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ArcGIS 10.9.1  | |  帮助归档

ArcGIS Workflow Manager 允许您搜索作业以及可视化和监控工作,以帮助您在部署劳动力时做出明智的决策。 摘要图表可提供作业属性的图形表示,其中包括作业状态作业类型作业优先级。 您还可以创建自定义图表并与工作流项目用户或特定群组共享。 完成以下步骤以在 Workflow Manager web 应用程序中搜索作业以及过滤、可视化和监控工作状态:

  1. Access the Workflow Manager web app.
  2. Click the Manage tab.

    The Manage page appears.


    The Manage tab won't appear if you don’t have sufficient privileges.

  3. Click Search/Create to expand the Search panel.
  4. Search for jobs using one of the following methods:
    • Click a shared search in the Shared section.
    • Type a keyword or an SQL expression in the Search Jobs text box.

      Searches you perform appear under Recent on the Search panel. Hover over a recent search to review the search criteria. You can also edit a recent search by clicking the Edit Search button Edit Search or delete it by clicking the Delete Search button Delete Search. Recent searches are available until you sign out of the Workflow Manager web app.

    Jobs that match your search criteria appear in the List view and jobs with location information appear on the map with job name labels in the Map view.


    Job name labels are only available for jobs that contain line or polygon features.

  5. Optionally, hover over a job that contains a job location in the List view and click the Zoom to job location button Zoom to job location to zoom to the job's location on the map.
  6. Optionally, click Filter and turn on Restrict results to map extent to filter the List view to jobs that appear in the current extent of the Map view.

    Click Refresh results to update the job list when the map extent is changed.

    Learn more about interacting with jobs on the map

  7. Optionally, click Group and turn on Group by parent job to visualize parent-child job relationships on the map.
  8. 或者,可单击摘要面板中的图表部分以在地图上可视化作业,并根据图表中定义的属性值更改各个位置的颜色。

    图表将展开并显示带有属性值的图例。 单击清除所选内容以折叠图表,然后从地图视图中的作业位置移除图表可视化效果。
