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Set advanced portal options

ArcGIS 11.4 (Windows)  | |  Help archive

You can customize the behavior of the portal through the ArcGIS Portal Directory (Sharing API). Properties you can set include whether certain apps and customizations are shown on the website, for example, links to the Scene Viewer app or custom links displayed on all page footers. You may want to do this if you're configuring a disconnected deployment or modifying the portal's behavior to match the requirements of your organization.

Follow the steps below to set advanced portal options:

  1. Sign in to the ArcGIS Portal Directory as a member of the default administrator role in your portal or a member of a custom role with the security and infrastructure privilege enabled. The URL is in the format
  2. Click Home > Portals > Self.
  3. Click the Organization Settings link in the Child Resources list and scroll to the bottom of the page.
  4. Click Update in the Supported Operations list.
  5. On the Portal Configuration Properties dialog box, replace the existing property values with your organization's values.
  6. Click Update to apply the changes.

To learn more about the properties you can modify, see the Sharing API documentation.