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What's new in the ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1 portal

This ArcGIS 10.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1 includes updates, enhancements, and bug fixes. For a list of issues fixed at 10.7.1, see the 10.7.1 Issues Addressed List.

If you're upgrading to 10.7.1 from an earlier version, you must reauthorize your software. You can obtain a new license file from My Esri.

Review the deprecation notice to determine if your hardware and software components are still compatible with version 10.7.1 and to see a list of functionality that has been deprecated. To review which earlier ArcGIS product versions are compatible with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1, see Portal compatibility with earlier versions of ArcGIS.

Organization administration

Manage portal settings with custom roles

At 10.7.1, you can create custom roles that include administrative privileges to manage the portal settings. This allows administrators to delegate a specific set of administrative tasks to users without giving them the full set of privileges in the default administrator role. For example, a user with a custom role which includes the Organization website privilege will have the ability to manage the portal's website settings without the ability to perform other administrative tasks, such as managing security or server settings.

User type licensing

User types replace member levels as a more flexible way to license capabilities and apps in ArcGIS Enterprise. User types allow organizations to allocate identity, privileges, and apps to better align with the needs of members.

The licenses page has been redesigned. Two tabs provide information about your organization's add-on licenses and user types, including compatibility tips that help you make decisions when managing licenses. You can still see how many add-on licenses are assigned and available, and assign or unassign them as needed.

The redesigned members page also includes new options for managing add-on licenses and user types, either for a single member or for a selected set of members.

Redesigned organization page

The organization page has been redesigned to help you administer your organization and find information. A new Overview tab highlights key information about the organization, such as licenses available and the number and types of members. From the Members tab, you can filter members by role and level, and disable and enable membership for multiple members at once.

Language and region

  • Hungarian and Catalan languages are now supported in the portal. At 10.7.1, Ukrainian is also supported.
  • Traditional Chinese is no longer available in the help.
  • In English and Spanish, you can now change the way numbers and dates are displayed in the portal.


Introduced in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 are webhooks that send out HTTP requests to indicate that a specified event has occurred within your portal. A webhook can be triggered by events associated with items, groups, and users. New at 10.7.1, you will additionally be able to configure your webhooks to be triggered when a user signs in or out of your portal.

Administrative contacts

You can now provide contact details for administrators of your portal. The contact information will be visible to all nonadministrator users on the Organization page.

Location tracking

Location tracking is now available as an organization-wide capability, providing the ability to record where users are and where they have been. You can enable location tracking for your portal. The location tracking feature service stores tracked locations as point features in the scalable and highly performant spatiotemporal big data store. The tracks are secure within the location tracking service; users only see their own tracks, with additional permissions required to view the tracks of others. The tracks can be used for situational awareness and for analysis to answer questions related to where users have been. To take advantage of location tracking, use Tracker for ArcGIS.

Mobile app for your organization

It's even easier to access your ArcGIS Enterprise organization from your mobile device using ArcGIS Companion, a new mobile app for iOS and Android. Access your organization anytime, anywhere to explore content, view groups, edit your profile, and more. Key administrative features are also available.

User experience

The 10.7.1 portal contains interface enhancements to help you work with your portal.

  • The portal is more responsive when you access it on smaller screens.
  • Beginning with 10.7, ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World content is better segregated from interfaces and searches specific to your portal organization. This makes it easier to find the content created by members of your organization without having to sift through all the Living Atlas content. The following table indicates interfaces that no longer include Living Atlas and the ones where you can find Living Atlas content:

    No longer includes Living Atlas contentUse instead

    My Organization tab on the Content page

    Living Atlas tab on the Content page

    The Gallery

    Living Atlas tab on the Content page

    When searching My Organization in Map Viewer (Add > Search for Layers > My Organization option)

    Use Add > Search for Layers > Living Atlas or use Add > Browse Living Atlas Layers

    When searching My Organization in Scene Viewer (Add layers > My Organization option)

