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Existing Mapping and Charting Solutions Server customers

ArcGIS 10.9.1  | |  Archive de l’aide

Mapping and Charting Solutions Server sites

The setup package is designed to detect and upgrade an existing installation of Mapping and Charting Solutions Server on the target system.

Upgrading from an earlier version of Maritime Chart Service

To upgrade to 10.8.1, you need to perform the steps in this section to first delete your existing ArcGIS Maritime SOE.

If you are upgrading an existing 10.5 or a more recent version to 10.8, perform the steps in the following section: Upgrading the Maritime Chart Service.

Remarque :

You may notice existing map services with Maritime Chart Service enabled, no longer have Maritime Chart Service listed under your map service's capabilities. This is due to the new support for Authoring Applications coming from ArcGIS Pro. Your services will be restored once the following steps are completed.

Remarque :

You can install Mapping and Charting Solutions ServerMaritime Chart Service on a new machine for the first time.

  1. Sign in to the machine as a user with administrative privileges.
  2. Start the Mapping and Charting Solutions Server setup program.
  3. Click Next on the Welcome to the Mapping and Charting Solutions for Server Setup Program pane of the installation wizard.

    The License Agreement dialog box appears.

  4. Review the license agreement and accept it, or exit if you do not agree with the terms.
  5. Click Next.
  6. The Maritime feature should already be selected. If not, click the drop-down arrow and choose This feature will be installed on local hard drive.
  7. Click Next.

    The Ready to Install the Program dialog box appears.

  8. Click Install to begin installation.
  9. Click Finish once the installation is complete.
  10. Repeat steps one through nine for each machine in a multiple-machine site.
  11. Sign in as a Server Manager by launching
  12. Click Services.
  13. Stop the map service with Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.
  14. Move the controlfiles folder from <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice\controlfiles to a backup location.
  15. Copy the new controlfiles folder from <ArcGIS Install Directory>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\maritimechartservice to <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice.
    Remarque :

    Consolidate any modifications from the backup control files with the new control files. For example, coordinate systems and AutoCellUpdate settings.

  16. If the map service was configured to read S-63 encrypted datasets, copy the S-63 user-permit.txt file from the backup controlfiles folder to the new controlfiles folder.
  17. Delete the .senc files from <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice\sencs.

    The .senc files must be rebuilt after upgrading. Deleting them significantly increases creation performance.

  18. Repeat steps 11 through 17 for each map service with the Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.
  19. Sign in as an administrator by launching
  20. Click Site.
  21. Click Extensions in the GIS Server window.
  22. Click X at the end of the MaritimeServer.soe to delete the extension.

    If you do not delete the existing MaritimeServer.soe from your ArcGIS Server site, you might receive an update error when adding the new MaritimeServer.soe.

  23. Click Add Extension.
  24. Click Browse and browse to <ArcGIS Install Directory>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\Bin.
  25. Click MaritimeServer.soe.
  26. Click Add.

    MaritimeServer.soe is now successfully added.

  27. Click the Services tab.
  28. Click your map service.
  29. In the Map Services window, click Capabilities.
  30. Check the Maritime Chart Service check box.
  31. Verify that the datasetsDirectory, controlFilesDirectory, and workingDirectory properties point to the correct locations.
  32. Click Save and Restart to make Maritime Chart Service available.
    Remarque :

    To confirm if the Maritime Chart Service capabilities are working properly in the map service, verify that the .senc files in the sencs folder are current.

  33. Repeat steps 27–32 for each map service with Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.

For more information on the latest maritime widgets, see GitHub.

Find out what's new for ArcGIS Maritime

Remarque :

Now that you have upgraded ArcGIS Maritime, you can deploy Custom Chart Builder (CCB)).

Upgrading the Maritime Chart Service

Attention :

If you are upgrading from a version of Maritime Chart Service 10.8 or earlier, you must delete your existing MaritimeServer.soe first by performing the steps in the previous section: Upgrading from earlier versions of Maritime Chart Service. This is due to the new support for Authoring Applications in ArcGIS Pro. Before 10.8.1, the Authoring Application support was for ArcMap.

To upgrade to 10.8, you need to upgrade the software, Maritime Chart Service SOE, and map services with Maritime Chart Service configured.

Remarque :

You can install Mapping and Charting Solutions ServerMaritime Chart Service on a new machine for the first time.

