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Install ArcGIS Data Store

This ArcGIS 11.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

You can install ArcGIS Data Store using an installation wizard or run the installation file using a command. You can specify which types of data store to install on each machine.

Esri recommends that each type of data store run on a different machine, and that your ArcGIS Server sites run on separate machines than the data stores so that they don't compete for memory and other resources. This is especially important for spatiotemporal big data stores, object stores, and graph stores. Install those on their own machines separate from any ArcGIS Server sites and other data stores.

Install ArcGIS Data Store

Run the ArcGIS Data Store installation wizard, or run the installation from a command prompt.

Verify that your computer meets the minimum system requirements for ArcGIS Data Store, and then follow the instructions in the appropriate section for the method you want to use for installation.

Run the installation wizard

Run the ArcGIS Data Store installation wizard for an interactive installation experience.

  1. Sign in to your machine as a user with administrative privileges.

    You cannot install ArcGIS Data Store as a root user.

  2. Run the setup program from the ArcGIS Data Store download folder or setup media.

    The setup program begins by checking the prerequisites that must be met to set up and use ArcGIS Data Store. If your system does not meet any of the prerequisites, follow the instructions on the dialog box to correct any issues.

  3. If all prerequisites are met, the Introduction dialog box appears. Click Next to proceed.
  4. On the Master Agreement dialog box, read the license agreement.
    • If you accept the terms, click the I accept the master agreement button and click Next to proceed.
    • If you do not accept the terms, close the Master Agreement dialog box by clicking Cancel.
  5. Choose the type of data store to install on this machine and click Next.

    Esri recommends that you install data store types on separate machines to avoid resource contention between data stores. This is especially important in the case of spatiotemporal big data stores, graph stores, and object stores. Do not install these data stores on the same machine as other data stores or ArcGIS Enterprise components.

    If a data store type is already installed on this machine, that option will be disabled.

  6. On the Choose Install Folder dialog box, specify the installation location. Click Next to continue.
  7. Review the summary information and click Install to begin the installation.
  8. When completed, click Done to close the wizard.

Follow postinstallation instructions to configure ArcGIS Data Store to start with the operating system.

Run from terminal

Follow these steps to install ArcGIS Data Store from a command prompt:

  1. Sign in to your machine as a user with administrative privileges.

    You cannot install ArcGIS Data Store as a root user.

  2. Before beginning the installation, read the license agreement located at <CD_ROOT or untar directory>/Documentation/EULA.pdf and accept the terms.
  3. Run the setup silently at the prompt. See the following sample syntax:

    <CD_ROOT or untar directory>/Setup -m silent -l yes -d /software/datastore -f relational

    Command line options include the following:


    -m MODE or --mode MODE

    Optional. This option defaults to gui.

    MODE is one of the following: silent or gui.

    -l CHOICE or --license-agreement CHOICE

    Required for silent mode. CHOICE can be yes or no. Yes indicates that you have read and agreed to the Esri Master Agreement (E204, E300). Read the agreement at

    -d DIRECTORY or --directory DIRECTORY

    Optional. By default, ArcGIS Data Store will be installed in the user's $HOME directory. DIRECTORY specifies a different installation directory.

    The path /arcgis/datastore will be appended to the installation directory.

    -f CHOICE or -features CHOICE

    Optional. This option specifies the type of data store to install on the machine. It defaults to Relational,TileCache.

    CHOICE can be one of the following:

    • Graph
    • Object
    • Relational
    • TileCache
    • Spatiotemporal
    • Complete

    Although you can specify more than one choice separated by commas or use Complete to install all data store types, Esri recommends that you install data store types on separate machines to avoid resource contention between data stores. This is especially important in the case of spatiotemporal big data stores, graph stores, and object stores. Do not install these data stores on the same machine as other data stores or ArcGIS Enterprise components.

    -v or --verbose

    Installer runs in verbose mode.

    -h or --help

    Displays command line help and exits.

    -e or --examples

    Displays usage examples of these options and exits.

Follow postinstallation instructions to configure ArcGIS Data Store to start with the operating system.

Postinstallation configuration

If you want ArcGIS Data Store to start with the operating system, complete the steps specific to your operating system.

Operating systems that support systemd

If your operating system supports the use of systemd to bootstrap and manage processes (for example, if you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Server 7.x), follow these steps to configure ArcGIS Data Store to start with the operating system.

  1. Within a command shell, switch to root user.
  2. Copy <ArcGIS Data Store installation directory>/framework/etc/scripts/arcgisdatastore.service to /etc/systemd/system. Update the permissions of the /etc/systemd/system/arcgisdatastore.service from 700 to 600

    By default, the arcgisdatastore.service file is configured to use with the relational and tile cache data stores. If you configure a spatiotemporal big data store instead, edit the arcgisdatastore.service file, add comment marks (#) to the relational and tile cache data store parameters and remove the comment marks from the spatiotemporal big data store parameters as shown here:

    # Configuration for relational and tile cache data stores
    # LimitNOFILE=65535
    # LimitNPROC=25059
    # Configuration for spatiotemporal big data store

  3. Still as the root user, run the following command to automatically create the links in /etc/systemd/system/
    $ systemctl enable arcgisdatastore.service
  4. To verify that the systemd service is properly configured, restart the service and check its status.
    $ systemctl stop arcgisdatastore.service
    $ systemctl start arcgisdatastore.service
    $ systemctl status arcgisdatastore.service
  5. End the root user session.
  6. Reboot the operating system and verify that ArcGIS Data Store restarts properly.

If you install ArcGIS Data Store on a Linux machine that includes systemd v228 or a later version, you may need to enable and raise the systemd limit to 512 maximum threads if the data store machine is heavily used. (For example, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 12 SP2 includes systemd v228.) Setting systemd to a maximum of 512 threads can prevent any single service from spawning too many threads and consuming all server resources.

To enable and raise the limit, as the root user, uncomment and edit the following line in the arcgisdatastore.service unit file before deploying it to the /etc/systemd/system directory:

# TasksMax=512

Operating systems that support SysV

If your operating system supports the use of SysV to bootstrap and manage processes, follow these steps to configure ArcGIS Data Store to start with the operating system.

  1. Within a command shell, switch to root user.
  2. Copy the <ArcGIS Data Store installation directory>/framework/etc/scripts/arcgisdatastore shell script to the appropriate supported Linux distribution-based locations provided below:
    • RHEL Server: /etc/rc.d/init.d/
    • SLES: /etc/init.d/
  3. Change the directory to the applicable init.d folder and check the arcgisdatastore script to make sure that root has at least read and execute permissions.
  4. Edit the arcgisdatastore script as follows:
    1. Update the datastorehome variable to the ArcGIS Data Store installation directory, for example, /home/username/arcgis/datastore.
    2. For RHEL Server only, add the following line just before # Description: ArcGIS Data Store Service:

      # chkconfig: 35 99 01

    3. Save the edits to the arcgisdatastore script.
  5. Still as root user, run the following command to automatically create the links in /etc/rc*.d with the appropriate run levels:
    • RHEL Server:
      $ chkconfig --add arcgisdatastore
      $ chkconfig arcgisdatastore on
    • SLES:
      $ insserv arcgisdatastore
      $ chkconfig arcgisdatastore on
  6. End the root user session.
  7. Reboot the operating system and verify that ArcGIS Data Store restarts properly.

Next step

After you install ArcGIS Data Store, create a data store.