    Use Add layers > Living Atlas

Data management

  • To make it easier for feature layer owners to view and manage fields in the layer's attribute table and related tables, a new Fields view is available on the layer's item page. You can filter fields by data type, sort the fields list, change the order in which the fields are listed, in the Fields view, and explore details for specific fields. Layer owners and organization administrators can also add or delete fields from hosted feature layers, define lists or value ranges for the fields, rename fields, and configure a field display name when viewing the layer from the Fields view page.
  • You can guide editors to the correct values when they edit attributes in hosted feature layers by defining a list of possible values. Editors choose the correct value from the list when they add a new feature or update the attribute, which helps avoid typos and incorrect values. For numeric attributes, you can define a valid range of values. If an editor provides a value outside the range, the portal notifies them that the value is outside the supported range.
  • The feature layer template gallery now includes templates that allow you to build empty hosted feature layers and define the layer schema to meet your specifications rather than using a predefined schema. These new templates are in the Build a layer category in the template gallery. Choose a template to create a point, line, or polygon layer, and add fields, define lists or value ranges for the fields, and configure feature types and templates.
  • Three new feature layer templates support data collection and management of natural resources. Forestry professionals can catalog forest activities such as chemical applications and harvest activities with Forest Activity Tracking. Local dealers in the agricultural industry can use Member Properties to update client addresses and inventory property assets such as barns, irrigation systems, fencing, and storage facilities. Vineyard and winery staff can collect and manage vineyard data with Vineyard Management.
  • ArcGIS Enterprise has improved how files are uploaded through your browser, significantly decreasing the time it takes to add or update files in your organization. Additionally, the 1 GB file upload size limit has been removed. You can now upload files up to 200 GB to My Content through a web browser.
  • When you define what features are included in a hosted feature layer view, you can limit the view to include the features present in a specific area of interest.
  • You can enable synchronization on hosted feature layer views, allowing you to include the views in web maps you take offline and include them in a data collaboration.
  • If the people who need to access your hosted feature layer views do not need or should not have access to the attachment files inherited from the hosted feature layer, you can hide the attachments from the view.
  • You can now rename the layers in your hosted feature layers and hosted feature layer views.
  • To save time, you can rebuild only the parts of a hosted scene layer's cache that changed as a result of edits made to the associated feature layer.
  • A new job status is available when you rebuild a scene layer's cache. Depending on the complexity and size of your data, rebuilding the cache can take a long time. The job status helps you monitor progress and, if the process fails, it provides a link to log files to help you troubleshoot the problem.
  • Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) and United States National Grid (USNG) are now supported coordinate reference systems for publishing comma-separated values (CSV) files as hosted feature layers.
  • When you publish feature layers from ArcGIS Pro to one of your portal's federated servers, line and polygon feature layers now expose the geodatabase-maintained area and length fields—shape__area and shape__length respectively.
  • Use Create imagery layers to create imagery layers using supported raster data file types. Created image layers can be written to a raster store and published as image services. The imagery data you use as input can come from a local folder or from a data store. The output can be hosted imagery layers or imagery layers that reference the registered data source. Imagery layers that reference the registered data source are not managed by enterprise. When you delete a referenced imagery layer, the data will not be deleted from data store.

Manage data sources in the portal

At 10.7.1, as a publisher or administrator, you can now add cloud storage locations, file shares, and database connections as data store items in the portal. When you add an item, it registers the data store with one or more federated ArcGIS Server sites. Once added, you can do the following with each of these data store items:

  • Cloud storage locations—Share the cloud data store item with portal members who need to create imagery layers from the images stored in the cloud storage location.


    For the 10.7 Release, if your portal administrator configured both an image hosting server and a raster analysis server for the portal, you must register your data store with the image hosting server and raster analysis server using the ArcGIS Server Manager.

  • Folder—Share the folder data store item with those portal members who need to do the following:
    • Create imagery layers from images stored in the folder data store.
    • Publish imagery layers from ArcGIS Pro to the portal's raster analysis server or image hosting servers with which you've registered the folder.
  • Database
    • The owner of the data store item can run one publishing operation to create feature and map image layers from all feature classes and tables accessible through the data store. The owner can then share the layers with other portal members.
    • Anyone who uses the same database credentials to publish layers from ArcGIS Pro to one of the federated servers with which the database is registered will not have to separately register the database as a data store if you share the data store item with them.

If your federated servers have registered folders, cloud storage locations, or databases in Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, or SAP HANA that were added using ArcGIS Server Manager, ArcGIS Pro, or ArcMap, you can create data store items for them using the federateDataItem operation in the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory of the federated server.

Publish multiple feature and map image layers at once

At 10.7.1, to more easily share the data available through a specific database connection, publish feature layers and map image layers in bulk from a database data store item. As new content is made available in the source database, you can synchronize the data store item and layers. For example, feature classes and tables added to the database or for which access is newly granted to the database user, new layers will be created in the portal. Similarly, if a source feature class or table is removed from the database or privileges are revoked, the corresponding feature and map image layers will be removed from the portal.

