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What's new in ArcGIS Image Server

This ArcGIS 11.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

ArcGIS Image Server 11.0 includes updates, enhancements, new tools, and improved functionality.

If you're upgrading from 11.0 or an earlier release to ArcGIS Image Server 11.0, you must reauthorize your software. You can obtain a new license file from My Esri.

New at 11.0

See what's new and improved in ArcGIS Image Server 11.0.

New raster types for imagery layer

Create a hosted imagery layer with newly added raster type options in the Create Imagery Layer wizard, including the following:

  • Landsat 9
  • Jilin-1
  • Pleiades NEO
  • Superview-1
  • PlanetScope

Multidimensional support

Multidimensional transposed tiles are supported on image services referencing multidimensional CRF raster datasets with transposed tiles.

Enhanced OGC support

  • Enhanced support for ArcGIS Server WMS published from a map with multidimensional raster layers was added.
  • Enhanced support for ArcGIS Server WMS to provide better handling on multidimensional variables and raster function templates associated with the layers was added.

ArcGIS Enterprise apps

Updates to existing apps and addition of new apps include the following:

ArcGIS Deep Learning Studio

A new Enterprise app was launched called ArcGIS Deep Learning Studio, which provides a focused user experience for users to extract information from imagery and share it with their organization. The app allows you to perform an end-to-end workflow that includes capturing training data, training a model, and running inferencing. The app is flexible and allows you to perform individual steps when you have a custom workflow.

ArcGIS Ortho Maker

  • Support was added for swipe within a flight using any products.
  • ArcGIS Ortho Maker now provides additional camera position information when reviewing Skydio images.

Conduct Raster Analysis

The updates to raster analysis capabilities are listed below.

Use raster analysis tools in ArcGIS Pro (available from ArcGIS Enterprise)

When you are signed in from ArcGIS Pro to an ArcGIS Enterprise portal that has ArcGIS Image Server configured for Raster Analysis, you can access the Raster Analysis tools.

The following new tool is added:

  • Surface Parameters—Determines parameters of a surface raster such as aspect, slope, and several types of curvatures using geodesic methods.

The following tools are enhanced:

Summarize Raster Within and Zonal Statistics as Table—Circular statistics to calculate cyclic quantities, such as compass direction in degrees, times of the day, and fractional parts of real numbers are now supported. The following statistics types support circular statistics calculations: Mean, Majority, Minority, Standard deviation, and Variety.

Use Suitability Modeler in ArcGIS Pro (available from ArcGIS Enterprise)

When you are signed in from ArcGIS Pro to an ArcGIS Enterprise portal that has ArcGIS Image Server configured for Raster Analysis, you can access the Suitability Modeler using ArcGIS Pro as a client. Models can be shared from ArcGIS Pro to run in your ArcGIS Enterprise portal. This enables you to use distributed processing to process larger datasets more efficiently.

Use raster functions in ArcGIS Pro (available from ArcGIS Enterprise)

When you are signed in from ArcGIS Pro to an ArcGIS Enterprise portal that has ArcGIS Image Server configured for Raster Analysis, you can access new raster functions as well as additional capabilities that have been added to some existing functions.

The following new raster function has been added:

  • Surface Parameters—Determines parameters of a surface raster such as aspect, slope, and several types of curvatures using geodesic methods.

For existing functions, the following updates were made:

  • Cell Statistics—For the Majority and Minority statistics, when there is a tie, the lowest value will now be returned.
  • Focal Statistics—For the Weight neighborhood, the algorithms for the Mean and Standard deviation statistics are updated. For the Majority and Minority statistics, the result when there is a tie has been improved.
  • Zonal Statistics—Circular statistics to calculate cyclic quantities, such as compass direction in degrees, times of the day, and fractional parts of real numbers are now supported. The following statistics types support circular statistics calculations: Mean, Majority, Minority, Standard deviation, and Variety.

Use raster analysis tasks in ArcGIS REST API

The following raster analysis tasks are new:

  • DeriveContinuousFlow—Generates a raster of accumulated flow into each cell from an input surface raster with no prior sink or depression filling required.
  • SurfaceParameters—Determines parameters of a surface raster such as various types of curvatures, slope, and aspect.

The following raster analysis tasks have been enhanced:

  • SummarizeRasterWithin and ZonalStatisticsAsTable—Circular statistics to calculate cyclic quantities, such as compass direction in degrees, times of the day, and fractional parts of real numbers are now supported. The following statistics types support circular statistics calculations: MEAN, MAJORITY, MINORITY, STD, and VARIETY.