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What's new in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1

This ArcGIS 10.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1 introduces new features, stability enhancements, and improved functionality throughout the product.

Functionality Matrix

For a high-level product overview of ArcGIS Enterprise, review the version you're interested in:

Add, manage, and publish from data sources in the portal

ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1 introduces new ways to register and publish data from user-managed data sources. Administrators and publishers can now add data store items in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal, creating connections to cloud storage, file shares, and databases.

Adding data store items in the portal is a simple way to register your data and to make it accessible for publishing workflows. Registering data stores from within ArcGIS Server Manager is still possible, with the same functionality as in earlier releases. Registering data stores via ArcGIS Server Manager is also still required for other workflows, such as registering a big data file share for use with ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server.

When you add a data store item, the portal registers your user-managed data store with one or more federated ArcGIS Server sites. If you register cloud storage or file shares, portal members can then publish imagery layers from that data, either directly from the portal or from ArcGIS Pro.

As the owner of a data store item, you can publish feature layers and map image layers in bulk from feature classes and tables in the database to the portal. When you share the data store item, people who use the same database credentials or who have rights to the file share can publish the data to one of the federated servers from ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap without having to separately register the data store.

These new capabilities can help expedite certain publishing workflows and allow you to bulk create layers from user-managed data stores.

Share parcel data

At ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1, organizations may leverage the parcel fabric to manage, edit, and share parcel data in multiuser environments. At this release, parcel fabric layers may be published as feature services and edited through ArcGIS Pro. For additional details, see the workflow to prepare and publish a parcel fabric.


Parcel Fabric Server REST API resources are not supported for this release.

Explore large feature layers

Feature binning, which aggregates large amounts of point features into dynamic polygons called bins, is now supported on map services published from ArcGIS Pro 2.4 and later to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1. Feature binning is a visualization tool that allows you to explore large datasets, while optimizing the drawing performance of layers that contain thousands or millions of point features. Bin-enabled layers can be published as map image layers to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1 portals, or as map services to stand-alone ArcGIS Server 10.7.1 sites. Prior to publishing a bin-enabled feature layer, the source database of the layer must be registered to an ArcGIS Server site.

A bin-enabled feature layer displays the total count of recorded tornadoes.


The installed documentation has been updated to make the complete ArcGIS Enterprise help available from each software component. The new documentation is equivalent to the version you'll find on the ArcGIS Enterprise website. The new documentation allows you to search across all components, and is available from an installed directory behind your organization's firewall.

Each of the primary software components (ArcGIS Server, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Data Store, and ArcGIS Enterprise Builder) has been updated to include the new documentation format.

ArcGIS Enterprise Builder

You can now specify custom Web Adaptor names for your hosting server and ArcGIS Enterprise portal while configuring new deployments with ArcGIS Enterprise Builder. See ArcGIS Enterprise Builder installation steps for more information.


When performing upgrades with ArcGIS Enterprise Builder, you cannot change existing Web Adaptor names.

ArcGIS Notebook Server

At 10.7, the ArcGIS Notebook Server role is now available to ArcGIS Enterprise customers. ArcGIS Notebook Server uses a specialized server framework to host and run ArcGIS Notebooks, giving each notebook user their own server container to isolate their resources.

ArcGIS Notebooks provide an integrated web interface in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal to create, share, and run data science and data management scripts. Notebook authors can access ArcGIS Enterprise and its analytical engines, ArcGIS geospatial analysis libraries, and open-source analytical, statistical, and machine learning libraries. ArcGIS Notebooks can run ArcGIS API for Python and the ArcPy library.

At 10.7.1, multiple-machine ArcGIS Notebook Server sites are now supported. This allows administrators to scale up the machine resources available for hosting notebooks.

Learn more about ArcGIS Notebooks

User types

User types replace member levels as a flexible way to license capabilities and apps in ArcGIS Enterprise. User types allow organizations to allocate identity, privileges, and apps to align with the needs of members. In addition to licensing your members with user types, you can also select add-on apps and app bundles for additional flexibility to meet the needs of users across your organization.