Improved functionality for hosted feature layers

At 10.7.1, ArcGIS Enterprise portals now allow you to publish hosted feature layers from Microsoft Excel files that store spatial data using Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) or United States National Grid (USNG) coordinates.

ArcGIS Data Store

ArcGIS Data Store 10.7.1 is a product improvement release. See the 10.7.1 issues addressed list for information.

The following new and updated ArcGIS Data Store functionality is available in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7:

  • When you upgrade a highly available relational or tile cache data store to ArcGIS Data Store 10.7, you can complete the configuration portion of the upgrade on either the primary or standby machine. Prior to 10.7, you had to complete the upgrade from the primary machine.
  • Improvements have been made to the configurebackuplocation utility to allow you to change the name of a backup location, change the credentials for Amazon S3 backup locations, change the password for accounts used for Azure Blob backup locations, and change the default backup location for relational data stores, even when the existing location is inaccessible.

On a daily basis, the relational ArcGIS Data Store analyzes common queries that clients send to hosted feature layers and optimizes the execution of these queries to improve hosted feature layer performance.

Changes in database support

The following are changes in support for the databases you register with ArcGIS Server sites:

  • ArcGIS 10.7 supports Oracle 18c.
  • You can no longer create user-schema geodatabases in Oracle. You can continue to use and upgrade existing user-schema geodatabases at this release, but you should begin moving your data to stand-alone geodatabases.
  • You cannot create a geodatabase in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or upgrade an existing geodatabase if it resides in a SQL Server 2012 database. Upgrade SQL Server to a supported release before you upgrade your geodatabase.
  • The use of Altibase databases with ArcGIS has been deprecated.

Mapping and visualization

  • At 10.7.1, two new vector tile basemaps have been added to the portal: Open Street Map and Oceans.
  • At 10.7.1, symbol sets have been updated in Map Viewer. The Emergency Management symbol set has been renamed to Public Safety and includes new symbols. This symbol set also replaces the Safety & Health symbol set, which has been retired. The Local Government and State Government symbol sets have been combined into a single Government symbol set, which also includes new symbols.
  • At 10.7.1, after changing the style of a layer, there is an option to return to the default style of that layer.
  • Map Viewer has two new smart mapping styles that allow you to visualize relationships between numeric attributes in your data. These relationship styles apply a combination of two distinct color ramps to the attribute data, allowing you to see where the attributes may be related. For example, you can see where obesity rates and diabetes rates are both high, and whether rates of physical inactivity are consistent with the pattern.
  • Map authors supporting offline field work can now create map areas from web maps. Using map areas makes it easier to take maps offline. Map areas can be used in Collector for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Runtime SDK custom apps.
  • You can now set a refresh interval on tables in web maps. This ensures that tabular information related to your map remains in sync with the latest data from the field while the map is being viewed.

ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World content

Demographic layers and maps for the year 2018 are available in 10.7.1, including the following:

  • Four 2018 Canada demographic layers for average family size, labor force participation rate, median household income, and median age.
  • 66 new American Community Survey (ACS) layers with the most current release of ACS five-year estimates. The layers contain data for U.S. state, county, and census tract geographies. They contain single or multiple ACS tables, grouped by topic. For each topic, there is a boundary layer and a centroid layer. Layers are updated annually to reflect the most current data values and geographical boundaries.

New vector basemap layers are also available at 10.7.1, as well as a new environment layer.

Updates are available for 37 of the country boundary layers available from My Esri. You can download the updated files and publish them as new layers in your portal.

Living Atlas content that has entered mature support at 10.7.1 is no longer returned when you search for content in Map Viewer, Scene Viewer, and the Living Atlas tab of the Content page. This helps you to avoid using content that may later be retired and, therefore, unavailable in a future release.

At 10.7.1, a large number of Living Atlas items have been retired. For many of the retired layers, replacement layers are available. See Living Atlas content life cycles and updates for a list of these layers.

The process of searching for and adding Living Atlas layers to maps and scenes was simplified and improved at 10.7. New filters are available to help you find the right content in Map Viewer and Scene Viewer, as well as on the Living Atlas tab of the Content page. For example, you can use the following categories and status filters when searching Living Atlas content:

  • Categories—The Trending category contains two subcategories—New and noteworthy and Current events. To find Living Atlas content that was added for 10.7, use the New and noteworthy category. Content that represents live data feeds, such as weather and disaster events, can be found using the Current events category.
  • Status—Use the authoritative status filter to find Living Atlas content that Esri recommends. To identify Living Atlas items that have entered mature support, filter for items in the deprecated status. Once you identify deprecated content, you can start replacing the content in your maps and apps before the content is retired.

