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Add a process counter

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Process counters allow you to monitor CPU and memory use for specific processes. Before you add a process counter, you need to add a system counter for the system you want to monitor.

Complete these steps to add a process counter:

  1. Start Monitor Administrator.

    The Connections view appears.

  2. Click Open on the Monitor Server application connection to which you want to add the counter.

    The collection pane appears.

  3. In the tree view, expand the collection and monitor service to which you want to add the counter.
  4. Click Process in the tree view to choose it.
  5. Right-click Process and click Add.
  6. Expand Process in the tree view and click New Process.

    The Config tab appears.

  7. Click the Host drop-down arrow and choose the system that contains the process you want to monitor.
    Remarque :

    If the system doesn't appear in the list, you'll need to add a system counter for the system you want to monitor.

  8. Click Query host for the process list.
  9. Click the Query host for the process list drop-down arrow and choose a process.

    Long-running processes are recommended for monitoring. If you want to monitor ArcGIS Server, the ArcSOC process is recommended.

  10. Choose a sample interval from the Sample Interval drop-down menu.
    Remarque :

    It is recommended that you not use sample intervals greater than 5 minutes for critical alerts as this can skew availability statistics. For more information, see View collection availability.

  11. Optionally type a description in the Description text box.
  12. Click Test to test the counter.

    The test results are displayed below the Test button.

  13. Click Save to save the counter.

Now you can configure alerts for the counter. You can also view and analyze counter status and metrics in the ArcGIS Monitor Server application by clicking Categories > Infrastructure.