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What's new in ArcGIS Monitor

Diese ArcGIS 10.8-Dokumentation wurde archiviert und wird nicht mehr aktualisiert. Inhalt und Links sind möglicherweise veraltet. Verwenden Sie die aktuelle Dokumentation.

ArcGIS Monitor 10.8.1 is fully capable of monitoring ArcGIS 10.4 through 10.9.1 environments.

New at 10.8.1

The 10.8.1 release of ArcGIS Monitor includes minor enhancements to the software and the documentation; no major new functionality is included with this release.

New at 10.8

The 10.8 release of ArcGIS Monitor includes minor enhancements to the software and the documentation; no major new functionality is included with this release.

In diesem Thema
  1. New at 10.8.1
  2. New at 10.8