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ArcGIS 10.9.1  | |  帮助归档


  • job_name
  • start_date
  • due_date
  • priority_rank
  • 描述
  • owned_by
  • job_status
  • 注释
  • parent_job

运行步骤时,作业切片中将显示在步骤中配置的属性。 如果为步骤配置了帮助文本,该文件将在作业切片的底部显示。 默认值或当前值将在每个属性下可以更新的文本框中显示。



如果属性已自动填充并且遇到错误,则步骤将失败,作业切片中将显示一条错误。 该错误还会写入 ArcGIS Server 日志。

When the step is run, the following actions can be performed:

  • The step can be cancelled by clicking Cancel.
  • The step can be finished by clicking Proceed.


To configure the step, do the following:

  1. Create or edit a workflow diagram to access the Step Library panel.
  2. 更新作业属性步骤库面板拖至工作流画布上步骤的连接箭头。

    The Step Details panel appears.

  3. Provide a name for the step in the Step Name text box.
  4. Optionally, add the message you want to appear when the step is run in the User Prompt text box.

    You can also use the following example to display a dynamic value using ArcGIS Arcade expressions:

    'This job is currently assigned to ' + jobOwner($job) + '.'
  5. 参数部分的作业属性文本框中,使用以下语法输入要更新的属性的表名称和字段名称。

    作业属性的表名称为 jobs。 可在作业模板的扩展属性选项卡中找到扩展属性表的表名称。

  6. (可选)单击显示默认值按钮 Show Default Value 定义运行步骤时属性的默认值和可见性设置。
    1. 选择以下选项之一:
      • - 提供静态值。
      • Arcade 表达式 - 使用 Arcade 表达式提供动态值
    2. Arcade 表达式文本框中提供属性的默认值。
    3. 选中可见复选框允许在运行步骤时更改值。


  7. (可选)单击添加新作业属性,然后重复步骤 5 和 6 添加更多属性。

    要删除作业属性,将光标悬停在该属性上,然后单击删除属性按钮 Delete Property

  8. Optionally, hover over a property, click the Reorder Property button Reorder Property, and drag it to the desired location to reorder the properties.
  9. Click the Options tab.
  10. Configure Step Options as necessary.
    • Manual—Run the step manually.
      • Optional—Allow the step to be finished without being run.
    • Automatic—Run the step as soon as it becomes active.

      If your workflow diagram is configured to automatically run a sequence of steps that includes the Evaluate Data Quality or the Run GP Service step, steps that attempt to run after the user token that started the sequence of steps expires will not run automatically. You must have a license for the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server Advanced role to continue running the additional automated steps without manual intervention.

    • Run on a Schedule—Run the step according to a schedule you set.

      Learn more about scheduling options

  11. Optionally, check the Enabled check box in the Step Commenting section to allow a user to add a comment when the step is run.
  12. Optionally, if you enabled step commenting, check the Required check box in the Step Commenting section to require a comment.
  13. Optionally, provide help text for the step in the Step Help text box.

    You can also use the following example to display a dynamic value using ArcGIS Arcade expressions:

    'For further assistance, please contact ' + jobCreator($job) + '.'
  14. Optionally, click the Style tab to change the shape and color of the step.
  15. Optionally, click the About tab and provide a description for the step in the Step Description text box.

    The About tab also contains the step's ID that can be used with dynamic job properties to obtain a step's output.

Return value

When the step is completed, its return value is stored to indicate the result of the step. The return value can be immediately evaluated using paths to determine the next steps in the workflow. You can also retrieve the return value for completed steps throughout the workflow using ArcGIS Arcade expressions. The following table lists the step's return values:

Return valuesDescription


The step completed successfully.


The step failed to complete successfully.


  1. 配置步骤
  2. Return value