  1. Sign in to the machine as a user with administrative privileges.
  2. Start the Mapping and Charting Solutions Server setup program.
  3. Click Next on the Welcome to the Mapping and Charting Solutions for Server Setup Program pane of the installation wizard.

    The License Agreement dialog box appears.

  4. Review the license agreement and accept it, or exit if you do not agree with the terms.
  5. Click Next.
  6. The Maritime feature should already be selected. If not, click the drop-down arrow and choose This feature will be installed on local hard drive.
  7. Click Next.

    The Ready to Install the Program dialog box appears.

  8. Click Install to begin installation.
  9. Click Finish once the installation is complete.
  10. Repeat steps one through nine for each machine in a multiple-machine site.
  11. Sign in as a Server Manager by launching
  12. Click Services.
  13. Stop the map service with Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.
  14. Move the controlfiles folder from <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice\controlfiles to a backup location.
  15. Copy the new controlfiles folder from <ArcGIS Install Directory>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\maritimechartservice to <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice.
    Remarque :

    Consolidate any modifications from the backup control files with the new control files. For example, coordinate systems and AutoCellUpdate settings.

  16. If the map service was configured to read S-63 encrypted datasets, copy the S-63 user-permit.txt file from the backup controlfiles folder to the new controlfiles folder.
  17. Delete the .senc files from <ArcGIS Server installation drive>\arcgisserver\directories\maritimeserver\maritimechartservice\sencs.

    The .senc files must be rebuilt after upgrading. Deleting them significantly increases creation performance.

  18. Repeat steps 11 through 17 for each map service with the Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.
  19. Sign in as an administrator by launching
  20. Click Site.
  21. Click Extensions in the GIS Server window.
  22. Click Edit Extension at the end of the MaritimeServer.soe to update the extension.
  23. Click Browse and browse to the MaritimeServer.soe file located in <ArcGIS Install Directory>\MaritimeServer\Server<version>\Bin.
  24. Click MaritimeServer.soe.
  25. Cliquez sur Enregistrer.

    MaritimeServer.soe is now successfully updated.

  26. Click the Services tab.
  27. Click your map service.

    The Map Services window appears.

  28. Click Capabilities.
  29. Check the Maritime Chart Service check box.
  30. Verify that the datasetsDirectory, controlFilesDirectory, and workingDirectory properties point to the correct locations.

    For more information about these properties, see the Modifying Maritime Chart Service capabilities properties section of Setting Maritime Chart Service properties.

  31. Click Save and Restart to make the Maritime Chart Service available.
    Remarque :

    To confirm if the Maritime Chart Service capabilities are working properly in the map service, verify that the .senc files in the sencs folder are current.

  32. Repeat steps 26-31 for each map service with Maritime Chart Service capabilities configured.

Upgrading Custom Chart Builder

Remarque :

You can install Mapping and Charting Solutions ServerMaritime Chart Service on a new machine for the first time.

Before starting your upgrade process, you should backup your existing Custom Chart Builder (CCB) deployment. Doing so simplifies the new deployment by preserving some of your settings. It is critical to backup your existing deployment if you made customization to the web app or Custom Chart Builder (CCB) configuration files.

Once you have backed up your existing Custom Chart Builder (CCB) deployment, you can redeploy the new version of Custom Chart Builder (CCB). Once complete, you need to merge any previous configuration changes.

Common software upgrade questions

If I have a multiple-machine server deployment, do I need to upgrade each machine?

Yes. All machines in the multiple-machine deployment must be upgraded to the same version of ArcGIS Server and Mapping and Charting Solutions Server.

Do I need to uninstall a previous version of Mapping and Charting Solutions Server before installing Mapping and Charting Solutions Server?

No. If you already have Mapping and Charting Solutions Server installed, the setup will automatically upgrade it to 10.9.1.

Do I need to back up anything before installing Mapping and Charting Solutions Server?

  • ArcGIS Maritime—See the Upgrading the Maritime Chart Service section.
  • Defense Mapping Server—All services and site configuration changes are preserved when upgrading.
  • Production Mapping Server—All services and site configuration changes are preserved when upgrading.

Do I need to stop my GIS services and ArcGIS Server before installing Mapping and Charting Solutions Server 10.9.1?

The setup restarts ArcGIS Server after the installation.

If I upgrade to ArcGIS Server 10.9.1, do I also need to upgrade Mapping and Charting Solutions Server?

Yes. The version of Mapping and Charting Solutions Server must match ArcGIS Server. You cannot run mismatched versions of software.

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