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Install Docker for ArcGIS Notebook Server

This ArcGIS 11.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The steps below describe how to download, install, and configure the Docker container allocation software required by ArcGIS Notebook Server. See Docker and ArcGIS Notebook Server for an introduction to Docker and how it's used in ArcGIS Notebook Server.

Docker editions

Docker is available in two editions. Docker Desktop and Mirantis Container Runtime (formerly Docker Engine-Enterprise).

Operating systemDocker editionNotebook runtime (Container) image typeAdditional requirements

Windows Server 2019 Standard and Datacenter

Windows Server 2022 Standard and Datacenter

Docker Desktop on Windows version 4.4.4 or later


Hyper-V required

Windows Server 2022 Standard and Datacenter

Mirantis Container Runtime version 20.10 or later

Windows beta release

Hyper-V is optional. There are limitations to the maximum number of containers that can run with Hyper-V isolation on Windows Server 2022 Standard. See the Windows FAQ for more information.

At ArcGIS Notebook Server 11.0, Docker Desktop is the appropriate edition to use with Windows. This software allows you to run ArcGIS Notebook Server.


At the release of ArcGIS Notebook Server 11.0, ArcGIS Notebook Server supports Mirantis Container Runtime for Windows Server as a beta release. For this release, it is recommended that you use ArcGIS Notebook Server with Mirantis Container Runtime for testing purposes only.

For more information on using Mirantis Container Runtime with ArcGIS Notebook Server at 11.0, see Docker and ArcGIS Notebook Server.


Docker and Mirantis Container Runtime are third-party software components, and this topic may not provide the full process for installing them. See the Docker and Mirantis Container Runtime sites for more information on their installation processes.

Install Docker Desktop

Complete the following steps to install Docker Desktop:

  1. Verify that Hyper-V is installed on your Windows machine by searching for the Hyper-V Manager application. If it's not, install it before proceeding. See the following Microsoft documentation for steps:

    ArcGIS Notebook Server requires Docker Desktop for Windows (version 4.4.4 or later).

  2. In a browser, go to the Docker Desktop (Windows) download page in the Docker Hub store.
  3. Sign in to your existing Docker Hub account, or sign up for a new account.
  4. Download the Docker Desktop software.
  5. Double-click Docker for Windows Installer to run it.
  6. On the Configuration dialog box of the installer, uncheck Use WSL2 instead of Hyper-V.
  7. Close the installer when it has completed.
  8. Click the Docker Desktop button in the Start menu to start Docker.
  9. Verify that Docker has started using one of the following methods:
    • Check the status of the Docker icon in the Windows system tray (typically located in the lower right corner of your screen).
    • Open the Command Prompt window and run the following commands:
      docker version
      docker run hello-world
      The first command provides the version of Docker on your machine; the second verifies that Docker can access and run container images.

Configure Docker settings

After Docker is installed on your machine, modify the settings described below.

Modify general settings

You'll use the Docker Remote API, which requires the use of port 2375. This port will only be used internally by ArcGIS Notebook Server and should be protected from external use.

  1. Right-click the Docker button in the Windows system tray, and click Settings.
  2. On the General page, check Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS.

    You may receive a security warning. Ensure that your system administrator is aware that this port is used internally, and that no external access should be permitted to the port.

  3. Uncheck Use the WSL2 based engine if it is checked.

Set file sharing

The Docker container must have access to the local drive that will be configured as the workspace directory or to a custom data directory for the notebook server. Perform the steps below during initial installation, and repeat them whenever the credentials for your Run As account change, or if the Run As account itself changes. If you create an account during ArcGIS Notebook Server installation, you'll be referred back to these steps.

  1. Right-click the Docker button in the Windows system tray and click Settings.
  2. From the settings menu, click Resources > File sharing.
  3. Add the drive or directory path that will be used for your ArcGIS Notebook Server workspace or custom data directory.

    If a workspace directory or a custom data directory does not currently exist—for example, C:\arcgisnotebookservercreate an ArcGIS Notebook Server site or register a data directory before performing this step.

    Docker for Windows only supports local directories on Windows that are to be shared with Linux containers.

Limit advanced resources

You can use the Docker Desktop settings panel to limit the resources available to ArcGIS Notebook Server and the containers running in your server site.

  1. Right-click the Docker button in your Windows system tray and click Settings. From the settings menu, click Resources > Advanced.
  2. Optionally, change the following settings:
    • CPUs—The number of CPU cores available to containers on your machine. By default, this is set to two cores. You can update this value depending on the resources available on the machine and the CPU limits set for the notebook runtimes.
    • Memory—The amount of memory available to containers on your machine. By default, this is set to 2 GB. Increase this to a minimum of 6 GB. You may want to increase this value, depending on the resources available on the machine and the memory limits set for the notebook runtimes.
    • Swap—The amount of disk space that containers can use for memory if the above limit is reached.
    • Disk image size—The size of the disk image. Review and update this value as needed if installing Docker container images for Notebooks results in an out of disk space error.
    • Disk image location—The directory where containers and images are stored.

    Revisit this step anytime you make updates to CPU or memory resources configured for notebook runtimes.

  3. When you're satisfied with the resource limits you've set, click Apply.

Install Mirantis Container Runtime on Windows

Mirantis Container Runtime on Windows is supported as a beta release for ArcGIS Notebook Server on Windows Server 2022. While in beta, these features may have known performance or quality issues and will not be supported by Esri Technical Support. Do not enable Hyper-V, as it is not required for installation of Mirantis Container Runtime on Windows Server 2022. Do not enable the Containers feature on your local server prior to installing Mirantis Container Runtime.

  1. Uninstall any previous version of Docker on your machine.
  2. Follow the steps outlined in the Install MCR on Windows Server documentation provided by Mirantis.
  3. Verify that Mirantis Container Runtime is properly installed and has been started by running the following command:

    docker run hello-world:nanoserver

  4. Once completed, follow the steps below to configure Mirantis Container Runtime.

Configure Mirantis Container Runtime

Follow the steps below to configure Mirantis Container Runtime on your machine.

  1. Enable port 2375 to be able to use the Docker remote API.

    This port will only be used internally by ArcGIS Notebook Server and should be protected from external use.

    Open a command prompt as an administrator and run the following command:

    sc config docker binpath= "\"C:\Program Files\docker\dockerd.exe\" --run-service -H tcp:// -H npipe://"

  2. Open a PowerShell window as an administrator and run the following command:
    Restart-Service docker

Once the Docker component is installed, restart your machine. You must restart the machine each time you install or upgrade the Docker component.

You are now ready to install ArcGIS Notebook Server on your machine.