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Copy and save layers

This ArcGIS 10.3 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.
In this topic

You can make a copy of a layer in your map, configure different properties on the copied layer and, if you have privileges to create content, save the layer as a new item in My Content. You can also save layers and their configurations to the site and reuse those layers in different maps.

Copy layer

Copy a layer in your map when you want to configure the properties of the layer in different ways. For example, a healthcare data layer aggregated by hospital service areas likely contains attributes for many types of diseases. You could create a copy of the layer and symbolize the data on the rate of depression. You could create another copy of the layer and symbolize that on the rate of Alzheimer's. If you save these layers, you could reuse them in different maps (and the data is already symbolized the way you like it). You do not need to be the owner of the layer to make a copy of it.

You can copy ArcGIS Server service layers, files you imported to the map, hosted feature layers, hosted tile layers, map notes, route layers, and WMS. You cannot copy basemaps, CSV on the web, GeoRSS, KML, tile layers, or WMTS. If you copy an editable feature layer, the copied layer is also editable.

  1. Verify that you are signed in and have privileges to create content.

    If you do not have privileges to create content (you won't see Save in the map viewer) you can still copy layers by clicking Modify Map.

  2. Open the map in the map viewer, click Details, and click Contents.
  3. Browse to the layer you want to copy, click the arrow to the right of the layer name, and click Copy.

    A copy of the layer is added to the map contents. You can now configure the properties of this layer and save the layer as a new item.

Copies of hosted web layers

Layers define how the data in your map looks and behaves, for example, what the symbols look like and what information appears in pop-ups. Layers can contain data or a reference to the data. A hosted web layer contains data; a copy of a hosted web layer contains a reference to the data. Configurations saved to copied layers do not change the hosted web layer. All configurations are saved to the copied layer and not the hosted layer itself. For example, in your copied layer, you might show different symbols and pop-up configurations than in the original hosted web layer. If you delete the copied hosted web layer, the data still exists (but you lose your layer configurations of the data). If the owner of the hosted web layer deletes the layer, the data is deleted as well. As the owner of a layer that contains data, you can enable delete protection to prevent accidentally removing the data that others may be referencing in their copied layer.

Save layer

If you have privileges to create content, you can save ArcGIS Server service layers, CSV on the web, files you imported to the map, hosted feature layers, hosted tile layers, map notes, and route layers as new items in My Content and use the layer in other maps. You cannot save basemaps, GeoRSS, KML, tile layers, WMS, or WMTS. When you save layers you imported from a file or save map notes, you save the actual data. When you save layers from the web, you save references to those layers and the properties you configured, not the actual data. If the data is unshared or deleted, the layer is no longer valid and will not display in your map.

For a layer you've added to the site through My Content, you can use the map viewer to change the display properties such as change style, configure pop-ups, set visible range, set refresh interval, hide in legend, and apply filters. You can save these changes as properties of the item so the properties apply to the layer anytime it appears in a map.


You can only save item properties on layers you own and have added to the website. The configuration applies to the item in the website only and not the actual service running on your GIS server. You cannot save item properties on imported layers from files because these layers are stored in the map and not as unique items in the portal website.

To save your layer changes as properties of the service, follow the steps below.

  1. Verify that you are signed and have privileges to create content.
  2. Open the map in the map viewer, click Details, and click Contents.
  3. Browse to the layer you want to save and click the arrow to the right of the layer name.
  4. Click Save Layer to save configuration changes to the item in the site.
  5. If you are saving the layer for the first time or saving a copy of the layer, you create a new item in the site with your layer configurations:
    1. Type a title.
    2. Type tags and a summary that describe the layer.
    3. Choose a folder in My Content where you want to save the layer.
    4. Click Create Item.
  6. The new item with your property configurations is added to My Content.