Remarque :
ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.x, part of the ArcGIS 2021 releases, are the last ArcGIS Enterprise releases that support services published from ArcMap. You are encouraged to migrate automated review workflows to ArcGIS Data Reviewer capabilities available in ArcGIS Pro attribute rules.
Data Reviewer 's automated data validation capabilities provide fast, efficient, and repeatable methods to identify many different types of data errors. However, some errors cannot be detected using automated methods. These include features that are:
- missing
- misplaced
- miscoded
- redundant
Semi-automated validation methods (such as visual review) are often required to identify these types of issues. Visual review allows you to compare a set of data against an authoritative source to detect issues that are overlooked by automated methods alone. Authoritative sources represent any image, document, or dataset that your organization defines as meeting data quality requirements.

In this lesson, you will deploy and configure a map service to support the collection and management of visual review feedback. Customers will leverage this service using the Report Feature widget for the ArcGIS Web AppBuilder.
Deploy services
Deploy the Data Reviewer results service
Data Reviewer includes an ArcMap runtime-based service definition ( *.sd) file for its map service used in managing and reporting data quality results. You will create this service using the publishing tool found in Server Manager.
- Sign in to Server Manager by opening the manager URL in a
web browser.
Your manager URL is https://<server name>:6443/arcgis/manager.
- Click Services on the top banner.
- Click Publish Service.
- Click Next on the Publish Service dialog box.
- Browse to the reviewer.sd file and click Open.
The file is located in <ArcGIS Server installation folder>\ArcGISDataReviewerServer\Server<version>\Service Definitions .
- Click Next
on the Publish Service dialog box.
- Optionally, click the Folder drop-down arrow and choose a folder name.
- Optionally, click the Cluster drop-down arrow and choose a cluster name.
- Leave the check boxes for starting
the service immediately unchecked.
Optionally, check the check box to share the service on your portal.
- Click Next .
- Leave all service capabilities unchecked.
- Click Publish .
Configure the Data Reviewer results service
Before running the Data Reviewer results service, you must configure it to store the results of your automated validation. Configure the Data Reviewer results service with the DRS Configuration Utility.
- Click Start > ArcGIS > DRS Configuration Utility .
- Verify that the URL listed in the
URL text box points to the ArcGIS Server Administrator
The format of the Administrator Directory is http://localhost:6080/arcgis/admin.
Remarque :
If you installed the Data Reviewer server extension in a cluster, running the DRS Configuration Utility against one machine in the cluster is sufficient. The configuration changes will automatically be applied to each machine in the cluster.
- In the Username
and Password text boxes, type your
ArcGIS Server primary site administrator user name and
This is the account you use to sign in to Server Manager.
- Click Connect .
- Optionally, add the Data Reviewer server object extension (.soe) to your
server if it has not been previously installed.
- Click Browse in the DRS extension area.
- Browse to the location that
contains the ESRI.ReviewerServer.soe file and click
The file is located in <ArcGIS Server installation folder>\ArcGISDataReviewerServer\Server<version>\Bin .
- Click Add .
- Click the Select Map Service drop-down arrow and choose reviewer.MapServer from the list.
- Click Browse next to the Select New Reviewer Workspace text box.
- Browse to the location of the
Reviewer workspace and click OK.
The ArcGIS Server account must have at least READ access to the folder containing the .sde connection file. Do not choose a file geodatabase when deploying automated validation capabilities.
If you installed the Data Reviewer server extension in a multi-machine deployment, the Reviewer workspace path must be a UNC path and accessible to all machines in the deployment.
- Click Apply
If the Reviewer map service fails to start, you can restart the service from within the Server Manager.
- Click Close to close the DRS Configuration Utility .
Test the Data Reviewer services
Before proceeding, test your configuration by browsing to the Data Reviewer SOE services directory.
- Do one of the following from a
supported web browser:
For a single-machine deployment
Browse to the Data Reviewer server extension services directory URL (http://<server name>:6080/arcgis/rest/services/reviewer/MapServer/exts/DataReviewerServer).
For a multimachine deployment
Browse to the Data Reviewer server extension services directory URL through the ArcGIS Web Adaptor (https://<web adaptor url>/rest/services/reviewer/MapServer/exts/DataReviewerServer).
Remarque :
From the Capabilities – Data Reviewer Server page, configure the Batch Validation Service URL property to use the ArcGIS Web Adaptor URL (including the task name ExecuteBatchJob) for the batch validation service.
- Verify that the Data Reviewer server object extension (SOE) services directory displays the location and spatialReference of the Reviewer workspace and four Child Resources: Batch Validation, Dashboard, ReviewerResults and Utilities.
The services component is now ready to configure web clients to enable web-based data quality workflows.
Deploy web apps
A client app is required to use your results service. In this section, you will deploy the Data Reviewer Report Feature widget to collect data quality feedback from users of your maps and apps.
The Report Feature widget is one of the many out-of-the-box widgets available in the ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. It enables you to automate the collection of visually-detected errors from customers who are leveraging your map services in their apps.
The Report Feature widget enables data consumers to identify missing features or existing features as errors in your GIS data. Feedback received from consumers are centrally managed as a Data Reviewer result that enables lifecycle management and tracking.

Configure and the deploy the widget
The Reviewer Dashboard widget is deployed using capabilities found in ArcGIS Online, on-premise using the ArcGIS Enterprise portal or in a custom web app built using the ArcGIS Web AppBuilder (Developer Edition). Configuration of the widget is the same regardless of the method you choose for deploying your web app.
Learn more about getting started with the ArcGIS Web AppBuilder
Use the Report Feature widget
The Report Feature widget enables you to collect and manage data quality feedback from users. Users can report existing features from the map that are in error or require additional review. They can also identify missing features by sketching them on the map.
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