In addition to separating Living Atlas content from your organization's content, other changes at 10.7 that help you find the content you need include the addition of new badges on Living Atlas items. These include a Living Atlas badge Living Atlas and badges that let you know if the content is authoritative authoritative, deprecated deprecated, subscriber subscriber, or premium premium content when applicable.

When you run feature analysis tools in Map Viewer, you can now choose Living Atlas feature layers from ArcGIS Online or Esri boundary layers. If the portal is configured to use these layers, both options are available from the new Choose Analysis Layer window.

All Esri boundary layers contain multiple layers. To properly analyze individual boundaries, the Choose Analysis Layer allows you to choose individual sublayers for feature analysis.

Twelve Living Atlas items are retired at 10.7.

A Living Atlas boundary layer file is now available for Estonia (EST). You can download this file from My Esri and publish it to your portal to make these layers available to your portal members. Updates are also available on My Esri for 30 of the existing country boundary layers.

You no longer have to upgrade Living Atlas content from Organization > Settings. When you finish upgrading the portal, a message will appear to complete post-upgrade steps. Click OK on this dialog box to upgrade the portal's Living Atlas content.


  • As of 10.7.1, only a limited set of 3D models is included automatically in Scene Viewer. To get the complete set of 3D symbology in your symbol gallery, such as Vegetation, install the Web Styles setup. If your base deployment was installed using the ArcGIS Enterprise Builder, the setup is already included. For additional information, see Scene Viewer requirements.
  • Add feature layers with hundreds of thousands of points while maintaining high performance in Scene Viewer. The features are dynamically loaded and displayed as you navigate your scene. Also, point scene layers display significantly more points and allow for much faster interaction.
  • Create stunning city scenes with edge rendering. Now you can choose solid edges to accentuate your building outlines or sketch edges to give your buildings a more hand-drawn look. You can also customize the size and color of the building edges for aesthetic purposes.
  • Visualize and explore both global and local scenes underground. The new ground transparency slider allows you to see through the ground surface and reveal underground features such as seismic measurements or utilities infrastructure. You can also navigate underground in global scenes to better visualize and interact with the subsurface data. Furthermore, you can set a ground color when you configure ground and expose the color in your scene with the Basemap tool.
  • Embed your scene with a custom background color that matches your site or blog style. When you choose a background color, the sky and stars in your scene are removed and you can invent your own cartographic style.
  • You can now navigate scenes with gamepad and 3D mouse devices in Scene Viewer. Use these tools to intuitively view and explore features, such as buildings and 3D models, underground assets, or interior rooms and corridors.
  • Find features in scenes more easily by searching for layer attributes, such as names or IDs. You can now configure layers in scenes to allow viewers to search for and zoom to specific features in a layer. For example, you can enter the name of a hotel conference room, and Scene Viewer navigates to the room, highlights it, and displays a pop-up about the space.
  • You can now add hundreds of thousands of lines and polygons into Scene Viewer. Display and visualize large datasets such as streets, rivers, parcels, and country borders. This new line and polygon enhancement, combined with the support for large point datasets, now removes the feature count limit for adding layers in Scene Viewer.
  • Display tens of thousands of points with 3D symbols such as realistic trees. With the new automatic level of detail, you can now display 3D models from the Esri-provided gallery while maintaining strong performance.
  • Apply a filter to your feature or scene layers. You can now choose an attribute and select the features that appear in your scene. This new feature is available in the Layer Properties option for all geometry types, including point cloud layers.
  • The new building scene layer allows you to explore BIM building data in Scene Viewer. Building scene layers published from ArcGIS Pro 2.3 allow you to display and hide exterior and interior structures such as roofs, walls, doors, and mechanical systems.
  • Slice your scene content with a new interactive tool in Scene Viewer. You can reveal hidden data in building interiors or underground, zoom in, and dynamically interact with the measure tools.
  • Upload images to use as icons with your point layers. You can now customize your scene with symbols in addition to the Scene Viewer gallery.
  • The new redesigned UI for searching and adding layers in Scene Viewer allows you to filter and sort results; and search within Living Atlas, groups, or favorites.
  • Discover all these new features on the go with your modern phones and tablets now supported in Scene Viewer.
  • You can check the job status when you rebuild a scene layer cache to pick up changes in the related feature layer.

