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Essential GeoEvent Server vocabulary

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An understanding of the terms below is essential when using ArcGIS GeoEvent Server.

ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager

ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager is the application used to administer GeoEvent Server. Use GeoEvent Manager to monitor event record counts for ingest, processing, and broadcast, create and manage inputs, outputs, as well as design and publish GeoEvent Services. GeoEvent Manager is also the main application for reviewing and updating GeoEvent Definitions, importing geofences, as well as managing GeoEvent Server configurations and data store connections.

For details, see Log in to GeoEvent Manager.


A GeoEvent Server configuration is a collection of user-created inputs, outputs, GeoEvent Services, connectors, GeoEvent Definitions, tags, geofences, data stores, and more. A configuration file (.xml) can be exported using the Configuration Store in GeoEvent Manager and allows you to archive, restore, and share your configurations.

For details, see Managing configurations.

Configuration Store

The Configuration Store in GeoEvent Manager allows administrators to import, export, and reset GeoEvent Server configurations. Importing a configuration adds and updates existing components. Resetting a configuration restores the default GeoEvent Server configuration.

For details, see Managing configurations.


Connectors can be either inbound (input) connectors or outbound (output) connectors. Connectors make it easy to get streaming data into and out of GeoEvent Server. In GeoEvent Manager, administrators can browse to the Site > GeoEvent > Connectors page to view a list of the available connectors as well as create new connectors.

For details, see Overview of input connectors, Overview of output connectors, and Managing connectors.

Data Store

The Data Store in GeoEvent Manager allows administrators to register system folders, ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Online connections with GeoEvent Server. Registering is necessary because several types of input connectors, output connectors, and processors that participate in a GeoEvent Service must reference a registered data store when reading or writing event data.

For details, see Managing data stores.

Event Viewer

The Event Viewer is a web map viewer available in GeoEvent Sampler that can be used to display the geometry of sampled event records.

For details, see GeoEvent Sampler.


Filters are components of a GeoEvent Service that filter out GeoEvents that do not satisfy specified criteria as the events are routed between input connectors and output connectors. GeoEvents that satisfy the filters criteria pass through the filter for further processing.

For details, see What are Filters?.


Real-time data flows through elements in GeoEvent Service as a series of events, or GeoEvents. When event data—which can be characterized as a sequence of messages containing attribute values such as the date and time an event occurred, as well as coordinates specifying the event location—is received by an input connector (input), the event data is interpreted and translated by the connector into a series of GeoEvents.

GeoEvent Definition

A GeoEvent Definition defines a schema for GeoEvents streaming through GeoEvent Server and identifies the attribute fields and data types (date, string, integer, and so forth) for each GeoEvent. A GeoEvent Definition must exist in order for an input connectors to construct GeoEvents from a data feed. Similarly, a GeoEvent Definition consistent with the schema of a designated output must exist in order for an output connectors to deconstruct a GeoEvent and disseminate the event data.

For details, see Managing GeoEvent Definitions.

GeoEvent Sampler

GeoEvent Sampler is a utility available in the service designer of GeoEvent Manager. It samples a fixed number of event records (GeoEvents) as they are routed through elements of a published GeoEvent Service. The sampled GeoEvents can be viewed in the sampler window as prettified JSON or delimited text. Sampling GeoEvents can provide greater insight, earlier, into your real-time data feeds and can assist in designing, validating, and troubleshooting different routes in a GeoEvent Service.

For details, see GeoEvent Sampler.

GeoEvent Service

A GeoEvent Service performs real-time analysis on event records as it routes GeoEvents from one or more input connectors to one or more output connectors. Configurable filter and processor elements can be included in a GeoEvent Service to identify, enrich, geotag, and further process GeoEvents as they are routed between a service's inputs and outputs.

For details, see Real-time analysis below and Overview of GeoEvent Services.


A geofence is a geometry, most commonly a polygon , used for spatial proximity analysis. For example, an Incident Detector Processor might be configured to detect when the coordinates of a received event are inside or outside a specified set of geofences. A GeoTagger Processor might be configured to include the name of a geofence and whether an event is discovered to be inside in the events attribute data.

For details, see Managing geofences.

Input connector (input)

An input connector (input) is the component of a GeoEvent Service responsible for receiving and interpreting events from a data stream. The input connector retrieves attribute values from each event and constructs a GeoEvent, which can be routed through optional filters and processors to an output connector. Each input connector is configured to receive a data stream from a single specific data source. Every GeoEvent Service must include at least one input connector.

For details, see Overview of input connectors.

Output connector (output)

An output connector (output) is the component of a GeoEvent Service responsible for converting GeoEvents back into a data stream to send to a specified destination. Every GeoEvent Service must include at least one output connector, but may include more than one.

For details, see Overview of output connectors.


Processors are the components of a GeoEvent Service that allow you to perform real-time processing on GeoEvents, such as identification or enrichment, as they are routed through GeoEvent Server.

For details, see What are processors?.

Real-time analysis

Real-time analysis is the processing performed by a combination of one or more configurable filters and/or processors in a GeoEvent Service. A processor such as a Field Enricher Processor configured to incorporate values from a feature record or table into an event record is an example of real-time analysis. A processor such as a GeoTagger Processor configured to enrich an event record with the name of a geofence with which the event record's geometry shares a spatial relationship is another example of real-time analysis. A filter configured to discard an event record whose attributes or geometry fail to satisfy specified criteria, or a processor configured to calculate a derivative value or manipulate a string's value, are also examples of GeoEvent Service components configured to perform real-time analysis on streaming event records.


A route is the connection between two elements (input, output, filter, and processor) in a GeoEvent Service.

For details, see Creating a GeoEvent Service.

Stream container

A stream container is the runtime entity hosting a stream service. For example, a Jetty web server that supports WebSockets might be referred to as a stream container.

Stream layer

Stream services contain a stream layer, similar to how a feature service contains one or more feature layers. Each stream layer corresponds to a specific geometric type: point, polyline, or polygon. Stream services are only allowed to contain a single stream layer (unlike feature services or map services which may contain multiple layers).

For details, see StreamLayer in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.

Stream server

A Stream server refers to the REST endpoint of a stream service within the ArcGIS Server REST Services Directory. For example, information on a stream service named Assets can be found at the stream server http://<server>:<port>/<site>/services/Assets/StreamServer.

Stream service

A stream service is a type of ArcGIS Server service. Stream services are discoverable in Portal for ArcGIS, listed in the ArcGIS REST Services Directory for review, and can be administered using the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory. Stream services are created in GeoEvent Manager using the Send Features to a Stream Service Output Connector.


Stream services do not contain multiple layers like map services or feature services, each stream service provides access to a single data feed.

For details, see Stream services.


A tag is a label placed on a particular field of a GeoEvent Definition. Tags are similar to field aliases; they support consistency in expressions when different event definitions associate similar data with different field names. Certain built-in tags identify the GeoEvent Server fields containing critical information such as a TRACK_ID or GEOMETRY.

For details, see Managing tags.


A Track ID (TRACK_ID) is a field in a GeoEvent Definition that relates GeoEvents to specific entities. For example, a truck might be identified by its license plate number or an aircraft by an assigned flight number. These identifiers can be used as Track ID's to track the events associated with a particular real-world entity or set of incidents. GeoEvent Server includes a built-in tag, TRACK_ID, which should be applied to the field of a GeoEvent Definition that supplies the unique identifier for an entity or incident.

For details, see Managing tags.