You can use ArcGIS Server Manager to register data directories and databases with ArcGIS Server. Data registration provides the server with a list of locations where the source data for your services originates. Data registration provides the following benefits:
- Data registration helps you validate whether your services are referencing data locations known and approved by the server administrator.
- Data registration allows ArcGIS Server to remap paths to your data when you publish (and thereby copy) your map, model, or other resources to the server.
Registering your data directories does not grant the ArcGIS Server account permissions to access your data. You'll need to give the ArcGIS Server account at least read permissions to any folder that you register. If you're registering a database, the type of permissions you need to grant depends on what type of database you use and what type of authentication you use to connect. See Make your data accessible to ArcGIS Server to learn more about the scenarios where you need to apply permissions.
The way you register your databases and data directories with ArcGIS Server in Manager is through the Data Stores tab in the GIS Server module. To access this tab, sign in to Manager and click Site > GIS Server > Data Stores.
The Data Stores tab features the Registered Data Stores dialog box. Within it, all of your registered folders and databases are displayed and categorized by type. Available types are database, managed database, folder, and big data file share.
Follow the steps in the sections below based on what you want to register with the server.
- Register a database
- Register an ArcGIS Server managed database
- Register a folder
- Register a cloud store
- Register a raster store
- Register a big data file share
Register a database
Using the tools on the Data Stores tab, you can register any database compatible with ArcGIS. The 64-bit version of the database's client software must be installed on each ArcGIS Server machine in the site before registration.
You can register databases that contain enterprise geodatabases and databases that do not. See About registering your data with ArcGIS Server for information on which registration scenarios you can use for each.
To register a database and allow services to reference your data, follow these steps. For file geodatabases, use the option described in the subsequent section titled Register a folder.
- Sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager, and click Site > Data Stores.
- Click the Register drop-down arrow and select Database.
- Provide a unique name for the registered database. Names can be alphanumeric and contain spaces.
- Click Import. This opens a window where you can browse to the database connection file (.sde or .odc only) on disk. If you need help with this step, consult the documentation specific to your database platform in the Administering geodatabases section of the help.
- Depending on how you've set up your data sources to work with ArcGIS, choose one of the following scenarios:
- If the publisher's machine and the server are working with the same database:
- Click the Same as publisher database connection check box. This specifies the publisher's machine, and ArcGIS Server will view and access data residing in the same database. To learn more about this scenario, see About registering your data with ArcGIS Server.
- If the publisher's machine and the server are working with different databases:
- Next to the Server database connection section, click Import to select a connection file.
Manager does not allow you to automatically create a geodata service to link your registered enterprise geodatabases. Optionally, you can create a geodata service after registering. To automatically create a geodata service when registering your enterprise geodatabases, use ArcGIS Desktop. Geodata services are only supported with enterprise geodatabases, not with databases.
- Click Create. The database (or databases) you registered appear on the Registered Data Stores dialog box.
Register an ArcGIS Server managed database
You can register an enterprise or workgroup geodatabase as an ArcGIS Server Managed Database. Only enterprise or workgroup geodatabases are supported; databases and desktop, file, or personal geodatabases are not supported. You must explicitly create the workgroup or enterprise geodatabase before you can register it. To learn more about ArcGIS Server managed databases and scenarios for using one, see Copying data to the server automatically when publishing.
For more information on what is required to register a database or managed database, see the topic specific to your database management system. Note that if the database does not contain an enterprise geodatabase, it cannot be registered as the ArcGIS Server managed database.
- Register an ALTIBASE hybrid database with ArcGIS Server
- Register a Dameng database with ArcGIS Server
- Register a DB2 database with ArcGIS Server
- Register an Informix database with ArcGIS Server
- Register a Netezza database with ArcGIS Server
- Register an Oracle database with ArcGIS Server
- Register a PostgreSQL database with ArcGIS Server
- Register an SAP HANA data warehouse with ArcGIS Server
- Register a SQL Server database with ArcGIS Server
- Register a Teradata database with ArcGIS Server
Follow these steps to register an ArcGIS Server managed database, which allows ArcGIS Server to copy feature service data to the managed database and automatically remap paths:
- Sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager, and click Site > Data Stores.
- Click the Register drop-down arrow and select Managed Database.
- Provide a unique name for the geodatabase connection. Names can be alphanumeric and can contain spaces.
- Next to the Server database connection section, click Import. This opens a window where you can browse to the database connection (.sde) file on disk. If you need help with this step, consult the documentation specific to your database platform in the Administer geodatabases section of the help.
- Click Create.
The database is registered as the managed database and appears on the Registered Data Stores dialog box.
