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Reset the ArcGIS Monitor Server application password

Cette documentation ArcGIS 10.8 a été archivée et n’est plus mise à jour. Certains contenus et liens peuvent être obsolètes. Consultez la dernière version de la documentation.

Complete these steps to reset the ArcGIS Monitor Server application password:

  1. Browse to the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server\maintenanceServer directory and open lost.js in a text editor.
  2. Update the userName parameter on line 3 as follows:
    var userName = 'Site';
  3. Update the serverPort parameter on line 4 to match the port number of the Monitor Server application.
    var serverPort = ‘443’;
  4. Update the dbPort parameter on line 5 to match the port number of MongoDB.
    var dbPort = 27017;
  5. Save your changes and close the file.
  6. Start a command prompt as an administrator on the machine where the Monitor Server application is installed.
  7. Change the directory to <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server.
  8. Run the following command in the command prompt:
    node ./maintenanceServer/lost.js > out.txt
  9. Browse to the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server directory and open out.txt in a text editor.
  10. Copy the URL on line 2 and open it in a web browser.
  11. Type a new password and click Submit.

The Monitor Server application password is updated.