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Cloud options for ArcGIS

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The following is a summary of supported cloud platforms and services that you can use for different components and features of ArcGIS Enterprise. Each section contains links to more information and instructions in the ArcGIS Enterprise help.

Deploy ArcGIS Enterprise

Any cloud provider is supported if it meets ArcGIS Enterprise system requirements.

Esri deployment tooling is available for the following platforms:

To deploy ArcGIS Enterprise on other cloud platforms, you must use the tools provided by that platform to create virtual machines and other resources required to install and configure the ArcGIS Enterprise components.

ArcGIS system directories

When ArcGIS Enterprise is deployed in the same cloud platform, you can store system directories such as the portal content directory and ArcGIS Server configuration store in the following cloud storage locations:

  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) or an S3 compatible storage location
  • Microsoft Azure Blob storage
  • Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS)

See Changing the portal content directory and Specify the configuration store location for instructions.

Back up to the cloud

You can use the webgisdr utility installed with Portal for ArcGIS to create backups directly in the following cloud storage locations:

  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) or an Amazon S3 compatible storage location
  • Microsoft Azure Blob storage

When you run the webgisdr utility, edit the BACKUP_STORE_PROVIDER value in the utility's properties file to specify the backup location to use. See Create an ArcGIS Enterprise backup for information about creating backups using the webgisdr utility.

Cloud stores

Cloud stores can contain caches for map and image services, input and output files for GeoAnalytics Tools, input files for raster analysis tools, and imagery files published as imagery layers in the portal. The following cloud storage offerings are supported:

  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) or an S3 compatible storage location
  • Microsoft Azure Blob storage
  • Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) (Alibaba Cloud OSS cannot be used as a big data file share for GeoAnalytics Tools)
  • Microsoft Azure Data Lake (This can only be used as a big data file share for GeoAnalytics Tools.)

See Register your data with ArcGIS Server using Server Manager for information about registering cloud stores to store map and image service caches, for GeoAnalytics Tools files, and for raster analysis tool input files. For information about registering a cloud store to publish imagery layers in the portal, see Add items and Create imagery layers.

Registered databases

The databases you register with ArcGIS Enterprise or an ArcGIS Server site store the data that is referenced by web services. See Requirements for using ArcGIS with databases in the cloud for information about supported databases and database services.