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Administer your Amazon EC2 Ubuntu Linux instance with remote access from Windows

This ArcGIS 10.8 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Once you have launched an ArcGIS Server or ArcGIS Enterprise instance on Amazon Web Services, you can use a terminal emulator application to make an SSH connection from your local Windows computer to your Ubuntu Linux Amazon EC2 instance.

There are many terminal emulator tools available that allow you to connect from Windows to Linux computers. Install the tool of your choice and follow the documentation for the tool to make a connection to your Amazon EC2 instances.

In addition to installing and connecting the terminal emulator, you'll need to do the following:

  • Add a rule to your security group that opens port 22 (the SSH port) to your network. See Open an Amazon EC2 security group for ArcGIS for instructions.
  • Obtain the Amazon key pair (.pem) file that was generated when you launched your site to create a private key, which you will use in place of a password for the arcgis user when you log in to the instance. Note that the arcgis user is not a super user on the Linux instance. If you need to perform tasks such as mounting a drive, you must log in as a super user.
  • Connect using the public DNS or Elastic IP of your EC2 site.