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Back up and restore ArcGIS Monitor settings

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You can back up and restore your ArcGIS Monitor settings.

Back up ArcGIS Monitor Administrator

Complete these steps to back up ArcGIS Monitor Administrator:

  1. Back up the defs folder in the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Administrator\resources\app\collector directory.
    Remarque :

    The collection definition files store the configuration for all counters. If the collection definition files are corrupted or lost, all counters will have to be re-created.

  2. Back up the ArcGIS_Administrator folder in the C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\Roaming directory.
  3. Back up the bin folder in the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Administrator\resources\app directory.

Back up the ArcGIS Monitor Server application

Complete these steps to back up the ArcGIS Monitor Server application:

  1. Back up the Share folder in the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor directory.
  2. Back up the config.db file in the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server\settings directory.
  3. Back up the ssl folder in the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server directory.
  4. Back up the MongoDB databases.
    1. Open a command prompt as an administrator.
    2. Change the directory to <Installation location>\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\<Version>\bin.
    3. Run the following command to back up the auth databases:
      mongodump --db auth --out <DestinationFolder> --port 27017
      Attention :

      The auth database stores user credentials. If the databases are lost, you cannot connect to or re-create the databases.

    4. Run the following command to back up the ArcGIS Monitor databases:
      mongodump --db ArcGISMonitor --out <exportDataDestination> --port 27017
      Attention :

      The ArcGIS Monitor database stores data collected by all counters. If the databases are lost, you cannot access historical data.

Restore ArcGIS Monitor Administrator

Complete these steps to restore ArcGIS Monitor Administrator:

  1. In Windows Services manager, stop all the ArcGIS Monitor Service <Name> services.
  2. Copy the contents of the backup defs folder to the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Administrator\resources\app\collector\defs directory.
  3. Copy the contents of the ArcGIS_Administrator folder to the C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\Roaming\ArcGIS_Administrator directory.
  4. Copy the contents of the bin folder to the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Administrator\resources\app\bin directory.

Restore the ArcGIS Monitor Server application

Complete these steps to restore the ArcGIS Monitor Server application:

  1. Copy the contents of the Share folder to the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Share directory.
  2. Copy the config.db file to the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server\settings directory.
  3. Copy the contents of the ssl folder to the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server\ssl directory.
  4. Browse to the<Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Mongo directory.
  5. Rename the Data folder OLD_Data.
  6. Create a folder named Data.
  7. Restore the MongoDB databases.
    1. Open ReportServerLog.log in <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server\logs in a text editor.
    2. Use the text editor's search feature to find Starting Mongo.
    3. Copy the path after Starting Mongo to an empty text document for reference—for example, C:\\Program Files\\MongoDB\\Server\\<Version>\\bin\\mongod.exe --port 27017 --logpath C:\\ArcGIS Monitor\\Mongo\\logs\\mongo.log --dbpath C:\\ArcGIS Monitor\\Mongo\\Data --storageEngine wiredTiger --bind_ip
    4. Open a command prompt as an administrator.
    5. Change the directory to <Installation location>\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\<Version>\bin.
    6. Use the following sample to run mongod.exe with the parameters you copied from the ReportServerLog.log file to start the MongoDB database. Be sure to replace the double slash characters in the file paths with a single slash.
      mongod.exe --port 27017 --logpath "<Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Mongo\logs\mongo.log" --dbpath "<Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Mongo\Data" --storageEngine wiredTiger --bind_ip
    7. Open another command prompt as an administrator.
    8. Change the directory to <Installation location>\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\<Version>\bin.
    9. Run the following command to restore the auth database:
      mongorestore --db auth <Backup folder>\auth --port 27017
    10. Run the following command to restore the ArcGIS Monitor database:
      mongorestore --db ArcGISMonitor <Backup folder>\ArcGISMonitor --port 27017
  8. Close all the command prompt windows.
  9. Right-click the ArcGIS Monitor Server service in Windows Services manager and click Restart.
  10. In Windows Services manager, start all of the ArcGIS Monitor Service <Name> services.