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Add a monitor service

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Before you can begin adding counters to monitor and record system metrics, you need to add a monitor service to your collection in ArcGIS Monitor Administrator. Complete these steps to add a monitor service to a collection:

  1. Start Monitor Administrator.

    The Connections view appears.

  2. Click Open on the ArcGIS Monitor Server application connection to which you want to add a monitor service.

    The collection pane appears.

  3. Click a collection in the tree view to choose it.
  4. Right-click the collection to which you want to add a monitor service and click Add Monitor Service.

    The New Monitor Service dialog box appears.

  5. Type a name for the monitor service in the Name text box.
  6. Type a port number for the monitor service in the Communication Port text box.
  7. Click Add.

    The new monitor service appears in the tree view and a confirmation message appears, informing you that the monitor service was created successfully.

Now that you’ve added a monitor service to your collection, continue with Set Windows service permissions.