Sharing and collaboration

The following features are new in distributed collaboration:

  • At 10.7.1, group owners and managers can now specify an item type, such as apps or maps, to display by default on the Overview and Content tabs of the group page.
  • At 10.7.1, a new location filter helps you find items in your organization that are located in a specific place or region, or at specified latitude-longitude coordinates. Item owners must set the item's extent, or geographic boundaries, to take full advantage of this search filter.
  • At 10.7.1, as an alternative to uploading an image, you can now create a custom thumbnail for your item by choosing a basemap and setting an extent and zoom level.
  • You can share Insights Workbooks, Pages, and Models with a collaboration. Shared Pages and Workbooks provide participants outside of your organization with a read-only copy of your complete analysis and results. Sharing your Insights Models will provide collaboration participants with your workflow, providing them the opportunity to rerun your analysis with their own data.
  • Feature layer views can be shared as copies. When shared as a copy, only the data represented in the view will be shared with collaboration participants, and any edits or updates to the source layer will be synchronized based on the established sync interval.

Hosted feature layer views must be sync-enabled to be shared as a copy.

  • Portal administrators now have the ability to pause and resume schedule syncs for workspace collaborations. A scheduled synchronization can be easily halted for planned events, such as system maintenance and QA activities, by choosing to Pause Sync. During this time, no scheduled synchronization will take place, and will only be restarted when Resume Sync has been selected.

The Sync Status Report will reflect the status of scheduled syncs by either showing the next scheduled sync time or by showing Paused if the administrator has chosen to temporarily pause the service.


To help you find the layers you need, analysis tools have an improved experience for browsing to and adding analysis layers from within the tool dialog pane. You can access layers for analysis by clicking Choose Analysis Layer from the drop-down menu of compatible tool parameters.

The Choose Analysis Layer window provides a single place from which you can search for layers in any of the following locations:

  • My Content—The layers you own.
  • My Favorites—Layers you set as favorites because you use them frequently.
  • My Groups—Layers available through groups to which you belong.
  • My Organization—Layers that other portal members created and shared with the organization.
  • Organization Analysis Group—If your portal administrator configured the portal with a custom analysis group, this option provides you with a curated list of analysis layers.
  • Living Atlas Analysis Layers—This option is available if your portal is configured to access Living Atlas content from ArcGIS Online.
  • Esri Boundary Layers—This option is available if your portal administrator published Esri Boundary Layers to the portal.

When feature layers in the Organization Analysis Group or Esri Boundary Layers contain multiple layers, the Choose Analysis Layer allows you to choose individual sublayers for feature analysis.

In addition to this new layer discovery experience available in all analysis tools, there are several new and improved tools available for standard and GeoAnalytics feature analysis and raster analysis.

Standard feature analysis

The following new and updated tools are available in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal:


There are new enhancements in GeoAnalytics at 10.7 and 10.7.1.

10.7.1 release

Enhancements have been made to the following existing tools and capabilities:

  • Overlay Layers supports new overlay operations (union, symmetric difference, and identity).
  • Join Features supports near relationships using a geodesic distance.
  • You can now apply a filter to inputs of a GeoAnalytics Server tool in portal Map Viewer. The filter is only applied for analysis and can be used on feature layers and big data file shares.

10.7 release

The following new tools are available in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal:

Enhancements have been made to the following existing tools and capabilities:

Raster analysis

There are new enhancements in raster analysis at 10.7 and 10.7.1.

10.7.1 release

Enhancements have been made to two existing tools exposed in Map Viewer through the Enterprise portal.

  • Calculate Distance has three new parameters:
    • Use the Choose raster or feature layer to represent barriers parameter to incorporate barriers into the distance calculations.
    • Use the Distance Method parameter to select between planar and a new geodesic method for calculating distance.
    • Create a optional Result back direction layer name. This new output along with Euclidean distance can be used in new service tool Cost Path As Polyline to find paths.
  • Determine Travel Cost Path As Polyline has a new parameter, Choose field to obtain values for destination, with which you can specify which field of the input to use to obtain values for the destination locations.

A new service tool is available, Cost Path As Polyline, which can be accessed through the REST API or the a geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS Pro when connected to a Portal. This tool can be used to calculate the least-cost path from a source to a destination.

10.7 release

Raster analysis in ArcGIS Image Server features the following two new tools exposed in Map Viewer through the Enterprise portal:

  • Classify Pixels Using Deep Learning—Runs a trained deep learning model on an input raster to produce a classified raster, with each valid pixel having a class label assigned.
  • Detect Objects Using Deep Learning—Runs a trained deep learning model on an input raster to produce a feature class containing the objects it finds. The features can be bounding boxes or polygons around the objects found, or points at the centers of the objects.

