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Register a PostgreSQL database with ArcGIS Server

As an ArcGIS Server administrator or a publisher in your organization, you have the option to register your on-premises data stores and cloud stores. In doing so, you are registering data folders, databases, and geodatabases with ArcGIS Server so that services you publish can reference the data in those folders, databases, and geodatabases. Data registration provides ArcGIS Server a list of locations to access. Data registration also helps ArcGIS Server adjust data paths when publishing across machines.

The following sections describe how you can prepare your ArcGIS client to connect to a PostgreSQL database (whether the database contains a geodatabase or not) and register the database with ArcGIS Server.

Grant privileges

The PostgreSQL login or group role you use to connect to the database must be granted privileges in the database to access the data to be published.

  • The role must be able to connect to the database. By default, this is granted to the public group. If you revoke that privilege from the public group, you must grant it to specific login roles or groups.
  • The role must be granted USAGE privileges on all schemas that contain data or other resources to be published. If you are using a geodatabase, the role must be granted USAGE on the sde schema.
  • The role must be granted at least SELECT privileges on data to be published.
  • If you will be publishing editable feature services, the role must be granted the required privileges—INSERT, UPDATE, and/or DELETE—on the data to be edited. You can grant SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges from ArcGIS Desktop. See Grant and revoke dataset privileges for more information.
  • If you will be registering the geodatabase as a managed database, connect with a login role that has privileges sufficient to create data in the geodatabase. The login role must own a schema in the database that matches the login role name.

See Privileges for geodatabases in PostgreSQL for more information on privileges for different types of database users.

Connect to PostgreSQL

You'll need the following information to register a PostgreSQL database with an ArcGIS Server site:

  • The type of database management system to which you are connecting (in this case, PostgreSQL)
  • The name of the server on which PostgreSQL is installed
  • Authentication type set to database authentication
  • A valid database login and password, which must be saved with the connection
  • The name of the database

For more information, see Database connections in ArcMap.


Beginning with ArcGIS 10.3 geodatabases, you cannot use an ArcSDE service to connect to enterprise geodatabases. To connect to a 10.2.2 or earlier release enterprise geodatabase using an ArcSDE service, create an .sde file using the Create ArcSDE Connection File geoprocessing tool or a Python script, and import this connection when you register the geodatabase with ArcGIS Server.

Register with ArcGIS Server

You can register the database from ArcGIS Server Manager or the Catalog tree in ArcMap. See the following topics for an explanation of registration options and how to register the database: