[電子メールの送信] ステップでは、ステップが実行されると、1 人または複数の受信者に電子メール通知が送信されます。 このステップ タイプを使用すると、ステップやジョブが完了した場合や、ステップが正常に完了しなかった場合に、ユーザーに通知することができます。
[電子メールの送信] ステップを使用して電子メール通知を送信するには、ArcGIS Workflow Manager の電子メール設定を構成する必要があります。
To configure the step, do the following:
- Create or edit a workflow diagram to access the Step Library panel.
- [電子メールの送信] を [ステップのライブラリ] パネルからワークフロー キャンバス上のステップの接続矢印にドラッグします。
The Step Details panel appears.
- Provide a name for the step in the Step Name text box.
- Type email addresses separated by a semicolon in the To, CC, and BCC text boxes as necessary, or use an ArcGIS Arcade expression to create a dynamic list of recipients.
One email address
Multiple email addresses
Email addresses and Arcade expressions
One Arcade expression
Multiple Arcade expressions
Arcade expressions and email addresses
At least one valid email address or Arcade expression must be provided in the To, CC, or BCC text box.
- Type a subject for the email notification in the Subject text box.
You can also use ArcGIS Arcade expressions to provide a dynamic value for the subject. For example, jobName($job)+' is ready'.
- Type the message text for the email notification in the Body text box.
You can also use the following example to provide a dynamic value for the body using Arcade expressions:
'<b>'+jobName($job)+'</b>, created by <b>'+jobCreator($job)+'</b>, was closed on <b>'+Text(Date(jobEndDate($job)), 'dddd, MMMM D, Y')+'</b>.'
You must enable the HTML Notification option to use HTML tags in the email body field.
- Optionally, if your jobs include attachments, you can choose to include job attachments in the email notification using the following options under Include Attachments:
- None—Don't include job attachments in the email notification.
- All—Include all job attachment folders in the email notification.
- By Folder—Type a comma separated list of folder names in the By Folder text box to specify the job attachment folders to include in the email notification.
If a job contains multiple attachments, they are sent as a single ZIP file and attachment folder structure is maintained.
- Optionally, type a job ID in the Preview Email text box and click Preview to preview the email.
If the email contains an Arcade expression for the output value of a step, the step must be completed before you can preview the output value.
- Click the Options tab.
- Configure Step Options as necessary.
- Manual—Run the step manually.
- Optional—Allow the step to be finished without being run.
- Automatic—Run the step as soon as it becomes active.
If your workflow diagram is configured to automatically run a sequence of steps that includes the Evaluate Data Quality or the Run GP Service step, steps that attempt to run after the user token that started the sequence of steps expires will not run automatically. You must have a license for the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server Advanced role to continue running the additional automated steps without manual intervention.
- Run on a Schedule—Run the step according to a schedule you set.
- Manual—Run the step manually.
- Optionally, provide help text for the step in the Step Help text box.
You can also use the following example to display a dynamic value using ArcGIS Arcade expressions:
'For further assistance, please contact ' + jobCreator($job) + '.'
- Optionally, click the Style tab to change the shape and color of the step.
- Optionally, click the About tab and provide a description for the step in the Step Description text box.
The About tab also contains the step's ID that can be used with dynamic job properties to obtain a step's output.
Return value
When the step is completed, its return value is stored to indicate the result of the step. The return value can be immediately evaluated using paths to determine the next steps in the workflow. You can also retrieve the return value for completed steps throughout the workflow using ArcGIS Arcade expressions. The following table lists the step's return values:
Return values | Description |
S000001 | The step completed successfully. |
F000001 | The step failed to complete successfully. |