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Troubleshoot counter problems

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Refer to the following sections to solve common counter problems.

General data collecting problems

If counters are unable to collect data, make sure the following items are in place:

  • Settings for the counter have been entered correctly.
  • The machine the counter is monitoring is online and reachable.
  • The collection user credentials have been entered correctly.
  • The ArcGIS Monitor Service <Name> service credentials for Windows System, Process, and RDP counters are using the correct credentials for the target machines.
  • The ArcGIS Monitor Service <Name> service is currently running.
Remarque :

When the ArcGIS Monitor Service <Name> service is running, data collection is attempted at the configured sample interval. If an item fails to collect, it will continue to be listed as a monitoring failure until the data collection is successful for the sample interval.

System, Process, and RDP collection problems

If you are unable to collect System, Process, or RDP data, complete these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Open a command prompt as an administrator.
  2. Type the following command in the command prompt:
    ping <target hostname>
  3. If the ping reply was successful, type the following command in the command prompt:

    If the ping could not find the host, there's no network connectivity to the host.

  4. Try to add counters for the remote machine for which you couldn’t collect data. If you receive a counter error, rebuild the Perfmon counters.

ArcGIS Server collection problems

If you receive a Cannot GET /rest/services error, make sure admin access via Web Adaptor is enabled and check the following items:

  • Try to connect to https://<Server>:6443/arcgis/admin. If you receive an error message, try to access the Administrator Directory using http://<Server>:6080/arcgis/admin.
  • Make sure the ArcGIS Server Manager and ArcGIS Server Administrator directories are available through Web Adaptor. The default configuration value is false.
  • Make sure the ArcGIS Server license has not expired. If the license expired, renew the license and restart the ArcGIS Monitor Service <Name> service in the Windows Services manager.
  • Make sure the user credentials for the monitor service are correct.


If the ArcGIS Server test results in an ETIMEDOUT error, the ArcGIS Server log file is too large to read before the request times out. Back up and delete the ArcGIS Server logs using ArcGIS Server Manager to resolve the issue. The log level and log content for your ArcGIS Server should be checked for errors to determine why the log file was so large.

Node.exe spawns multiple scripts

If Node.exe spawns numerous scripts, the target Windows machine’s Perfmon counters may be broken. Complete these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Confirm the target machine you are monitoring is online and reachable.
  2. Stop the ArcGIS Monitor Service <Name> service in the Windows Services manager to clean up the scripts.
  3. Restart the ArcGIS Monitor Service <Name> service and wait 15 minutes to see if the issue has been resolved.
  4. Open the catalog view in the Monitor Server application and look for machines that aren’t collecting data in the Monitor column under Collection Status.
  5. If there are one or more machines that aren't collecting data, do the following:
    1. Start Monitor Administrator and remove the machines that aren't collecting data.
    2. Restart the ArcGIS Monitor Service <Name> service in the Windows Services manager and wait 15 minutes to see if the issue has been resolved.
  6. Rebuild the Perfmon counters.

Items not visible in the Monitor Server application

If items are missing from the Monitor Server application, check the following items:

  • Make sure you click the Save button when adding new or editing existing counters.
  • Wait at least two collection cycles after creating a monitor service or clicking Clean Views.