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Create pages on your site

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Members of the Sites team can create secondary pages on their sites to build more robust sites. Pages provide more focused content typically around a specific subject. Within a site you can have many pages and pages be shared across multiple sites, so you do not need to start from scratch when the same content is relevant across multiple sites.

Managing multiple pages for a site

From the Sites tab in the admin application, find the site you wish to create pages for. From the sites list there is a button called Pages. In addition, the Pages manager is available as a tab from the Site Configuration screen. This tab is where you add new pages, edit the layout of a page, determine the sharing settings, and delete pages. There is no limit to the number of pages a site can have.


You must be the user who created the site or be an administrator to manage the site's pages.

Adding a new page

  1. From the Site Manager main page or from within an individual site configuration, click Pages.
  2. Click New Page.
  3. Provide a name for the page.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Your new page is added to the list automatically.

The page URL is automatically generated from lower-cased page title. Spaces are replaced with hyphens and all special characters are removed.


Each page URL is preceded with /pages/.

The full page URL will be https://webadaptorhost/webadaptorname/apps/sites/#/your-site-name/pages/your-new-page.

When you create a new page, an item is created in your Content page. Your page and this item are linked. It is important that this item is not deleted. If the page item is deleted in portal, the page will be deleted. The page item is automatically shared with the team so members from the Team tab can edit the page within the administrative application.

Editing page layout

The Layout Builder experience for pages is the same as it is for sites. However, within the Layout Builder for a page you will not be able to edit the header or footer of the page as these are inherited from the site that the page is being added to.

  1. After adding a page, click the pencil icon under Actions.
  2. The layout editor will open with a default template.
  3. Click the gear in the upper left corner to access the side bar.
  4. Use the Layout Builder to configure the layout of your page.
  5. Click View Page to view your page outside of the editor.

Changing page sharing settings

  1. After adding a page, three icons appear under Shared. Use these to select your sharing setting:
    • Private--only members of the Team tab can view this page.
    • Organization--only members of your portal can view this page.
    • Public--allow anonymous access to this page.

Creating Hyperlinks

When you want to create a hyperlink navigate to the location in your site or page where you would like to add the link, and then use the HTML <a> syntax to insert the link. Using a relative path in the <a> tag, rather than the absolute path will prevent a full page refresh when the users click on the link.


For example: To link a page with the slug of /pages/my-page your text would be <a href="/pages/my-page">Descriptive Link Text</a>

Using a single page on multiple sites

You can re-use a single page on multiple sites from the Sites tab inside the administrative application.

If you have a page currently being used by a particular site and you want to use it on another site, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Sites tab within the admin app.
  2. Under your the site which you wish to add an existing page, click Pages.
  3. Click Link Page to see a list of all pages in your organization.
  4. Select the page you wish to import onto your site.
  5. Confirm the details of your selected page and change the page URL.
  6. Click Link Page to finalize the linking. This edits the page and the attached site.

You cannot have two pages on the same site using the same URL.


If you edit the layout of a linked page, it will alter the layout in all the places the page is being used.

Deleting a page

  1. Click the trash icon under Actions for the site you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete Page to confirm.