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Editing service gallery settings in Manager

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In ArcGIS Server Manager, you can control the display of the services gallery in the Manage Services module by specifying if service information is updated and the number of services displayed per page.

Adjustments to these properties are not applied to the entire ArcGIS Server site; the properties are stored by the browser and are specific to the user (publisher or administrator) who logged in to Manager and made the adjustment. For example, if an administrator logs in to Manager and increases the number of services displayed per page to 50, that specific administrator will only be able to view 50 services per page on the browser used to make the change.

To adjust these properties, follow the steps below.

  1. Open Manager and log in. If you need help with this step, see Logging in to Manager.
  2. Click Services > Manage Services.
  3. In the Manage Services module, click Service Gallery Settings Service Gallery Settings.
  4. In the Service Gallery Settings dialog box, adjust the following:
    • Automatically refresh service gallery—This check box allows you to enable or disable the refresh of service information in the service gallery. When this check box is enabled, information such as service status, cache status, service instances running or in use, maximum number of instances, the service thumbnail, security enabled or disabled, and whether the service can be deleted, are all refreshed every three seconds. If you want to disable the refresh of this information, uncheck the check box.

    • Number of services per page—This property allows you to adjust how many services will display per page in the gallery. By default, 10 services display per page. You can enter any value between 1 and 50.

    • Select the service properties you want to search—These properties allow you to control which service properties are searchable in Manager. By default, search queries are limited to the service name. The available properties are Name, Type, Status, Summary, Tags, Description, and Capabilities. To learn more about search, see Searching for services in Manager.

  5. Click Save.

The edits are applied to the services gallery in the Manage Services module.