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What is ArcGIS for INSPIRE Classic

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ArcGIS for INSPIRE Classic is the solution for the preparation of harmonized spatial data and services pursuant to the guidelines of the European Union INSPIRE Classic Directive. It provides mechanisms to efficiently store transformed data and distribute data via the INSPIRE Classic Download, View, and Discovery Services.

Interested in our next generation INSPIRE solution? Explore ArcGIS INSPIRE Open Data.

The ArcMap Desktop component provides the INSPIRE Classic Theme data models, implemented as an Esri geodatabase for creating harmonized INSPIRE Classic data and associated metadata. By implementing the INSPIRE Classic geodatabase as a secondary publishing data store, the processes and applications used to create and maintain the source data are not affected. This means that the primary assets and workflows built around the primary data model don't need to be modified. This also facilitates the conditions of high-quality services required by the INSPIRE Classic Directive.

The INSPIRE Classic geodatabase themes are the foundation for publishing INSPIRE Classic services. ArcGIS Enterprise is used for publishing INSPIRE Classic data themes (Annex 1, 2, and 3) as INSPIRE Classic Download and View Services. The INSPIRE Classic Download Service supports direct user-defined data access and downloading of existing datasets.

Geoportal Server, an Esri open source gateway to search and discover geospatial resources, allows you to manage INSPIRE Classic metadata and deploy INSPIRE Classic Discovery Services.

ArcGIS for INSPIRE components


The following is a list of ArcGIS for INSPIRE Classic features:

  • Complete solution to provide and publish spatial data according to the INSPIRE Classic Directive
  • Conformance to the conditions of the INSPIRE Classic Implementing Rules and the Technical Guidance
  • Implementation of the INSPIRE Classic data theme specifications as an Esri geodatabase for optimized usage and publication in ArcGIS Enterprise
  • Increased efficiency through automated transformations
  • No need to modify the existing primary data store or related workflows
  • INSPIRE Classic Service component for ArcGIS Enterprise enables simple publication of INSPIRE Classic Download and View Services
  • INSPIRE Classic Download Services support direct access and predefined dataset services
  • Connection of INSPIRE Classic Service Capabilities with the associated metadata of a catalog server
  • Seamless integration with the base technologies of ArcGIS


The following is a list of ArcGIS for INSPIRE Classic components:

In this topic
  1. Features
  2. Components