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Install ArcGIS Data Store

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You can install ArcGIS Data Store using an installation wizard or run the installation file using a command. You can specify which types of data store to install on each machine.

Esri recommends that each type of data store run on a different machine, and that your ArcGIS Server sites run on separate machines than the data stores so that they don't compete for memory and other resources. This is especially important for spatiotemporal big data stores, object stores, and graph stores. Always install those on their own machines separate from any ArcGIS Server sites and other data stores.

Install ArcGIS Data Store

Run the ArcGIS Data Store installation wizard, or run the installation from a command prompt. Follow the instructions in the appropriate section for the method you want to use.

If you run the installation wizard, the configuration wizard opens once the installation wizard completes, allowing you to create a data store and register it with an ArcGIS GIS Server site.

Run the installation wizard

Follow these steps to install ArcGIS Data Store using the installation wizard:

  1. Verify that your computer meets the minimum system requirements for ArcGIS Data Store and read Considerations before creating a data store.
  2. Modify the firewall of the data store computer to allow communication on ports needed for the type of data store you will create.

    If the firewall on the data store computer blocks communication through these ports, the GIS Server site can't connect to the data store.

  3. Create a Microsoft Windows account to be used for the ArcGIS Data Store account.

    Esri recommends you use a domain account, so you may need to request this from your IT department. If you choose to use a local Windows account, the installation wizard can create the account for you, but it will not work if you have more than one machine that runs ArcGIS Data Store.

  4. Run the ArcGIS Data Store installation wizard.

    The installation wizard asks you to provide a location for the installation directory. The installation directory contains the ArcGIS Data Store application files.

  5. Choose the type of data store to install on this machine.

    Esri recommends that you install data store types on separate machines to avoid resource contention between data stores. This is especially important in the case of spatiotemporal big data stores, graph stores, and object stores. Do not install these data stores on the same machine as other data stores or ArcGIS Enterprise components.

    If a data store type is already installed on this machine, that option will be disabled.

  6. Specify a location on the computer where you want these files to be stored.

    The installation wizard requires you to provide a login and password for a Windows domain or local account.

  7. Provide credentials for an existing account, or allow the wizard to create a local account.

    If you use a local Windows account, you cannot define a shared backup location until you change to a domain account.

The Data Store Configuration wizard opens when the installation wizard completes. Use the configuration wizard to create a relational, tile cache, or spatiotemporal big data store and register it with the GIS Server site you will use as your portal's hosting server.

Install from a command prompt

You can call the installation file from a command prompt and provide the necessary information to install ArcGIS Data Store.

  1. Verify that your computer meets the minimum system requirements for ArcGIS Data Store and read Considerations before creating a data store.
  2. Modify the firewall of the data store computer to allow communication on ports needed for the type of data store you want to create.

    If the firewall on the data store computer blocks communication through these ports, the GIS Server site can't connect to the data store.

  3. Create a Windows account to be used for the ArcGIS Data Store account.

    Esri recommends you use a domain account, so you may need to request this from your IT department.

  4. Before you begin the installation, read the End User License Agreement (EULA), which is included as a PDF in the \Documentation folder of the ArcGIS Data Store download.
  5. Open a command prompt using the Run As Administrator option.
  6. Run the ArcGIS Data Store setup from the command line.

    The first time you install ArcGIS Data Store on a machine, you can specify an installation directory for the data store using the INSTALLDIR option. If you do not specify a directory, the default location of C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DataStore is used.

    Use the USER_NAME and PASSWORD options to specify the Windows account to be used for the ArcGIS Data Store account. For domain accounts, provide the domain and account name; for example, for Windows account myaccount on domain mydomain, specify mydomain\myaccount with the USER_NAME option.

    To use a group managed service account to run the ArcGIS Data Store service, specify the MSA option and set it to true. Use the MSA option only when specifying a managed service account. A managed service account must already exist on your domain. Do not use the MSA option with a local account or a domain account that requires a password.

    As these are domain accounts, the account must exist on your domain before you run the setup. Use the same format for the USER_NAME option as for other domain accounts: domain\account. However, do not specify a password for a group managed service account.

    The ACCEPTEULA option is required to accept the End User License Agreement during a silent installation. Specify yes to agree to the EULA and install the software. Specifying no or omitting this property will result in a failed installation.

    Use the ADDLOCAL option to specify the type of data store to install on this machine. Esri recommends that you install data store types on separate machines to avoid resource contention between data stores. This is especially important in the case of spatiotemporal big data stores, graph stores, and object stores. Do not install these data stores on the same machine as other data stores or ArcGIS Enterprise components. If you do not specify the ADDLOCAL option, it defaults to relational,tilecache.

    The syntax to run the setup file from the command line is as follows:

    <path to ArcGIS Data Store setup>\Setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=<yes | no> {ADDLOCAL=<graph | object | relational | spatiotemporal | tilecache | ALL} {MSA=<true | false>} {INSTALLDIR=<directory>} USER_NAME=<account login> PASSWORD=<account password>

    In the following example, a domain account is specified when installing ArcGIS Data Store, the relational data store files are installed, and the silent option (/qb) is specified to avoid prompts:

    <path to ArcGIS Data Store setup>\Setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes ADDLOCAL=relational INSTALLDIR=c:\arcgisdatastore USER_NAME=mydomain\mylogin PASSWORD=D0mayneAcc0untPw

    In this example, a group-managed service account is used and the files for a spatiotemporal big data store are installed:

    <path to ArcGIS Data Store setup>\Setup.exe /qb ACCEPTEULA=yes ADDLOCAL=spatiotemporal MSA=TRUE INSTALLDIR=c:\arcgisdatastore USER_NAME=mydomain\managedserviceaccount


    If you do not specify the ArcGIS Data Store account during a silent (/qb) installation, or you provide invalid credentials, the setup displays a warning message during installation. The message can be closed by clicking OK. Under these circumstances, the ArcGIS Data Store account is set to the Windows LocalSystem account.

Next step

After you install ArcGIS Data Store, create a data store.