The ArcGIS Data Store relational data store appears as a managed database in Manager. You can validate the relational data store connection in Manager, but you do not add a relational data store through Manager. ArcGIS Data Store is installed and configured separately. Also, do not delete any ArcGIS Data Store items from the ArcGIS Server site using Manager. See the ArcGIS Data Store topics in the ArcGIS Data Store or Portal for ArcGIS Administrator Guide for instructions. The following are topics to get you started:
Update password for registered or managed database
Database passwords, like other software and system passwords, are frequently changed for security reasons. If the password saved in the database connection file (.sde) that you registered with your ArcGIS Server site changes, create a new database connection file containing the new password, and edit the existing data store registration to point to the new file. This updates the registration for all services except search, stream, Workflow Manager services, and geoprocessing services published prior to ArcGIS 10.4.
- Create a new database connection file that uses the updated password. You can create a new database connection file in ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro, or using the Create Database Connection geoprocessing tool.
Be sure to save the user name and password in the new connection file. Also be sure the new connection file is in a directory you can access from the machine where you will run ArcGIS Server Manager.
- Sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager and click Site > Data Stores.
- Click the edit button next to the registered or managed database for which you need to update the password.
Note that you cannot edit the connection for an ArcGIS Data Store relational data store (appears as a managed database), tile cache data store, or spatiotemporal big data store. To update a password for a relational data store, use the changepassword utility.
- Click Import and browse to the location of the new database connection file.
- Click Import.
- Click Save to update your registered or managed database connection password.
- Restart the services that were published from the registered database, or restart the feature services published to the managed database.
- Also restart any geoprocessing services published from an ArcGIS 10.4 Server. Geoprocessing services published from previous releases of ArcGIS Server must be republished to use the new password.
Services published from the registered database or feature services published to the managed database can access data again.
You must republish search, stream, and Workflow Manager services, and any geoprocessing service published to a 10.3.1 and earlier release ArcGIS Server to update the password.
Register a folder
Using the Data Stores tab, you can register a local file directory or shared directory that contains GIS resources and data, such as shapefiles and file geodatabases. When you register a directory, all subdirectories under the folder you specify are also registered with the server.
If you are registering a folder as a big data file share, refer to the steps in the Register a big data file share section.
Follow these steps to register a folder and allow services to reference the data in the folder and its subfolders:
- Sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager, and click Site > Data Stores.
- Click the Register drop-down arrow and select Folder.
- Provide a unique name for the registered folder. Names can be alphanumeric and contain spaces.
- For Publisher Folder Path, specify the full path to the publisher's folder, for example, C:\data, or \\myserver\share\data.
You cannot browse directories in Manager. You must provide the full path to the folder you want to register.
- For Publisher Folder Host Name, specify the machine that is hosting the publisher's folder. You can specify the machine name (MyServer), fully qualified domain name (, IP address (, or localhost (localhost).
- Depending on how you've set up your data sources to work with ArcGIS, choose one of the following scenarios:
- If the publisher's machine and the server are working out of the same folder:
- Click the Same as publisher folder path check box. This specifies the publisher's machine and ArcGIS Server will view and access data residing in the same folder. To learn more about this scenario, see About registering your data with the server.
- If the publisher's machine and the server are working out of different folders:
- Next to the Server Folder Path section, specify the full path to the server's folder. To learn more about this scenario, see About registering your data with the server.
- Click Create. The folder or folders you registered appear on the Registered Data Stores dialog box.
Register a cloud store
Using the Data Stores tab, you can register a cloud store that contains GIS resources and data, such as shapefiles and file geodatabases. When you register a directory, all subdirectories under the folder you specify are also registered with the server.
Ensure Server Manager is communicating over HTTPS when registering or editing a path for a cloud store.
- Sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager, and click Site > Data Stores.
- Click the Register drop-down arrow and select Cloud Store.
- ArcGIS Server supports Amazon Web Services storage and Microsoft Azure storage. Follow the steps below based on the environment you are working with.
Amazon Web Services storage
If you are registering Amazon Web Services (AWS) storage, complete the following:
- Click the Type drop-down arrow and select Amazon S3. You will need your AWS account information to register the cloud store.
- Cloud Store Name: Provide a user friendly name for the cloud store using alpha numeric characters and underscores. Do not include spaces or other special characters.
- Credential Type: AWS storage supports connections using an Access Key or IAM Role. Select the credential type that you want to use to connect to AWS. If credential type is Access Key, you will also need to provide an Access Key ID and Secret Access Key that you have obtained from your AWS account.
- Access Key ID: Enter the Access Key ID you've obtained from your AWS account.
- Secret Access Key: Enter the Secret Access Key you've obtained from your AWS account.
- Region: Select the AWS region in which the S3 bucket you are registering is located.
- S3 Bucket Name: Enter the name of the S3 bucket you are registering.
