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Field Enricher (Feature Service) Processor

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The Field Enricher (Feature Service) Processor can be used to enrich GeoEvents with attribute data from a published feature service's feature layer or nonspatial table. The attributes will be appended as new fields to the GeoEvent being processed. The processor requires a registered ArcGIS Server connection be specified; the service folder, the feature service name, and the target layer within the feature service must all be specified when configuring this processor. The data types for each appended field will be carried over from the enrichment source—they are not specified as part of the processor configuration.

GeoEvent enrichment relies on what database professionals refer to as a table join. You can specify a field name from the feature service's table and the name of the GeoEvent field on which a join can be performed. While the actual field name from the feature service's table must be provided, the GeoEvent field on which the join will be performed can be specified using either the name of the GeoEvent field or a tag applied to a field in the GeoEvent Definition associated with the event being processed.

A comma-separated list of the fields to be included in the enrichment can be constructed using the processor's properties dialog box by selecting fields or typed manually using the keyboard. You can optionally specify the tags GeoEvent Server should apply to each new field it creates as a second list of comma-separated values.

GeoEvent enrichment alters the GeoEvent's schema, which requires GeoEvent Server to create a new GeoEvent Definition. The new GeoEvent Definition will be managed by GeoEvent Server and deleted if changes are made to the processor or the GeoEvent Service in which the processor participates.

For more information on the Field Enricher (Feature Service) Processor, see the Introduction to GeoEvent Server tutorial available from GeoEvent Server tutorials.