The Raster function editor is a visual programming interface for building imagery and raster analysis processing chains. The workflows can be saved as raster function templates (RFTs), which can automate your image analyses and processes. You can create and modify RFTs in the function editor panel. The Raster function editor is exposed in Map Viewer through the Enterprise portal.

The Raster function editor contains a gallery of 142 raster functions. These raster functions can be combined into raster function processing chains—called a Raster Function Template (RFT)—using the visual programming tools. The RFTs can be tested, edited, saved, and shared with other members of your enterprise.


Geocode File is a new API available for developers to perform large-scale batch geocoding from ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1. It allows developers to leverage an API that can geocode large files of data and returns the geocoded results in an output file. Possible inputs to this API are zipped comma-separated values (CSV) files, Microsoft Excel (.xls) files, and file geodatabase tables with address information. The API outputs a zipped CSV file, .xls file, or a feature class with the geocoded results (location information) appended to the input file. Developers can write code against this API to perform large-scale batch geocoding in their ArcGIS Enterprise portal organization.

For more information about how to set up large scale batch geocoding, see: Configure Portal to Geocode Addresses.

For more information about the Geocode File API, see the REST API documentation.


There are new features and enhancements for apps in the portal.

ArcGIS Excalibur

ArcGIS Excalibur is a new web application for ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 that modernizes and enhances image-based workflows through intuitive experiences. These experiences enable users to easily search, discover, and work with imagery in fully integrated workflows, allowing for powerful, manual-assisted image analytics and exploitation. ArcGIS Excalibur introduces the idea of an Imagery Project, a dynamic way for users to organize resources that are required to complete an image-based task in a single location. Imagery Projects include geospatial reference layers to provide users with context to their imagery task in addition to a set of tools to streamline image-based workflows in a focused manner.

The following enhancements and features were added to the latest release of ArcGIS Excalibur:

  • The search settings help you filter through your results when searching for imagery in the imagery exploitation canvas. You can search with Date Range, Cloud Cover, Predicted NIIRS, Obliquity, and Image Name.
  • The time enabled observation layers now give you the ability to use an interactive time slider to view when observations were collected on your imagery. You can use this time slider to view any previously collected observations.
  • There are new observation layer enhancements when you create a new observation layer for your imagery project. Now, you can define your layer's style based on a single symbol or use coded value domains for unique values styling. You can also create multiple observation layers during your observation imagery project.
  • There are multiple improvements to the layer list. Now, you can interact with imagery layers, context layers, and project layers. You can change the transparency on any content or project layers and toggle the time slider on your project layers.

For more information, see the What's new in Excalibur.

ArcGIS QuickCapture

A new mobile app, ArcGIS QuickCapture, is supported at 10.7.1. ArcGIS QuickCapture is specifically designed for at-speed field data collection workflows, delivering a user experience focused on the needs of users who collect field observations on the go, travelling in a vehicle such as a car, truck, and even helicopter. You can create your own ArcGIS QuickCapture projects on top of existing ArcGIS Enterprise feature layers using ArcGIS QuickCapture designer.

ArcGIS Enterprise Sites

Experience a new way to edit sites and share content with the 10.7.1 release of Sites in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal. When editing a site, you'll notice a new navigation bar at the top of the Site Editor and a redesigned side panel.

The new navigation bar includes dropdown menus with options to quickly go elsewhere, like to add data or manage existing sites.

The redesigned Customize side panel features a sleeker design and includes more options to configure your site's settings and capabilities. This panel will also now close automatically to give you more room when adding a card to your layout.

The new enhanced text card includes rich-text editing so you can add and format text more easily, no HTML required.

Interested in sharing more accessible content? Read our recent blog post on how to use our drag-and-drop cards to design an accessible site.

Ortho Maker

Two new features available in Ortho Maker include Cut-and-fill volume calculation and Add GCPs from a feature service to refine the block adjustment.

  • The Cut-and-fill volume calculation is provided in the Ortho Maker map viewer. The Volume Calculation map tool summarizes the areas and volumes of change from a cut-and-fill operation. By using the digital surface model product and an area of interest (AOI) with a given base type, it identifies regions of surface material removal and addition.
  • The Add GCPs from a feature service tool refines the block adjustment to produce more accurate products such as Digital Surface Models (DSM), Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and seamless ortho mosaics. Two types of feature services are supported for GCPs:
    • Point feature layer within organization.
    • Point feature layer from ArcGIS Online that is publicly accessible.