- Folder: Optionally, provide the subfolder path that you want to register.
- Optionally, enable the option to register a cache directory for the site. For additional details, see cache storage details for ArcGIS on AWS.
- Click Create.
The cloud store is registered and appears on the Registered Data Stores dialog box.
You can use the Validate button to confirm the ArcGIS Server site can connect to the cloud store.
Microsoft Azure storage
If you are registering Microsoft Azure storage, complete the following:
- Click the Type drop-down arrow and select Microsoft Azure Storage. You will need your Microsoft Azure account information to register the cloud store.
- Cloud Store Name: Provide a user friendly name for the store using alpha numeric characters and underscores. Do not include spaces or other special characters.
- Account Name: Enter your Microsoft Azure storage account.
- Account Key: Enter the Account Key you've obtained through your Microsoft Azure account.
- Environment: Enter the environment for the Microsoft Azure storage account. Environment options are as follows:
- Azure Cloud
- Azure US Government
- Azure China Cloud
- Azure German Cloud
- Container Name: Enter the name of the Microsoft Azure container you are registering.
- Folder: Optionally, provide the subfolder path you want to register.
- Optionally, enable the option to register a cache directory for the site.
- Click Create.
The cloud store is registered and appears on the Registered Data Stores dialog box.
You can use the Validate button to confirm the ArcGIS Server site can connect to the cloud store.
Register a raster store
Using the Data Stores tab, you can register a raster store that is used for storing hosted raster dataset generated by raster analysis task. The raster store can be of different types such as a file share or a cloud store.
Ensure Server Manager is communicating over HTTPS when registering or editing a path for a raster store.
Register a file share as a raster store
If you are registering a file share as a raster store, complete the following:
- Name: Provide a unique name for the registered location containing alpha numeric characters and underscores.
- Type: Click the Type drop-down arrow and select File Share.
- Path: Specify the full path to the raster file share, for example, \\myserver\share\rasterFileShare. Avoid using local paths C:\rasterFileShare unless the same data folder will be available on all nodes of the server site.
You cannot browse directories in Manager. You must provide the full path to the folder you want to register.
- Click Save. The file share you registered appears on the Registered Data Stores dialog box.
Register a cloud store as a raster store
If you are registering a cloud store as a raster store, complete the following:
To register a cloud store as a raster store, you must first add the cloud store as a registered data store. For more information, review the Register a cloud store section above. Once the cloud store is available in your list of registered data stores, you can complete the following steps.
- Name: Provide a unique name for the registered location containing alpha numeric characters and underscores.
- Type: Click the type drop-down arrow and select Cloud Store.
- Click the Cloud Store drop-down arrow and select your registered cloud store.
- Click Create. The cloud store you registered appears on the Registered Data Stores dialog box.
Register a big data file share
ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server can read collections of delimited files (for example, .csv and .tsv) and shapefiles as an input. These datasets are identified by a registered big data file share with the following types: file share, HDFS, or Hive. When registering a big data file share, you register a parent folder for file shares and HDFS or a metastore for Hive that contains one or more subfolders with datasets. A single data file or multiple data files of the same type and schema can be in a single folder.
Using the Data Stores tab, you can register a path pointing to a big data file share.
When you register a directory, all subdirectories under the folder you specify are also registered with the server. Always register the parent folder (for example, \\machinename\mydatashare) that contains one or more individual dataset folders as the big data file share item. The following is an example of a big data file share folder that contains three datasets: Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and GlobalOceans.
\\machinename\mydatashare < -- registered item
For each registered big data file share, an associated big data file share portal item is created. Share the portal item with portal groups whose members should have access to this data for analysis. Only members of groups with which you have shared the big data file share portal item will be able to use the data as input to their analysis tasks. To learn more, see What is a big data file share?
Keep in mind that if you delete a big data file share from the ArcGIS Server site's data store, the corresponding portal item is also deleted.
A big data catalog service is also created when you register a big data file share. See the ArcGIS REST API documentation for details on the big data catalog service.
The option to register a big data file share is not available in Server Manager unless you have configured GeoAnalytics Server.For detailed steps, see Set up ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server in the ArcGIS Server help.
Complete the following steps to register a big data file share and allow services to reference the data in the file share and its subfolders:
Ensure Server Manager is communicating over HTTPS when registering or editing a big data file share.
- Sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager on GeoAnalytics Server, and click Site > Data Stores.
- Click the Register drop-down arrow and select Big Data File Share. Follow the steps below based on the type of environment you are working with.
