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Event Volume Controller Processor

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The Event Volume Controller Processor can be used to filter the number of unique GeoEvents processed over an iterating time interval. GeoEvents sent to the Event Volume Controller Processor that exceed the max events allowed per interval are filtered from processing.

GeoEvents sent to the Event Volume Controller Processor must have a GeoEvent Definition with a TRACK_ID tag. The processor uses this tagged field to evaluate when a GeoEvent has exceeded the maximum event threshold for the current interval and should be filtered from being processed.

With the Event Volume Controller Processor, you must specify both the interval and the maximum events per interval:

  • Interval specifies the amount of time in seconds between which new GeoEvents with the same TRACK_ID will be filtered from processing.
  • Max Events Per Interval specifies the maximum number of GeoEvents, with the same TRACK_ID, which can be processed in an interval.

Using the TRACK_ID tag, GeoEvents which exceed the max events per interval are filtered from processing. For example, assuming an Event Volume Controller Processor is configured with an interval of 60 seconds and a max events per interval of 5, the processor would only process the first 5 received GeoEvents associated with a given TRACK_ID in any 60 second interval.

GeoEvents sent to the Event Volume Controller Processor are evaluated on a first-in basis. This means that the first GeoEvents received by the processor are evaluated and processed accordingly. Subsequent GeoEvents are filtered (or dropped) and are not cached elsewhere for later processing. This makes the Event Volume Controller Processor primarily useful for notifications.