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Install ArcGIS Enterprise Builder silently

ArcGIS 10.9.1 (Linux)  | |  Help archive

You can install ArcGIS Enterprise Builder without a user interface by running the setup using command line parameters.

Installation command line parameters

The following are the setup command line parameters to be used when installing ArcGIS Enterprise Builder silently. These are the minimum of what is required to run the ArcGIS Enterprise Builder setup silently.

-m silent—This specifies the run mode as silent.

-l yes—This parameter is required. This accepts the master agreement.

-s /path/to/server.prvc—This parameter is used to provide the location of the ArcGIS Server authorization file.

-d /install/path—This optional parameter is used to provide an installation path for ArcGIS Enterprise Builder to install to. If it is not provided, the default path of the user's $HOME directory is used.

For example, to run the setup silently, use ./Setup -m silent -l yes -s /path/to/server.prvc.

There are additional parameters that can be used. To see a complete list, run the ArcGIS Enterprise Builder setup with -h for help.


At 10.9.1, you have the option to disable the ArcMap Runtime Support feature that installs Python 2.x. When you disable the ArcMap Runtime Support feature, Python 2.x is removed from your system. To do this, proceed with your upgrade using the ArcGIS Enterprise Builder, and after the upgrade is complete you can disable the ArcMap Runtime Support feature and remove Python 2.x.