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ArcGIS Enterprise on Amazon Web Services and the AWS Management Console

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Management Console is a web application that you can use to administer the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances and other resources that you have created on AWS. Typically, you use ArcGIS Enterprise on Amazon Web Services deployment tools to create deployments and then you use the AWS Management Console to prepare resources and accomplish advanced administrative tasks such as adjusting security group rules or attaching more storage to your instances.


For information on which browser version to use with AWS Management Console, see the AWS documentation.

Advanced users who require more specialized configurations can create deployments using the AWS Management Console. In many cases, you can create EC2 instances using an Esri ArcGIS Enterprise Amazon Machine Image (AMI), which includes ArcGIS Enterprise software. Or, if you require a different operating system, for example, you may create EC2 instances from a different AMI and install and configure ArcGIS Enterprise on these instances.

Creating a deployment using the AWS Management Console is a multistep process that requires architectural planning and an understanding of Amazon Web Services.

The following is a summary example of a basic workflow to deploy ArcGIS Enterprise using the AWS Management Console and an Esri AMI. The approach you take may vary based on your deployment needs.

  1. Prepare to deploy on AWS.
    • Create an Amazon account and make sure it includes EC2 access.
    • The first time you use a new Amazon Machine Image, accept AWS Marketplace terms.
    • Create Amazon security groups for ArcGIS, configuring at least one security group that allows remote access.
    • For ArcGIS Enterprise deployments on a single EC2 instance, configure an Amazon Elastic IP address and map a fully qualified domain name to the IP address. Create the Elastic IP address in the same Amazon region as your deployment.
    • For deployments that include multiple machines (multiple EC2 instances), create Elastic Load Balancers (Classic) in the same Amazon region as your deployment. Create CNAME DNS mappings for each load balancer.
  2. Launch an AWS instance to create a base ArcGIS Enterprise deployment or a highly available portal and connect to the instance to license software.
  3. Create the ArcGIS Server roles you require and federate them with the portal.
    • Launch an EC2 instance for each federated server site you require. Use the same Esri AMI you used to create the portal.
    • Federate each site with the portal.
  4. If your users will publish services that reference registered data, set up a place to store your data on AWS.
  5. Move your data to AWS.
  6. Customize security on your AWS instances.
  7. Configure the ArcGIS Enterprise portal to meet your organization's needs.
  8. Prepare your production environment.

This help system describes many of the steps summarized above. Another helpful resource is the Amazon Web Services documentation, which explains how to use the AWS Management Console and how to program with Amazon Web Services.