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Create a stand-alone ArcGIS Server deployment using the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for AWS app

This ArcGIS 10.9 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Use the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services app to prepare the resources you need and create a stand-alone ArcGIS GIS Server, ArcGIS Image Server, or ArcGIS GeoEvent Server site on Amazon Web Services.


You need the following before you can create an ArcGIS Server site using ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services:

  • Obtain an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account. Ensure you have the AWS account credentials, such as an Access Key ID and Secret Access Key, and that they have access to required AWS services.
  • ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services uses an Esri ArcGIS Enterprise Amazon Machine Image. Therefore, for each new release of an Esri ArcGIS Enterprise Amazon Machine Image (AMI), you must accept terms in the AWS Marketplace.
  • Download and extract ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services.
  • Obtain an ArcGIS Server license file for the role you require.
  • Purchase an SSL certificate from a certifying authority, and configure it for the domain you will use in your deployment.

Create a deployment

When you use the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services app, an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket is created in the Amazon us-east-1 region to store resources for your deployment. Cloud Builder manages this deployment bucket. Do not delete, rename, or modify this S3 bucket or its contents, as doing so can result in your deployment being out of sync with Cloud Builder.

After you complete the prerequisites, follow these steps to create a stand-alone ArcGIS Server site:

  1. Open the ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Amazon Web Services app from the Start menu on your PC.
  2. Connect to your Amazon Web Services account using one of the following methods:
    • Type the access key ID and secret access key for your account and click Sign In.
    • Choose the Amazon Web Services profile you defined on the machine where you're running Cloud Builder and click Sign In. See AWS documentation for information on configuring a local profile.

    Once Cloud Builder connects to your AWS account, it proceeds to the Deployment page.

  3. Click Add Deployment.

    The Choose a Deployment Type page opens.

  4. On the Choose a Deployment Type page, select Stand-alone ArcGIS Server and click Next.
  5. On the Define the Stand-alone ArcGIS Server Deployment page, choose the ArcGIS Server role you require (and for which you have a license).
  6. If you are creating a stand-alone ArcGIS GIS Server site or ArcGIS Image Server site, you can include an enterprise geodatabase. For ArcGIS GIS Server sites, you have the option to use the geodatabase as a managed database or a registered database into which you can load source data. For ArcGIS Image Server sites, only registered databases for source data are supported.
  7. Click Next.

    The General Configuration Parameters Details page appears.

  8. Choose the AWS Region in which you want your resources deployed.
  9. Choose the operating system to be used on your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances: either Ubuntu or Windows. If you chose to include ArcGIS Notebook Server in your deployment, Ubuntu is selected by default and cannot be changed.
  10. Type a name for your deployment. This name must be unique. When Cloud Builder verifies the name is unique, you'll see a verified symbol Verified.
  11. You can type or paste the ID of a custom Amazon Machine Image in the AMI Id field, or leave the field blank to use the latest default AMI for the operating system you chose for this deployment.


    If you deploy on an EC2 instance running Ubuntu in Amazon Web Services GovCloud, you must specify an AMI ID; you cannot leave this field blank.

  12. Specify an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to use for your deployment's virtual network.
    • If the VPC exists, choose it from the drop-down list.
    • To create a VPC, click the Create New VPC button Create New VPC. Type a name for the VPC, use the default range of IP address or specify a range of IP addresses in a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block, and click Create. Each subnet ID will be created in different, randomly selected AWS zones. See AWS documentation for more information on VPCs and CIDR blocks.
    • If you create a VPC outside of Cloud Builder, such as in AWS Management Console, while Cloud Builder is open, click the Refresh VPCs button Refresh VPCs to update the VPC ID list.
  13. If you choose an existing VPC, be sure there are two different subnets in the Subnet1 ID and Subnet2 ID drop-down lists.

    Subnet1 ID and Subnet2 ID should be in different availability zones in the AWS region in which you are creating your deployment.

  14. Choose an Amazon EC2 Key Pair to use for your deployment's virtual network.
    • If the key pair exists, choose it from the drop-down list.
    • To create a key pair, click the Create New Key Pair button Create New Key Pair, type a name for the key pair, and click Create. See AWS documentation for more information on Amazon EC2 Key Pairs.
    • If you create key pairs outside of Cloud Builder, such as in AWS Management Console, while Cloud Builder is open, click the Refresh Key Pairs button Refresh Key Pairs to update the Key Pair list.
  15. Click Next to proceed to the Configure Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) page.
  16. Choose or upload the SSL certificate (.pfx) that is mapped to your domain.
    • If the SSL certificate exists in the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket in your account—for example, if you uploaded the certificate when you created another deployment—choose it from the SSL Certificate drop-down list.
    • If you need to upload your certificate, click the Upload New SSL Cert button Upload New SSL Cert, browse to the location on your local disk where the certificate file resides, type the password for your .pfx file, and click Create.
  17. If you chose the certificate from the SSL Certificate drop-down list, type the certificate's password in the SSL Certificate Password field.
  18. Choose or create an elastic load balancer for your site. Load balancers can be used for only one site. If all the load balancers in the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) list are in use, click the Create New ELB button Create New ELB, type a name, and click Create.
  19. In the Site Domain field, type the name of the domain that is specified in your SSL certificate. Click Validate to ensure you typed the correct domain.
  20. Click Next to proceed to the ArcGIS Credentials page.
  21. Type a user name and password for the ArcGIS Server primary site administrator. Type the password again in the Re-Enter Password field to ensure you typed the password you intended.