Register a file share as a big data file share
When you are registering a big data file share, you can register a local directory or shared directory by completing the following:
It is recommended to locate the big data file share on a dedicated file server with SAN or DAS or a NAS device as a best practice. If a shared directory is on an ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server machine, there will be resource contention for file access when executing big data analytics tasks. If you must register a local directory, it is recommended that you use a local path and replicate the data to all machines on the GeoAnalytics Server site.
- Name: Provide a unique name for the registered location. Names can be alphanumeric and contain spaces.
- Type: Click the type drop-down arrow and select File Share.
- Path: Specify the full path to the big data file share, for example, \\myserver\share\bigdata. Avoid using local paths C:\bigdata unless the same data folder will be available on all nodes of the server site.
You cannot browse directories in Manager. You must provide the full path to the folder you want to register.
- Click Create. The file share you registered appears on the Registered Data Stores dialog box.
- Click the Pencil icon to preview the autogenerated manifest file and verify its datasets and schemas are appropriately defined. If needed, you can modify and/or download and edit the manifest file. See edit big data file share manifests in Manager for details.
If the manifest contains an empty dataset, it could mean the big data file share does not have valid data. Verify that you have registered the appropriate parent folder, for instance as indicated in this example.
Register HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) as a big data file share
If you are registering an HDFS directory of datasets, complete the following:
- Name: Provide a unique name for the registered location. Names can be alphanumeric and contain spaces.
- Type: Click the type drop-down arrow and select HDFS.
- Path: Specify the fully qualified file system path to the big data file share, for example, hdfs://domainname:port/folder.
- The domain name is the NameNode machine.
- The default port is 8020.
- The folder represents the full path to the data in HDFS.
For example, if your NameNode is machine goldenI007 in /james/mydata, the file system path would be hdfs://goldenI007:8020/james/mydata.
- Username: Optionally, provide a username to connect.
HDFS does not support connecting to secured stores.
- Click Create. The HDFS share you registered appears on the Registered Data Stores dialog box.
- Click the Pencil icon to preview the autogenerated manifest file and verify its datasets and schemas are appropriately defined. If needed, you can modify and/or download and edit the manifest file. See edit big data file share manifests in Manager for details.
If the manifest contains an empty dataset, it could mean the big data file share does not have valid data. Verify that you have registered the appropriate parent folder, for instance as indicated in this example.
Register Hive as a big data file share
If you are registering Hive, complete the following:
- Name: Provide a unique name for the registered location. Names can be alphanumeric and contain spaces.
- Type: Click the type drop-down arrow and select Hive.
- Metastore URIs: Specify the URI for the big data file share. Note that it is possible to specify multiple metastores and, by default, Hive will use the first entry from the list. For example, if you're using the following as an entry: thrift://domainname1:port,thrift://domainname2:port,thrift://domainname3:port, Hive will use thrift://domainname1:port as the default but will fall back on others from the list in case of failure.
- Database: Specify the database that contains the big data datasets you want to register.
- Username: Optionally, provide a username to connect.
Hive does not support connecting to secured stores.
- Click Create. The Hive store you registered appears on the Registered Data Stores dialog box.
- Click the Pencil icon to preview the autogenerated manifest file and verify its datasets and schemas are appropriately defined. If needed, you can modify and/or download and edit the manifest file. See edit big data file share manifests in Manager for details.
If the manifest contains an empty dataset, it could mean the big data file share does not have valid data. Verify that you have registered the appropriate parent folder, for instance as indicated in this example.
Register a Cloud Store as a big data file share
If you are registering a cloud store, complete the following:
To register a cloud store as a big data file share, you must first add the cloud store as a registered data store. For more information, review the Register a cloud store section above. Once the cloud store is available in your list of registered data stores, you can complete the following steps:
- Name: Provide a unique name for the registered location. Names can be alphanumeric and contain spaces.
- Type: Click the type drop-down and select Cloud Store.
- Click the Cloud Store drop-down and select your registered cloud store.
- Click Create. The cloud store you registered appears on the Registered Data Stores dialog box.
Validate data stores
You can validate the data store connection to confirm that the ArcGIS Server site can communicate with a data store.
Raster stores cannot be validated in Manager at this time. In ArcGIS Server Manager 10.5, ArcGIS Data Store tile cache and spatiotemporal big data stores could not be validated. Their status will always be unknown when viewed in Manager, and a question mark (?) will appear in the Status column.
- Sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager.
- Open the Data Stores page (Site > Data Stores).
- Validate data store connections using one of the following methods:
- To validate the connection for a single data store, check the box next to the data store name and click Validate.
- To validate all the data stores for the ArcGIS Server site at once, click Validate All.
A check appears in the Status column for all data stores whose connections could be validated. If ArcGIS Server could not connect, an X appears in the Status column.
If ArcGIS Server could not connect, confirm that the data store is available; for example, that the machine the data store is on is running and has network connectivity.