetUser($currentPortal, '<user_name>')['username'] | Returns a user's user name. | GetUser($currentPortal, 'jdoe')['username'] | jdoe |
GetUser($currentPortal, '<user_name>')['email'] | Returns a user's email address. | GetUser($currentPortal, 'jdoe')['email'] | |
var u = GetUser($currentPortal); return u['<key1>'] + ['<key2>'] | Returns a string of information for the current user using a key. | var u = GetUser($currentPortal); return u['username'] + ': ' + u['email'] | jdoe: |
var u = GetUser($currentPortal, '<user_name>'); return u['<key1>'] + u['<key2>'] | Returns a string of information for a user using a key. | var u = GetUser($currentPortal, 'jdoe'); return u['username'] + ': ' + u['email'] | jdoe: |
jobComment($job, '<step_id>') | Returns the last comment associated with a job or step. Note:The step_id parameter is an optional parameter. The last comment is returned by default. | jobComment($job, 'f50d740d-cc04-9296-4ce3-181e82604465') | The submitted feature edits are ready for review. |
jobCreator($job) | Returns the user name of the person who created the job. | jobCreator($job) | jdoe |
jobDescription($job) | Returns the job description. | jobDescription($job) | This is a landbase editing job |
jobEndDate($job) | Returns the job closed date in epoch format. | jobEndDate($job) | 1589414631 |
jobExtendedProperty($job, '<table_name>', '<field_name>') | Returns the value of an extended property for the job. | jobExtendedProperty($job, 'purchase_order', 'date') | 1589414631 |
jobLocation($job) | Returns the location defined for the job in MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY, WKID format. | 'https://<>/<PortalWebAdaptorName>/apps/webappviewer/index.html?extent=' + jobLocation($job) | 9862243.197380835,5108823.353604797,-9801843.791879544,5133768.0805264525,3857 |
jobName($job) | Returns the job name. | jobName($job) | JOB_1 |
jobOutputValue($job, '<step_id>', '<value_name>') | Returns the step output value for a completed step. value_name is an optional parameter for step templates that include more than one output value. | jobOutputValue($job, 'd27395ec-ddfe-2b11-777a-6df02e86d835', 'num_acres') | 123 |
jobOwner($job) | Returns the user name of the person who owns the job. | jobOwner($job) | jdoe |
jobPriority($job) | Returns the job priority (high, medium, or low) | jobPriority($job) | Low |
jobRelatedProperty($job, '<table_name>', '<field_name>', '<row_id>') | Returns the value of a related property for the job. Note:The row_id parameter is an optional parameter. The most recent record is returned by default. | jobRelatedProperty($job, 'Redlands', 'Population', '8fGjVNvzSjGYRpDoSDfSdA') | 71198 |
jobReturnValue($job, '<step_id>') | Returns the return value for a completed step. | jobReturnValue($job, 'f50d740d-cc04-9296-4ce3-181e82604465') | S000001 |
jobStartDate($job) | Returns the job start date in epoch format. | jobStartDate($job) | 1589414631 |
jobStatus($job) | Returns the job status. | jobStatus($job) | Ready to work |
jobType($job) | Returns the job template name. | jobType($job) | Data_edits |
jobVersion($job, '<datasource_name>') | Returns the active job version. | jobVersion($job, 'Gas_Utility_Network') | jdoe.JOB_1 |
lastRunner($job, '<step_id>') | Returns the user name of the person who last ran the step. | lastRunner($job, 'f50d740d-cc04-9296-4ce3-181e82604465') | jdoe |
setting('<setting_name>') | Returns the value of the specified user-defined setting. | setting('data_path') | c:\data |
userGroups($currentUser) | Returns the ArcGIS Enterprise portal group IDs for the current user. | userGroups($currentUser) |
abcde12345 |