    The password for your primary site administrator must be at least eight alphanumeric characters. The password can also contain dots (.), underscores (_), and at symbols (@). The password cannot contain spaces.

  22. If your deployment uses EC2 instances running Windows, proceed to the next step. If your deployment uses EC2 instances running Ubuntu, proceed to step 23.
  23. Type a password for the Windows account that will be used to run the ArcGIS Server service account. The account name is always arcgis. Type the password again in the Re-Enter Password field to ensure you typed the password you intended.

    The ArcGIS Server service account follows Microsoft Windows password enforcement policies.

  24. Click Next to proceed to the next page.
  25. Provide information for the Amazon EC2 instances to be used in your site.
    1. Choose an instance type from the Instance Type drop-down list. The list contains only those types that are supported for use with an ArcGIS Server site, but you must have licensing appropriate for the number of cores present in the type you choose. Not all instance types are supported in all AWS regions. See the AWS calculator for information on specifications and pricing for each instance type. If no price is listed for an instance type in the selected region, that instance type is not available.
    2. In the Drive Size Root field, type the size you want, in GB, for the root drive on the ArcGIS Server instances.
    3. Choose how many EC2 instances you need for your ArcGIS Server site from the Number of ArcGIS Server Instances drop-down list.


      ArcGIS GeoEvent Server sites can contain only one instance.

    4. Every ArcGIS Server site uses a file server to store ArcGIS Server directories. Choose the EC2 instance type you want to use for this file server machine.
    5. In the File Server Drive Size Root field, type the size you want, in GB, for the root drive on the file server instance.
  26. Choose or upload your ArcGIS Server license. Be sure the license is correct for the ArcGIS Server role you chose to create and is for the same ArcGIS release as the release of Cloud Builder you are using.
    • If your ArcGIS Server license file already exists in the S3 deployment bucket in your account—for example, if you uploaded the file when you created another deployment—choose the license file from the license drop-down list.
    • If you need to upload the license file to the S3 deployment bucket, click the Upload New Server License button Upload New Server License, browse to the file on your local disk, and click Upload.
  27. If you are creating an ArcGIS GIS Server site or ArcGIS Image Server site, choose the location for the ArcGIS Server configuration store from the Configuration Store Type drop-down menu.
    • Cloud Store—If you need a highly available ArcGIS Server site, choose a cloud store for the configuration store. This option stores the configuration store in Amazon DynamoDB and S3.
    • File System—Choose a file system if you want the configuration store on an EC2 instance.

    ArcGIS GeoEvent Server sites always use a file system for their configuration stores.

  28. Type a name for the ArcGIS Web Adaptor in the Server Web Adaptor Name field.
  29. Click Next.

    If you included an enterprise geodatabase, the ArcGIS Enterprise Geodatabase Configuration Details page opens. Proceed to the next step. If you did not include an enterprise geodatabase, proceed to step 31.

  30. If you included an enterprise geodatabase with an ArcGIS GIS Server site, you can add the geodatabase as a managed database—which means data will be copied from your data source into the managed database when you publish feature services to the ArcGIS GIS Server site—or add the geodatabase as a registered database to store source data. For ArcGIS Image Server sites, always add the geodatabase as a registered database.
    • To include a managed database with an ArcGIS GIS Server site, choose true from the Is Managed drop-down list.
    • For ArcGIS Image Server sites or to add a registered database to an ArcGIS GIS Server site, choose false from the Is Managed drop-down list.
  31. Choose the type of Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) you want to use to store the geodatabase, the instance class and storage space available for the instance, and the version or engine version of the instance. Also provide a user name and password for the RDS master user.

    If your deployment is on Windows, you can choose Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for SQL Server, Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, or Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL-compatible edition). If your deployment is on Ubuntu, you can choose Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL or Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL-compatible edition).

    For more information on Amazon database services, see the AWS documentation.

  32. Click Next to proceed to the deployment summary.
  33. Review the deployment summary.
  34. When the summary information is correct, click Create.

    Do not close the deployment page or Cloud Builder until creation completes.

    Once deployment completes, you can view the deployment logs by clicking the log links. Log files are stored in location\Logs\Log in the directory where you extracted Cloud Builder. Error log files are stored in location\Logs\ErrorLog. Click Close to open a list of all your deployments.

When the site is created successfully, the deployment status shows Completed, and you can open ArcGIS Server Manager for the site by clicking the link for the deployment type. Sign in to Server Manager using the site administrator credentials you provided in step 21.