Before installing and configuring ArcGIS Enterprise, an organization URL is determined to represent your ArcGIS Enterprise organization and enable client access to it.
To update the organization URL, all URLs in your ArcGIS Enterprise organization must also be updated. The following operations available through the ArcGIS Portal Directory search your organization's URLs and replace them with the new URLs you specify:
- Update Portal URL—Updating the portal URL, also known as the organization URL, updates the URLs of the ArcGIS Portal Directory, Portal Administrator Directory, and your organization's items including maps, layers, apps, and tools.
The URL is in the format
- Update Federated Server URL—You need to update the URL of each federated server in your organization. Doing so updates the URLs of your organization's services, ArcGIS Server Manager, ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory, and the Services Directory.
The URL is in the format
Updating the domain, subdomain, context, or any combination of these URL components is supported.

You may need to update this URL in scenarios such as the following:
- Your organization has been purchased or rebranded and must update all URLs. For example, your organization is currently available from and you need to update the URL to represent your new brand,
- Your city currently uses a .com address, such as and you must migrate to a .gov address, such as
- You are moving between development, staging, and production environments, making changes to the content in place. For example, your organization URL is changing from to to
To understand the additional steps you may need to take after updating the URLs, consider the following:
- Users who are assigned an ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Drone2Map, or ArcGIS AllSource license will be unable to access these applications until you obtain and import a new license file.
- ArcGIS Pro users will need to update their portal connections to the new URL.
- Existing distributed collaborations will break and must be re-created.
- Organizations that configured logins using SAML or OpenID Connect will need to make updates.
- Server certificates may need to be updated with the new URLs.
For more information, see the Considerations after updating section below.
The following are not updated in the provided workflow:
- URLs of applications deployed to a web server
- URLs of third-party applications
- URLs in binary or compressed files
Prepare your organization
To prepare your organization, complete the following steps:
- If your organization works with offline data, ensure that all offline edits are synchronized with the source feature service and remove the offline data.
Data taken offline prior to updating your organization's URLs will be unable to synchronize with feature services. After updating, you can take data offline again.
- If your organization has offline web maps, delete any offline map areas.
Offline map areas created prior to updating your organization's URLs will no longer work. After updating, you can create offline map areas.
- Create a backup of your organization using the WebGISDR tool.
- If you need to change the name of the Web Adaptor or the machine hosting it, unregister the Web Adaptor with your portal and server sites and configure new Web Adaptor instances with each.
- If your organization is configured to use a reverse proxy server, update the reverse proxy server with the new URLs.
- If your organization has not already done so, set the WebContextURL property for your portal and each of your federated servers to the existing URLs.
Update the URLs
To update your organization's URLs, you will verify your server machines are accessible, retrieve your server IDs, and have the option to review and save impacted URLs. You will then update the URLs of your federated servers before updating the portal URL. Once you update the portal URL, the portal restarts.
Complete the following steps:
- Sign in to the Portal Directory through port 7443 as the primary site administrator.
The URL is in the format
If the primary site administrator account has been disabled, you can re-enable the account using the password reset utility.
- Click Home > Portals > Self.
- At the bottom of the Self resource page, click URLs.
- Click Generate Organization URL Map > Generate Map and do the following:
- Verify that an ID was provided for each of your federated servers and that there are no errors.
If there is an error with a federated server, the server machine is off or unavailable. Do not continue with this workflow until you address the error or remove the server. For more information, you can validate your federated servers or check the logs.
- Copy the ID of the first listed server.
- Verify that an ID was provided for each of your federated servers and that there are no errors.
- Optionally, review the items that will be impacted when updating the server URL by doing the following:
- Return to the URLs page and click Generate URL Report.
- Paste the ID in the Server Id text box.
- Click Generate Report.
- Review and save the output of the report.
It is recommended that you save the report so that it is available to reference after updating the URLs.
- Return to the URLs page, click Update Federated Server URL, and do the following:
- Paste the ID in the Server Id text box.
- Provide the server URL.
The URL should be in the format https:/
- Click Update URL.
- Click the jobs id hyperlink and verify that the status is complete before moving to the next step.
- Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each federated server.
- Optionally, review the items that will be impacted when updating the portal URL by doing the following:
- Return to the URLs page and click Generate URL Report.
- Select Portal as the report type.
- Click Generate Report.
- Review and save the output of the report.
It is recommended that you save the report so that it is available to reference after updating the URLs.
- Return to the URLs page, click Update Portal URL, and do the following:
- Provide the portal URL.
The URL should be in the format
- Click Update URL.
- Click the jobs id hyperlink and verify that the status is complete.
The portal restarts.
- Provide the portal URL.
- Validate the contents of your organization.
To roll back updates, repeat this workflow with the original URLs and restore from your backup.
Considerations after updating
To ensure that your organization runs smoothly after updating the URLs, consider the following and take any steps relevant to your organization:
- If members of your organization require access to ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Drone2Map, or ArcGIS AllSource through named user licensing, obtain a new portal license file from My Esri. Specify the new organization URL and import the license file.
- Notify ArcGIS Pro users that they must update their portal connections to the new URL.
- If your organization is part of a collaboration, the collaboration must be re-created. The host can remove the guest from the collaboration and invite them to rejoin.
- If your organization is configured with OpenID Connect logins, copy the new login and logout redirect URLs from the security settings and enter them in the OIDC IDP configuration.
- If your organization is configured with SAML, the portal metadata file has updated with the new URLs and must be downloaded and reimported on the SAML IDP side. See step 5 of Configure the portal with a SAML identity provider for more information.
- If the URLs specified in your organization's server certificates do not match the new URLs, update the certificates.
- If you removed offline data or deleted offline map areas, you can now prepare feature services for offline use and create offline map areas.
- If items in your organization were created from binary or compressed files, URLs in those files were not updated. You must update the file and re-add it to your organization. The following file types may be affected:
- ArcGIS Pro projects (.aprx)
- ArcMap map documents (.mxd)
- Packages
- .zip files
- ArcGIS Pro add-ins (.esriaddinx)
- Code attachments
See supported file types in ArcGIS Enterprise for reference.
Once you have completed all necessary steps, create a new backup of your organization. To restore from a backup, the organization URL must be identical in the environment where the backup is taken and the environment where it is restored.