Tracker for ArcGIS

Tracker for ArcGIS is a new product that brings location tracking to life, using the location tracking service in two new apps: the Track Viewer web app and the Tracker for ArcGIS mobile app.

Track Viewer

When using location tracking to record where users are and where they have been, the tracks are secure within the location tracking service; users only see their own tracks, with additional permissions required to view the tracks of others. The Track Viewer web app enables administrators to create track views, defining who is tracked and who can view those tracks. Users with access to a track view use Track Viewer to visualize the tracks available to them.

Tracker for ArcGIS

The Tracker mobile app is optimized for tracking locations in the background, minimizing the impact on device battery. The mobile app records tracks independently of whether there is a data connection, and gives mobile users control of when they are and aren't tracked.

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

At ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1, three additional languages are now supported: Ukrainian, Arabic, and Hebrew. More configuration options are available with Category Selectors in multiple selection mode, and for styling elements when they show No Data or No Value.

Starting at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7, you can configure Show Pop-up and Follow Feature actions and control actions through URL Parameters. Styling improvements include logarithmic scaling, label and legend text size as well as color choices for the background, borders, elements, tabs, and selections. You can also now view dashboards on mobile phones.

For more information, see What's new in Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS.

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS

The Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Enterprise includes support for accessibility, new widgets, and improvements on a number of widgets. For more information, see the Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS section of the help.


  • At 10.7.1, support for accessibility is added in 21 widgets and 5 themes, and are tested with selected screen readers. With incremental releases, more widgets and themes will support accessibility.
  • At 10.7.1, you can control which layers are visible through the URL parameter, showLayers.


A Pocket theme has been added for apps embedded in websites, story maps, or other locations with surrounding context, where only one widget is supported in a panel positioned on the left or the right.


  • The new Network Trace widget utilizes a geoprocessing service to trace a geometric network and interact with its results. For example, a user specifies the location of the main break to generate the outage area. (10.7.1)
  • Scalebar has a new option to display the scale number. (10.7.1)
  • You can display the custom basemap in Overview Map. (10.7.1)
  • You can control which layers are visible with a new link option in Share. (10.7.1)
  • Query adds an option to let you control if end users can provide a different name for the result layer name at runtime. (10.7.1)
  • Swipe provides an option to hide the layer choosing list. (10.7.1)
  • The Smart Editor widget enables you to move a point feature to coordinates or a GPS location that you provide. At 10.7.1, Smart Editor has made it easier to streamline workflows by adding Smart Action and Attribute Action options.
  • When using Cost Analysis, it's easier to generate a centroid of the project area by updating multiple configurations within the widget. (10.7.1)
  • With the Query widget, you can hide or customize filter labels for query criteria and spatial filters, and you can type a value and press Enter to apply the query. When you use the Query widget, you can rename the resultant layer and keep the spatial filter shape drawn on the map after execution.
  • The Time Slider widget allows you to set relative time span and intervals to animate live data such as showing the weather for the past five days in two-hour intervals.
  • When you use the Search widget to perform geocoding or feature search on point, line, and polygon layers, the widget honors the zoom-scale parameter in the resulting search extent. This widget also allows you to type coordinates with UTM or specified by a WKID in the search box to locate a place on the map and has an option to pan to the search result without zooming.
  • The Legend widget includes a new option to display the symbology of the basemap layers.
  • With the Daylight (3D) widget, you can choose a specific date to reflect the sun’s position at different times.
  • The Draw widget displays the measurement label for a point in degrees or degree-minute-second format. You can also now use this widget to change the font size and font color to display the measurements.
  • The Measurement widget allows you to snap to the measured features for accuracy.
  • The Measurement (3D) widget supports measuring the area and perimeter of a polygon.
  • The Attribute Table widget allows you to configure a default sort field.
  • With the Coordinate widget, you can change the display label for a configured coordinate system and set a default coordinate system.
  • With the Infographic widget, you can add line and area markers as guidelines to view the charts in the bar, line, column, and area templates; add titles for x- and y-axis; change the background color of the gauge bar; and set dynamic maximum and minimum values, which are dependent on statistic data configured in Extra Data source, for the gauge templates.
  • When using the Related Table Charts widget, you have the option to use line charts. You can use a line chart with one or many data series.
  • The Parcel Drafter widget allows you to save your last used traverse settings, and delete parcels using the Delete tool. When using the traverse pane, you can move it to the start and rotation position.
  • The Edit widget now allows you to edit many-to-many related records and control the capability to add or delete features. This widget also has a new option to honor the editable layer setting defined in the web map.
  • The Geoprocessing widget allows you to select a table from the map as an input of GPRecordSet and to check the option to hide the Others symbol from the legend as an output.
  • The Directions widget allows you to save the route as a hosted layer in your portal.
  • The Print widget allows you to define the output spatial reference on the Advanced tab for the printout.
  • The new Threat Analysis widget supports public safety personnel and first responders to identify safe distances and zones when planning events, should an incident occur. For example, should an explosion occur at a location susceptible to attack, personnel can understand what parameters to set up and what areas to evacuate.
  • The new Visibility widget determines what is visible from an observer location based on a given distance, an observer height, and a field of view.
  • The Analysis widget adds three new tools: Geocode Locations from Table, Find Centroids, Find Point Clusters, and Summarize Center and Dispersion.
  • Living Atlas is available in the Analysis widget.
  • Add an option to set thousands separator in the Number Template of the Infographic widget.
  • You can now set feature layers as search sources in the 3D Search widget.
  • The Directions widget allows you to specify map layers (point, line, or polygon) as the barriers when configuring the widget.
  • In the 3D Coordinate widget, you can set the units of elevation and eye altitude measurements as metric or English.
  • The result panel of the Query widget shows a Displayed features message to indicate how many features are displayed out of all the results matching the query criteria, and a Load more button appears when the results are more than the displayed features. In addition, you can configure the default expand/collapse state for the result items.
  • The Infographic widget adds a configurable option to allow showing integers only for the value axis.
  • The Chart widget supports sorting charts by both label and value fields.


