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Expand link chart content

ArcGIS 11.2  | |  Help archive

To learn more about an entity such as a retail store, use the Expand method Expand to add its relationships and related entities, including employees, warehouses, suppliers, and transportation vehicles, to the link chart from its associated knowledge graph.

When you use the Expand method to add content to a link chart, the operation runs from the entities currently selected in the link chart. It expands the contents of a link chart by performing queries on the knowledge graph to get the relationships that are immediately connected to the selected entities. The retrieved relationships and their related entities are added to the link chart when they are not already present. The result is that all selected entities are expanded by one degree (or "hop"), to show their nearest neighbor entities and the relationships connecting them.

  1. Select the entities and relationships to expand in the link chart.

    Link chart with entities selected before the Expand operation

  2. On the link chart context toolbar, click Expand Expand.

    The originally selected graph items are deselected. The relationships and related entities identified by the expand operation are added to the link chart and selected. This allows you to click Expand again if you want to expand one more degree from the newly added entities.

    Link chart with entities selected after the expand operation

  3. Optionally, clear the selection and zoom in to explore the added relationships.