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Install and configure ArcGIS Notebook Server samples data

This ArcGIS 11.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

To install ArcGIS Notebook Server samples data, you can run the ArcGIS Notebook Server samples data installation wizard, or you can run the installation from a command prompt. To install from a command prompt, see Silently install ArcGIS Notebook Server samples data.

When setting up a multiple-machine ArcGIS Notebook Server site, you must install and configure the samples data only on the first machine where you have installed Notebook Server and created the site.

To install and configure the samples data, follow these steps:

  1. Run the ArcGIS Notebook Server samples data installation wizard you downloaded from My Esri.

    The samples data will be installed in the directory where ArcGIS Notebook Server is installed.

  2. Open the command prompt window as an administrator.
  3. Change directories to the ArcGIS Notebook Server tools folder.

    By default, this path is C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\NotebookServer\tools\postInstallUtility.

  4. Optionally, refer to the utility's help by running the following command:

     > PostInstallUtility.bat -h

  5. Run the post installation utility to extract the samples data to the arcgisworkspace directory of the notebook server site:

     PostInstallUtility.bat -x

When ArcGIS Notebook Server samples data is installed and configured, configure the site with your ArcGIS Enterprise portal.