The new CoordinateControl class allows coordinates to be consumed and parsed in multiple formats and notation styles.

When using the Analysis widget, you may refer to this matrix to understand tools that require a standard or advanced GIS Server license.

Administrators can view and manage apps and templates created by everyone.

Configurable app templates

The following new configurable app templates are available:

  • Category Gallery (10.7.1)
  • Interactive Legend (10.7.1)
  • Compare—Present a side-by-side or stacked view of two maps, two scenes, or a map and a scene that allows the app user to explore the differences and similarities in the data in each.
  • Image Mask—Create an app that allows users to identify differences between two imagery layers.
  • Image Visit—You can bookmark locations within a map that displays imagery to lead the app user through a predefined tour of the map.
  • Imagery Viewer—Apps created using this template allow users to compare two imagery layers using a swipe tool. This is useful for comparing changes over time.
  • Layer Showcase—This group template allows you to create a gallery of layers to help portal members find the content they need.
  • Map Styler—The Map Styler template allows you to customize the app presentation and provides basic tools for app users to explore a web map. This template replaces the Map Tools and Simple Map Viewer templates.
  • Media Map—The template is designed to create apps that present web maps in a small space, such as within a news article or presentation on the web.
  • Scene Styler—The Scene Styler template allows you to customize the app presentation and provides basic tools for app users to explore a web scene.
  • Scene with Inset Map—Display a 2D inset map with a 3D scene to help app users orient themselves within the scene.

The following app templates are in mature status and are no longer available for creating apps in the portal. Use the suggested replacement app template instead.

Mature templateReplacement app template

Compare Analysis


Compare Scenes


Maps and Apps Gallery

Minimal Gallery

Map Carousel

Minimal Gallery

Though not a group app, you can use the Story Map Series template to show a collection of web maps as well.

Map Tools

Map Styler

Simple Map Viewer

Map Styler


Esri does not maintain code on mature templates, and mature status templates are no longer available from Map Viewer or the Content page. However, you can download the source code and API for these templates and host them on your own web server. Instructions are included in readme files included with the download file.

Important information

The following should be noted before upgrading to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 or 10.7.1.

Legacy Operations Dashboard view items

The legacy Operations Dashboard product was moved to a retired state on January 1, 2019. In ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7, you will no longer be able to create or edit Operation View items. Existing Operation View items will be marked as deprecated in your portal. These will remain as read-only items to support the re-creation of these items using the new Operations Dashboard web app before the next major release, when old Operation View items will no longer be accessible.

Going forward, the new and improved Operations Dashboard app built into ArcGIS Enterprise will provide comprehensive and insightful views of your data.

Portalpy removal

Portalpy is no longer included in the ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 or 10.7.1 setup. All Portalpy functionality is provided by the ArcGIS API for Python, which has been included for a number of releases. For legacy automation scripts, it is possible to download Portalpy.