Administrative privileges for custom roles

At 10.7.1, there is more flexibility for allowing users to manage the administration of your organization. You can create custom roles that include administrative privileges to manage the portal settings. This allows administrators to delegate a specific set of administrative tasks to users without giving them the full set of privileges in the default administrator role. For example, a user with a custom role which includes the Organization website privilege will have the ability to manage the portal's website settings without the ability to perform other administrative tasks, such as managing security or server settings.

New tile package format

ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 includes a new tile package file format with the extension .tpkx. In this format, cache tiles are stored using the optimized compactv2 storage format. This format has a simplified file structure and provides better performance when accessed over network file shares and cloud store directories.

When you run the Create Map Tile Package or Export Map Server Cache geoprocessing tool to create a tile package in ArcGIS Pro 2.3, you can specify whether the output should be a .tpk or .tpkx file. Either file type can be used in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.

A .tpkx file has an open specification, allowing you to read and write files directly to a .tpkx file. Because of this, users can now develop and deploy custom third-party solutions for tile packages.

This new format is not backward-compatible; it can only be used by ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7, ArcGIS Pro 2.3, ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS Runtime 100.5.

Location tracking

Location tracking is now available as an organization-wide capability, allowing you to record where users are and where they have been. The location tracking feature service stores tracked locations as point features in the spatiotemporal big data store. The tracks are secure within the location tracking service; users only see their own tracks, with additional permissions required to view the tracks of others. The tracks can be used for situational awareness and for analysis to answer questions related to where users have been.

Tracker for ArcGIS is a new product that uses the location tracking service in two new apps: the Track Viewer web app and the Tracker for ArcGIS mobile app. The Track Viewer web app allows administrators to create track views, defining who is tracked and who can view those tracks. The Tracker mobile app is optimized for tracking locations in the background, minimizing the impact on device battery. The mobile app records tracks independent of a data connection and provides mobile users control of when they are and aren't tracked.

ArcGIS Excalibur

ArcGIS Excalibur is a new web application for ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 that modernizes and enhances image-based workflows through intuitive experiences. These experiences allow you to search, discover, and work with imagery in integrated workflows. ArcGIS Excalibur introduces an imagery project, a dynamic way for you to organize resources that are required to complete an image-based task in a single location. Imagery projects include geospatial reference layers that provide context to imagery tasks and a set of tools that streamline image-based workflows.

For more information, see the ArcGIS Excalibur help.

Redesigned organization page

The organization page has been redesigned to help you administer your organization and find information. A new Overview tab contains information about the organization, such as licenses available and the number and types of members. On the Members tab, you can filter members by role and level, and disable and enable membership for multiple members at once.

Offline map areas

If you work offline, you can now create map areas to take maps offline. You can package data from specific areas of a web map for faster downloading for offline use inCollector for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Runtime SDK custom apps.

Share models

You can now share your Insights for ArcGIS models with collaboration participants. Sharing your model allows recipients to adjust your model's data and parameters, allowing them to explore and analyze the data.

Monitor portal activity

As a portal administrator, you can create and manage webhooks to monitor activity for your portal items, users, and groups. Webhooks allow applications to send other applications event-driven information through payloads. A payload is a JSON message containing event information, such when the event occurred and who triggered it, that is sent to your specified payload URL.

ArcGIS Server

See what's new in ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Server licensing roles.

ArcGIS Enterprise portal

Many new features and enhancements are available for mapping, analytics, and sharing workflows. There are also enhancements in the portal user experience, and the portal is now more responsive when you access it on smaller screens. For a detailed list of features and enhancements, see What's new in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal.

ArcGIS Data Store

See what's new in ArcGIS Data Store.


See what's new for developers in ArcGIS Server administration, Portal administration, and the ArcGIS Services Directory.

System requirements

ArcGIS Enterprise is now supported on Windows Server 2019 (64 bit) operating systems for Standard and Datacenter editions.

For additional details relevant to individual ArcGIS Enterprise components, see System requirements topics.

Cloud deployments

Starting with 10.7, for geoprocessing services that are heavily used, the ArcGIS Server administrator can change the jobs directory for the service from a local folder on the ArcGIS Server site to a Microsoft Azure Blob storage container.

Tools and images you use to deploy ArcGIS Enterprise in Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure have been improved for 10.7 and 10.7.1. See the following to learn more about new and improved functionality for ArcGIS Enterprise on these platforms: