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Introduction to Event Editor

Disponible avec la licence Location Referencing.

Event Editor is a map-centric web app that supports linear referenced event data editing. This app is included with ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing.

Remarque :

La version 11.3 de Event Editor sera la version finale de l’application. L’application repose sur JavaScript API version 3.x, qui sera retiré en juillet 2024. Les versions précédentes de l’application pourront toujours être téléchargées, mais leur support sera limité après juillet 2024. La plupart des fonctions de Event Editor seront disponibles dans des Experience Builder widgets dans la version 11.3 et les versions ultérieures.

Event Editor features

The following are features of Event Editor:

  • Route search—Most event editing workflows are route centric, in which the first step of attributing the route is locating the route on the map.
  • Attribute set-based event attribution—Define groups of event layers and named attribute sets to provide attributes across multiple event layers in a single transaction for a from and to measure pair on a route. The event layers can also be stored and referenced in different linear referencing methods (LRMs). The web app takes care of route and measure translations across LRMs.
  • Quality-control checks—Run quality-control checks for a route to detect event data gaps, overlaps, and invalid measures, and then use the editing capabilities to correct those errors.
  • Event data queries and edits—Query for event data by its route association, by ad hoc queries, by spatial intersecting geometry, or by location proximity. Visualize, browse, and bulk edit the tabular results.
  • Route redline—Communicate required LRS modifications or discrepancies by marking up a route to communicate to the LRS data managers that a route needs to be created, extended, retired, realigned, or reassigned.

Dans cette rubrique
  1. Event Editor features