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Use inputs in a GeoEvent Service

ArcGIS 11.4  | |  Hilfearchiv

Input connectors, or inputs, are the elements in a GeoEvent Service that enable the real-time ingestion of data from a data feed. Adding new inputs and working with existing inputs is done in ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager using the service designer available on the GeoEvent Services page.

Create and add an input

An input can be created and added to a GeoEvent Service by dragging or double-clicking the Input element from the New Elements list onto the service designer canvas.

From the list of available input connectors, select and configure the input appropriate for your data feed. Once the input is created, it will be added to the service designer canvas and available in the Inputs list. The input, by default, will be in a stopped state when created to prevent data ingestion before you're ready. To start an input, see the Start or stop an input section below.

Add an existing input

To add an existing input to a GeoEvent Service, drag or double-click an available input from the Inputs list to add it to the service designer canvas.

Copy an input

A copy of an existing input can be created by right-clicking an available input in the Inputs list and choosing Create New Input as Copy. The new input created from the copy can be edited and updated accordingly by right-clicking the new input and choosing Edit Input Properties. The new input can be added to the current or another GeoEvent Service.

Start or stop an input

An input can be started and stopped by right-clicking an available input in the Inputs list or by right-clicking an input on the service designer canvas and choosing Start Input or Stop Input. Starting and stopping an input controls the active ingestion of event data from a data feed.

Edit an input

To edit an existing input, right-click the input in the Inputs list and choose Edit Input Properties. To edit the parameters of an input already in a GeoEvent Service, double-click the input on the service designer canvas to access the input's parameters.

For details on input connectors, see Introduction to input connectors and for a list of input connectors included with GeoEvent Server, see Available input connectors.